» English Essays and Papers
To Kill A Mockingbird -
<view this essay>.... have never seen
Mr. Nathan Radley:
The stern, distant brother of Boo who seldom speaks even though he is seen every day.
Heck Tate:
The sheriff, who is also good friends with the Finches
Tom Robinson:
A hard-working Negro man who is accused of a crime against Mayella Ewell
Bob Ewell:
The irresponsible and disgraceful father of a brood of children, who receives welfare checks and uses them for alcohol
Mayella Violet Ewell:
Bob Ewell's daughter, who later accuses Tom Robinson of attacking her
Reverend Sykes:
A Negro minister who takes care of Scout and Jem during the trial.
Chapters 1-7
The beginning of chapter one opens up .....
Number of words: 3149 | Number of pages: 12 |
<view this essay>.... know we all exist and live? Philip Dick causes us to contemplate on this issue, how exactly do we know we are "alive" and not androids. There is no truth in this world. Life is a play and everyone plays a part. "What foundations do we construct our realities and truths? We are what we make of the world through what we see in our eyes" (Saini 1). In other words, we believe what we see because we see it. "Blade Runner also predicts the likely of our future" (Timberman 3). Blade Runner offers a futuristic look of how Earth will be infested with drugs, sex, and violence. After every assignment, will Rick Deckard have empathy on androids and lose his touch .....
Number of words: 1217 | Number of pages: 5 |
Ethan Frome
<view this essay>.... her mocking and nagging of Hester. Throughout the novel she sometimes seemed to her mother as almost a witch baby (Matthiessen 104). She is a baffling mixture of strong emotions with a fierce temper and a capacity for evil. With Pearl, Hester’s life became one of constant nagging, and no joy. The child could not be made amenable to rules. Hester even remarks to herself, "Oh Father in heaven – if thou art still my father – what is this being which I have brought into the world" (Hawthorne 89)? Pearl would harass her mother Piyasena/Pine 2 over the scarlet "A" she wore. In time, Hester was subjected to so much ridicule from Pearl and others th .....
Number of words: 1179 | Number of pages: 5 |
Comment Paper On Everything Th
<view this essay>.... ‘I see we have the bus to ourselves.” This allows the reader to assume that Julian’s mother is prejudice, and was most likely raised in that time era. A good example O’Conner uses to explain Julian is found on page 208. It states, “Most miraculous of all, instead of being blinded by love for her as she was for him, he had cut himself emotionally free of her and could see her with complete objectivity. He was not dominated by his mother.” It is safe to assume Julian is a depressed son, who is perturbed with his mother and her old ways of life.
Complications begin to arise after the reader has a good feel on who the .....
Number of words: 839 | Number of pages: 4 |
The Odyssey
<view this essay>.... belongs to Kyklopes and take what they need. When Kyklopes catches them, Odysseus give him wine in hopes that he will pass out. Then Odysseus tells the Cyclopes that his name is “Nohbdy”. While Cyclopes is unconscious on the ground Odysseus stabs him in the eye and runs to the ship with his men. The Cyclopes tries to get help from his brothers but he is not successful because he yells, “Nohbdy has hurt me!” Odysseus shows his hubris after he has safely left the shores by saying, “Puny, am I, in a Caveman’s hands? How so you like the beating that we gave you, you damn cannibal?” (Ody IX 520) Since the Cyclopes is Poseidon’s son and Odysseus shows hubris about .....
Number of words: 859 | Number of pages: 4 |
Jack London
<view this essay>.... London was forced to leave school at the age of fourteen and find work. He labored for several years as a cannery worker, a longshoreman and as a nocturnal scavenger of San Francisco Bay, becoming the self-styled "Prince of the Oyster Pirates." In his spare time, he attempted to further his education by reading the works of Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx, Rudyard Kipling, Friedrich Nietzche, and others. He joined the Klondike gold rush or 1898, returning to San Francisco penniless, but with a wealth of memories which provided the raw material for his first stories. Jack London fought his way up out of the factories and waterfront dives of West Oakland t .....
Number of words: 1000 | Number of pages: 4 |
Iliad As A Dictate Of The Fath
<view this essay>.... the father determines the values and behavior of the heroes in the Iliad.
Throughout the Iliad the warriors are identified by their genealogy. The first line begins, “Sing, goddess, the anger of Peleus’ son Achilleus…” (1, 1). With the opening we see how important the father’s name is in describing the identity of the hero. The same occurs in the lines to follow, “…Atreus’ son the lord of men…” (1, 7). In this line the name Agamemnon is not even mentioned, even though it introduces the hero for the first time. The fact that he is the son of Atreus provides enough information for the audience. Genealogy has the power to cease battle between enemies. Such .....
Number of words: 2272 | Number of pages: 9 |
<view this essay>.... with her daughter in a haunted house.
When Paul D, a former slave and friend of Sethe returns, the ghost, Sethe's murdered child, is not finally successful in drivig him away, so she disappears herself. -- Cultural Milieu "" is based on an ex-slave that is living with the haunting memories of her past. The book tells of Sethe's desire to kill her children rather than to have her and them
returned to slavery. She did not want to see them have to experience the same evils that
she and her husband had experienced at the hands of her former owner Schoolteacher.
Sethe knew that the beatings, raping, and abuse of her and her people was wrong and she
would have r .....
Number of words: 1351 | Number of pages: 5 |