» English Essays and Papers
Richard Swinburne's "The Problem Of Evil": God's Existence
<view this essay>.... in order to clarify those weaknesses one can look
at Steven M. Cahn's essay entitled "Cacodaemony." This essay parallels
Swineburne's, but states that an omniscient, omnipotent, omnimalevolent Demon
created the world. By looking at how weak the argument for cacodaemony is, one
can see how unlikely it is that the Demon exists and then can see that the
existence of God is just as unlikely.
In "The Problem of Evil", Swinburne says that an omniscient, omnipotent,
omnibenevolent Being created the world. If this were true, how can evil exist
in this world? If God consciously knew He was creating a world in which there
is evil, then He would not be omnibenevo .....
Number of words: 2085 | Number of pages: 8 |
<view this essay>.... specimen. Reverend Mr. Kiyoshi Tanimoto, a pastor of the Methodist was carrying some of his possessions to a rich man’s house in fear of the massive B-29 raid, which everyone expected to suffer.
Reverend Mr. Tanimoto
Mr. Tanimoto was a small man, quick to talk, laugh, and cry. His hair parted in the middle and rather long; the prominence of the frontal bones just above his eyebrows and the smallness of hi mustache, mouth, and chin gave him a strange, old-young look, boyish and yet wise, weak and yet fiery. He woke up a 5:00 because he could not sleep. He was worrying about his wife and kids, and a massive raid on their town. Mr. Tanimoto had studied theo .....
Number of words: 4466 | Number of pages: 17 |
Hawthorne's "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment": Reality Or Illusion
<view this essay>.... the
story was indeed a true testament of the powers of the magical water. The
first is rather evident and straight forward because it happens before a
single person even raises glass close to their lips. I am of course
referring to the fifty-five year old rose that was given to Dr. Heidegger
on the eve of his wedding by his bride to be. Heidegger places the rose in
the water so there could be proof of the mysterious water's power, but in
the same act of proving its power to his guests Hawthorne proves to us the
power of the water because when the rose regains life nobody was drunk or
had even attempted to drink the water. "The crushed and dried petals
stir .....
Number of words: 800 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Function Of Profanity In Modern English
<view this essay>.... discourse. Over the centuries, these words have changed, some
disappearing from the language altogether and some simply taking on new
meanings or functions. One wonders why, if these words were considered too
rude to be spoken, they were ever used, and consequently, how they remained
a fixture in a language known for its passing trends and short-lived
fashions. Could it be that these words were, and are, essential for
communication? Would the English language be as effective without these
words? Are efforts to repress them futile? Does the popularization of such
vocabulary create the need for new words with the same taboo status as the
original words? To .....
Number of words: 3807 | Number of pages: 14 |
Development Of Shakespeare
<view this essay>.... and the literary sources of his ideas. Through these, we can see how Shakespeare developed his personal style of writing and how he constructed his dramatic works.
The first of these factors, Shakespeare's use of words, shows a definite progression of skill as he wrote each play. In his early plays, he focused much on the sound and the "color" (Harrison 118) of his wording. His best writings were his comedies because the emotional involvement of this genre was low and so the flowery language fit in quite well. However, in his early tragedies, there are many drawn out speeches in which he tries to portray some deep passion of his character. Disappointingl .....
Number of words: 2209 | Number of pages: 9 |
It Is Human Nature To Strive For Success And Personal Achievement
<view this essay>.... to other countries. They then could go into other
countries and spread their influence and conquer. A perfect example of N+C=I!
You unify your country and create a sense of nationalism. Then you
give your subjects the desire for profit and personal gain. Mix that
together in a pot and you get a hearty bowl of Imperialism soup.
Back in the early 1900's, Germany, Europe and France were highly
imperialistic. There was one problem to there imperialistic minds. They
all wanted a piece of the same land. That land was Morocco. All three of
these countries wanted it, but only one of them could control it. This
created conflict between these countries. I .....
Number of words: 853 | Number of pages: 4 |
Cry Wolf
<view this essay>.... quartered, doused
with gasoline and set on fire, and, in some cases, left with their mouths wired
shut to starve (Begley 53). Convinced that they were a problem to be solved, U.S.
citizens gradually eradicated gray wolves from the lower 48 states over a period
of 25 years.
Today many people are convinced that the elimination of the gray wolf was not
only an error, but also a detriment to the quality of life in this country.
There has been a public outcry to rectify the situation created by the ignorance
of our ancestors. However, in seeking to address a situation created by the
human compulsion to control nature, it is crucial to discern how much human
interfe .....
Number of words: 2854 | Number of pages: 11 |
I Heard An Owl Call My Name
<view this essay>.... has no knowledge of it. The Bishop on the other hand knows everything about Mark's illness. He makes a decision to send Mark on a challenging mission. His goal there was to help the Indian tribe in every way possible. The Bishop’s ulterior motive was to help Mark grow as a person. He does not tell Mark about his illness because he wants him to get involved and attached to the Indians.
Mark meets new people and learns all about the Indian cultures, traditions, and rituals. He had to overcome many great difficulties in order to help and convert these proud, Kwakiutl native people. The old ones were unreligious while the young ones had little respect towar .....
Number of words: 492 | Number of pages: 2 |