» Economy and Money Essays and Papers
<view this essay>.... funding.
One of the most important reasons why casinos are a good thing is the
fact that a number of jobs are created. In the past three years casinos have
created nearly 43,0001 jobs directly and indirectly. With today's job market,
these jobs are greatly needed to help keep the unemployment rate down. There is
really no negative side to creating jobs for the people of Ontario.
From past years it can be noted that Ontario casinos are taking in great
amounts of money annually. Casino Rama in Orillia took in 366.1 million2 last
year and Casino Niagara had revenues of approximately 650.0 million3. Of those
amounts the government will take two to four pe .....
Number of words: 749 | Number of pages: 3 |
How Well Did The English Exchequer Function In The Twelfth Century?
<view this essay>.... to his
`scholar'. Richard also presents himself as a well educated and intelligent man
through his grasp of Latin and his quotations from Biblical and classical texts
as well as alluding to philosophy through his talk of logic.
The interesting proposition therefore is who was interested in such a
complicated text and why was it produced. The system of the Exchequer was a
complex one that would have been understood by few at the time. By attempting
to describe this system in a way that presents it as equitable, it could have
convinced the Barons and others paying taxes of the validity and fairness of a
system of which they would have had little compre .....
Number of words: 1011 | Number of pages: 4 |
Heavy Weather At American Airlines
<view this essay>.... Boeing. American says that having to pay higher pilot salaries and buy new
aircraft makes it an uneconomical investment, in other words they can not do
both and still stay in business. A strike could even threaten a purposed
alliance with British Airways. American in not alone though. With industry
profits on the constant rise, employees of other airlines are pushing for higher
pay also, but undeniably American is in the worst position right now.
It looks to me like the pilots were not very happy with the decision to
purchase new aircraft from Boeing back in November when it was first voted on.
It seems as though instead of purchasing new aircraft the pilot .....
Number of words: 586 | Number of pages: 3 |
What I Understand From Term "Development"
<view this essay>.... of less than one
fifth of the level of those in the US are considered 'undeveloped'.
The definition is very similar to explanation of wealth and poverty. It also
suggests the balance of power between the two countries which are at different
stages of development.
This definition of development is not totally agreeable because it is
quitecommon for a country's national income to grow quite substantially without
benefiting the poor sections of the country as much as the rich. In fact further
development could elevate poverty. This approach emphasises development now
became a synonym for social improvement and could only be measured by the extent
to which .....
Number of words: 264 | Number of pages: 1 |
Collective Farms Of The Soviet Union
<view this essay>.... industrialization. Basically, this
meant the conversion of Russia from a state of tradesmen and family farms,
in which communism seemed implausible, to one of huge factories and large,
efficient farms. In theory, industrialization would increase the number and
hence the strength of the proletariat as a class, thwart an already
staunchly anticommunist world, and fulfill Marx's promise of material
wealth following the revolution. The idea of industrialization as the means
to true socialism never occurred to Lenin. He assumed, at least initially,
that communism could would and should exist in the pre revolutionary way of
Before Stalin came to pow .....
Number of words: 1866 | Number of pages: 7 |
Increasing Shareholder Wealth
<view this essay>.... the
highest possible wages and benefits.
Because of this somewhat adversarial relationship, corporations and
labor have developed strategies to strengthen their positions. One of Labor's
main defenses is to organize in unions. The existence of unions can be an
effective method of gaining a position of strength, especially when dealing with
power corporations. Depending on the size of the corporation, they might have
the power to employ methods which are difficult for the workers to prevent or
One tactic used by corporations to reduce labor costs is the utilization
of �sweatshop� labor. A sweatshop is a manufacturing facility that operates .....
Number of words: 1375 | Number of pages: 5 |
Employee Assistance Programs
<view this essay>.... help in identifying a troubled worker. The two
largest problems in the workplace today are drug/alcohol abuse and the stressful
effects of downsizing. Many researchers today believe that drug/alcohol abuse
is responsible for most modern-day EAP's.
According to The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependance, 25
percent of all hospitalized patients have alcohol related problems. Alcohol is
involved in 47 percent of all industrial accidents and half of all auto
fatalities. The cost totals 86 billion dollars per year due to decreased
productivity, treatment programs, accidents, crime and law enforcement.
Although it is most costly at the top alcohol .....
Number of words: 1572 | Number of pages: 6 |
Advertising Analysis
<view this essay>.... drink out in the heat. The advertiser are not being 100% truthful to their audience. Consuming coca cola accually increases the thurst of people if they were on that hot dune, not to forget how hot and adhesive the liquid really is, when they are pouring the drink on eachother. The advertisement last for an estimate of 30 seconds. The advertisers created this advertisement very carefully because they filled the action of the scene with the feeling of a need for coca cola (their product). This ad made the view more entertaining as it interupted the regular program being displayed at the time. Techniques of repetion did occur fore they had the same adver .....
Number of words: 1044 | Number of pages: 4 |