» English Essays and Papers
The Roles Of I-330 And O-90
<view this essay>.... documents D-503’s gaining of a soul.
In the beginning of We, D-503 is satisfied with the life he is living in OneState. As a mathematician, OneState is perfectly suited for him. All daily events are scheduled to a certain time block in the day, the citizens have alphanumerical names, and OneState is attempting to create a law of ethics based on addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. He is a builder of the space shuttle, Integral, which will colonize other planets. D-503 spends his time with a woman referred to as O-90, or O. O-90 is D-503’s only girlfriend at the beginning of the story although O has two boyfriends. It is not .....
Number of words: 1117 | Number of pages: 5 |
Evil - By Edgar Alan Poe
<view this essay>.... way of trying to interpret what God wanted. He believed that his critics, including members of the church, had no right to tell him how they should live. This did not mean that he did not believe that people should do evil deeds and not get punished. Poe's belief was that the worst punishment came not from outside the person but from within a person's own subconscious thoughts (Grantz). Many of Poe's characters commit unspeakable evil acts, which are then counterbalanced by their own subconscious need to be free of the evil deeds that they have committed.
The first story we will examine is "The Black Cat". This story first appeared in the United St .....
Number of words: 1604 | Number of pages: 6 |
Sin And Virtue Used In Stephen
<view this essay>.... the interlaced themes of the sin and virtue.
Ironically, although "he disbelieved it and hated it," Crane simply "could not free himself from" the religious background that haunted his entire life (Stallman 5). His father, a well-respected reverend in New Jersey, advocated Bible reading and preached "the right way." Similarly, his mother, who "lived in and for religion," was influential in Methodist church affairs as a speaker and a journalist in her crusade against the vices of her sinful times (Stallman 5). This emotional frenzy of revival Methodism had a strong impact on young Stephen. Nonetheless, he -- falling short of his parents’ expectations o .....
Number of words: 790 | Number of pages: 3 |
Socrates Sides With Creon Or A
<view this essay>.... it when his own morals or views on justice conflict with the states. With this idea in mind, I feel that Socrates would also take the same actions as Antigone in Sophocles’s Antigone.
The story Antigone takes place in Thebes where Antigone’s uncle Creon is the temporary king until Antigone’s twin brothers Eteocles and Polyneices grow to an age where they can take over the thrown. when they became of age Creon was to choose one to take the throw. Polyneices thought that he would be king because he was the first born, but when Creon chose Eteocles to take the thrown. Polyneices was outraged and left Thebes and went to the neighboring city .....
Number of words: 1340 | Number of pages: 5 |
The Call Of The Wild - Symbolism
<view this essay>.... work in a way he doesn’t know too well about. He learns to fight and/or steal his food, if he didn’t , he would have starved to death. That is why Buck is portrayed as one who achieves full potential.
Mercedes portrays the absolute opposite to Buck. She represents all that is weak in a civilized society. She cannot live without her precious belongings like her clothes. A suitcase of clothes would have been suitable for the trip, but she cannot part with her clothes, so she brings almost all of them. She doesn’t know how to walk. When Charles and Hal ask her to get off the sled and hike along, she refuses and has to be carried off and dropped. When .....
Number of words: 556 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Decline Of Chivalry And Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
<view this essay>.... in this critique and reinforcement of feudalism. The poet uses the contrast between the Virgin Mary with Lady Bertilak's wife to point out the conflict between courtly and spiritual love that he felt had weakened the religious values behind chivalry. The poem warns that a loss of the religious values behind chivalry would lead to its ultimate destruction.
Although superficially Sir Gawain and the Green Knight appears to be a romantic celebration of chivalry, it contains wide-ranging serious criticism of the system. The poet is showing Gawain's reliance on chivalry's outside form and substance at the expense of the original values of the Christian rel .....
Number of words: 2354 | Number of pages: 9 |
Worn Path 2
<view this essay>.... individual versus society and the four problems that Phoenix faces as a result of this was her old age, her health, her grandson’s health and her state of poverty.
"Her eyes were blue with age. Her skin had a pattern
all its own of numberless branching wrinkles…" (paragraph 2).
This quotation was one of many indications of Phoenix Jackson’s old age. Normally, in society there are benefits for the elderly and those that often plagues people at an old age. There are various organizations that help people who are over the age of sixty-five. They also provide various services towards them such as meals on wheels. Was there not someone who cou .....
Number of words: 885 | Number of pages: 4 |
Odysseus The Hero
<view this essay>.... and his men are clearly away from the island, Odysseus brags about his exploit. Polythemus hears this and hurls giant boulders in the direction of the ship. A couple of the boulders came very close to sinking the ship. Still that was not enough for Odysseus. Carried away with his pride, he unwisely gave away his identity to Polythemus. Polythemus then called upon his father, Poseidon, to punish the man who had harmed him. Odysseus not only lost a few men, but also had a long miserable trip home.
Odysseus also had a weakness for the opposite sex. He enjoyed women. Circe and Calypso played big parts in showing Odysseus' weakness for women. He stayed with C .....
Number of words: 314 | Number of pages: 2 |