» English Essays and Papers
Symbols In The Rime Of The Anc
<view this essay>.... take place at any setting, but he chose a wedding. Why? A wedding is a very religious, very happy occasion. Weddings in and of themselves symbolize new beginnings and happiness. The reason that Coleridge decided to have this horrid tale told at a wedding could be for any number of reasons. I feel that the setting was chosen because of the new beginnings implied. As the Mariner tells his tale, the guest is held captive and when the story is done, the guest becomes essentially a new man and goes off to live the rest of his life. Had the tale taken place at a funeral, the heavy feeling of ending would have destroyed the symbolism of new beginnings. Endin .....
Number of words: 1461 | Number of pages: 6 |
Charley Skedaddle
<view this essay>.... Union army. He is inspired when he sees a
military parade and a friend of his brother, or so he
believes. That would be a perfect solution to his problems
at home and a way to punish those responsible for his
brother’s death. He had admired Johnny greatly and felt the
only answer was to sneak into the army. Charley could not
enlist because he was only 12 years old. He was determined
to be a hero like his brother.
Since Charley was too young to be a soldier he became a
drummer-boy for the army. He trained and worked hard to be a
good one. He may have been physically ready for his first
battle, but emotionally he was not. I don’t think he really
k .....
Number of words: 725 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Crucible 2
<view this essay>.... the burden is very heavy.
Elizabeth’s husband, John, is a religious man. He believes in God, but not the minister who preaches His word. John’s actions, though, are not so religious and devoid of sin. Abby, a young seductress, was able to gain his attention while Elizabeth was bedridden. A fiery and passionate affair scared his relationship with his wife. Elizabeth struggles with his infidelity. When Reverend Hale questions the couple on the commandments, it is evident that there is still a void between her and John. All commandments could be recited except for adultery. In the puritan culture, adultery is a grievous sin, one punishable by .....
Number of words: 785 | Number of pages: 3 |
Our Town
<view this essay>.... the apple tree, it was Eve, with her feminine lure, who was able to convince Adam to disobey Gods rules and eat the apple. Yet when God came to punish Adam for disobeying the rules, Adam pointed to Eve and blamed her for luring him into the sin of eating the apple. Yet in reality it was the serpent, which was the devil, that lured them into eating the apple. But of course Adam, being male had to blame Eve, the female. Which is typical male behavior to blame the woman, my sister says. In general men don’t take responsibility for their actions. Michealangelo has portrayed all this on the Sistienth Chapel. He has painted a picture that is portraying God pu .....
Number of words: 2015 | Number of pages: 8 |
Antigone By David Greene
<view this essay>.... I saw ruin,…" (p.168 l.203-204).
"I would not count any enemy of my country as a friend-" (p.168 l.205-206). He further
continues by stating "I will make her greater still" (p.168 l.210). In this last quote Creon
declares that he will improve the city (she) by his rulings. Creon describes how his
qualities make him a good ruler and how he would act in different situations.
Furthermore, Creon views himself a good leader because he believes he has the best
attributes and no one can compare to him. Creon shows his over-confidence when he
boasts of his role as the perfect ruler of Thebes.
In addition, Creon believe .....
Number of words: 760 | Number of pages: 3 |
Heart Of Darkness 8
<view this essay>.... He discovers disease ridden African workers awaiting their death. He also meets the Company's chief accountant. The accountant tells of Mr. Kurtz who is and agent who has sent more ivory back from the jungle than the other agents combined. Marlow becomes obsessed with Kurtz throughout the remainder of the story. Marlow arrives at the Company's Central Station, following a difficult 200-mile tramp. Upon arrival, he learns that the steamer he was supposed to command has been wrecked. He meets the local manager, who has no moral sensibility, only business sensibility. He mentions that Mr. Kurtz may be ill at his station upriver and that it is fundamental to reac .....
Number of words: 1211 | Number of pages: 5 |
Symbolism In "The Masque Of The Red Death"
<view this essay>.... the arrangement of the rooms from east to west is linear, representing the linear progression of life to death, and also strengthening the focus on man's mortality. Poe has extensive Biblical knowledge, which he frequently uses in this work. From this point one can recognize the Biblical significance of the number seven, particularly in the Book of Revelations, in which we see seven candlesticks, seals, angels, plagues, and stars among others. The tone of Revelations enforces the strength and uncontrollable certainty of mortality at the end of the tale, as well as implying the presence of a divine power of judgment without explicitly stating it. The interpret .....
Number of words: 563 | Number of pages: 3 |
Pardoners Tale
<view this essay>.... admits that the only thing he cares about is money: "I preach nothing except for gain" ("Pardoner's Tale", Line 105). In the Pardoner's tale, three friends begin a journey in order to murder Death. On their journey, though, an old man leads them to a great deal of treasure. At this point, all three of the friends in the tale display a greed similar to the Pardoner's. The three friends decide that someone should bring bread and wine for a celebration. As the youngest of the friend's leaves to go buy wine, the other two greedily plot to kill him so they can split the treasure only two ways. Even the youngest decides to "put it in his mind to buy poison, with w .....
Number of words: 676 | Number of pages: 3 |