» English Essays and Papers
Cinderella - Grimm Version Vs. Traditional French Version
<view this essay>.... several differences between them. The first difference has to do with Cinderella's fairy godmother. In the French version, Cinderella has a fairy godmother who looks after her throughout the story. In the Grimm version of this story, however, there is no fairy godmother. Second, in the French version Cinderella had to be home by midnight. I feel that the entire outcome of the story was based on this. If she had not been in a hurry to get home by midnight, she would not have left her slipper behind, and the story would not have ended the way it did.
Another major difference between the two versions has to do with the type of person Cinderella is. I .....
Number of words: 1108 | Number of pages: 5 |
Hamlet 2
<view this essay>.... of entrance to a quarrel”, (I.iii.69) because he wants him to be safe. Polonius wants Laertes to stay out of trouble, and to be friendly with everyone he meets. Another point Polonius wants to make is that it is better to listen than to talk. “Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice” (I.iii.72). Polonius believes that it is better to listen too much than to talk too much, because sometimes people who talk too much get into trouble, and others don’t like them. Whereas, people who listen more than they talk rarely have others who don’t like them and they don’t get into much trouble. Another way Polonius tells Laertes to .....
Number of words: 617 | Number of pages: 3 |
Something Wicked This Way Comes
<view this essay>.... classic setting for something evil. At the climax of the story, Charles Halloway reads a passage from Shakespeare which says, "By the pricking of my thumbs, ."(p. 137) Again, this passage tells of an evil that is approaching. This sets an eerie mood to the story and hints the climax is starting. The reader is told of the evils coming, but there is not enough good in the townspeople for them to all realize the situation.
Throughout the story, Jim and Will, who are both around thirteen and are the main characters in the story, are the only people who understand the evil and try to fight it. When Mr.
Cougar nearly dies, the police do not believe .....
Number of words: 584 | Number of pages: 3 |
Victory Is Mine
<view this essay>.... stepped in when the children were taken away. When she had to attend different doctors' offices, the sister was right there with her holding her hand.
At this point, she realized the need for treatment. So she tried to get help, but just could not benefit from the programs. She learned that she was her only problem and had no one else to blame for what she had done to herself. She was the blame for her own shortcomings. She took the suggestion that were given to her: live and let live. now she has a new motto, which is to live her life one day at a time.
Finally, after getting treatment, she understood that she needed support. When she got out of treatment .....
Number of words: 472 | Number of pages: 2 |
Abigail Vs Hester
<view this essay>.... period, for which Abigail and Hester lived were almost the same, The Scarlet Letter takes place around the
1640s, while The Crucible occurs in 1692. The time period is very important in
pieces, because it is a time of religious intolerance and a conservative attitude pervades in New England, where Abigail and Hester lived. Both are startlingly similar in many ways. For one, both go through the same types of dilemmas, because they are both very much alone in their lives. Hester is shunned by society and lives on the outskirts of town. Abigail is an orphan, and considering she is never really part of a family, she probably
has a feeling of loneliness for .....
Number of words: 487 | Number of pages: 2 |
Things Fall Apart By Chinua Ac
<view this essay>.... was deeply saddened when he was killed. One can see the effects on Okonkwo from that event. First Okonkwo was unable to sleep for the following three days. He also kept on getting drunk, and that was a sign that he was depressed. This incident also had a long-term effect on Okonkwo. From then on his family would look at him as if it were his fault that Ikemefuma is dead. This episode can be seen as an event where Okonkwo looses some faith from his family. This corresponds to Okonkwo loosing faith in his father.
Another important occurrence where one can see that Okonkwo’s life falls apart was when he was thrown out of the clan for a few years. From this .....
Number of words: 488 | Number of pages: 2 |
An In-depth Analysis Of Diggin
<view this essay>.... (62). It is this attitude that strikes fear into the lower class citizens, causing them to refrain from speaking out against their oppressors. Instead they are encouraged to "speak well of the law…and leave the law to take care of itself." (68). The fact is, that the blackened hearts of the aristocracy saw capital punishment as a convenience, rather than justice. The guillotine "cleared off (as to this world) the trouble of each particular case, and left nothing else with it to be looked after" (62). This negative light that the ruthless use of capital punishment casts upon the rulers of France is exactly what Dickens had intended.
When the revolu .....
Number of words: 545 | Number of pages: 2 |
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