» English Essays and Papers
To Build A Fire
<view this essay>.... a crazy and savage idea to warm them up. The story reads, “He would kill the dog, and bury his hands in the warm body until the numbness went out of them. Then he could build another fire...” That idea is a perfect example of his turn to bestiality. When the man tries to carry out this insane idea, the dog demonstrates his lean towards human characteristics.
Another example how the man is beginning to move and act like an animal. It reads, “After some manipulation he managed to get the bunch between the heels of his mittened hands. In this fashion he carried it to his mouth...” At this point, the man’s hands are so cold th .....
Number of words: 580 | Number of pages: 3 |
From Dirt To Duchess
<view this essay>.... he boasted that he could turn her into a lady. He helped the transformation of Eliza into a lady by pushing her to the brink of exhaustion during her studies of the English Language. This made her stronger physically, but made her resent him. Also, his teachings helped shape her into that of a duchess.
Another person responsible for the changes in Eliza was Mrs. Pierce. Her involvement was more with Eliza’s appearance, rather than her personality. It was Mrs. Pierce who bathed Eliza that first day and it was Mrs. Pierce who kept her appearance refined. She picked out the clothes and made sure she ate correctly. In some ways, Mrs. Pierce was like a .....
Number of words: 400 | Number of pages: 2 |
Comparing Henry David Thoreau And Herman Melville's Writings
<view this essay>.... to transcend the story line and expostulate
his own philosophies. In contrast, Thoreau, wrote from an autobiographical
standpoint revealing his own internal conflicts with mans struggle against
nature. In, Walden - A life in the Woods, Thoreau reveals his mental and
spiritual beliefs through a personal journey in which he strives to become in
tune with n ature, working not to be victorious over these universal forces, but
rather to participate in harmony with nature, in tern exposing love and truth.
Both authors attempt to analyze all aspects of nature and its relevance
to human life. They explore the powers and influences of nature over mankin .....
Number of words: 1704 | Number of pages: 7 |
The Plague By Albert Camus
<view this essay>.... into large masses and burned. Soon after there were some people that got very sick, which made Mr. Rieux very curious. These reports of these ill people and the death of the rats were the beginning of the parallelism for this story. Since Bernard was a doctor he was the first to actually attempt to help one of these sick people. Michael was his first patient in this matter. He was the sickest person that the doctor had ever seen. Michael was pale white and vomited often, he hurt so much from the vomiting that he seemed paralyzed. Mr. Rieux tried to help the man the best that he could, but he ended up dying. Michael was the first person to die of this illness .....
Number of words: 498 | Number of pages: 2 |
Greek Gods And Mythology
<view this essay>.... need and what they must have in their gods"(Hamilton 13). If mortals did not obey the gods, they were punished. If a man were to say that he was better, in some way, than Zeus, then he would probably be struck down with a lightning bolt. People also had their way of worshipping the gods. They did this by erecting statues of a particular god or by going to the oracle, fortuneteller, of that god.
On the other hand, ancient myths were not only accounts of religion, they were also explanations of natural phenomenon. Some gods represented aspects of nature. Mythology was a form of science. "It is an explanation of something in nature; how, for instance, any .....
Number of words: 1877 | Number of pages: 7 |
“The Many Meanings Of The Myth Of Icarus”
<view this essay>.... eventually do melt and he plummets to death in the ocean.
Many writers have written poems expressing their feelings about the myth of Icarus. In “Icarus” Edward Field puts a 90’s spin on the myth. He is saying that the worst part is not the actual death but the fact that he failed, “Only the feathers floating around the hat showed that anything more spectacular has occurred.” In “To A Friend Who’s Work Has Come To Triumph” Anne Sexton has put a women’s touch on the myth. She is saying do not look at the fact that he failed, look at the difference he made by trying, “Think of the difference it made!”
The Myth of Icarus can also be seen by an artist’s standpo .....
Number of words: 356 | Number of pages: 2 |
<view this essay>.... the goddess Hera who
had pity on the dying Achaians. Achilleus a leader even before his time of
greatness spoke up for his people against the son of Atreus saying "I believe
now that straggling backwards we must make our way home if we can even
escape death, if fighting now must crush the Achaians and the plague
likewise". Agamemnon who claims himself as the far greatest of all the
Achaians shows fear to Achilleus by calling him a "good fighter though you
be, godlike ".
By defeating Agamemnon Achilleus proves to be the greatest Achaian
soldier and the most respected because he stood up to Agamemnon the
"wine sack, w .....
Number of words: 322 | Number of pages: 2 |
The Tapestry
<view this essay>.... upper room, your ears are met with the melodious sounds of the family-like youth worship team. The unity of the team is so abundant, it makes people long to be a part of it. As you survey the whole group from the rear of the monstrous room, you are showered with a sound of extreme organization of musical tones.
Moving a little closer reveals a visual and technical organization within the group. To the right, eyes and ears are blessed by the ivory keys of the large hi-tech keyboard, and with the beauty of a precious female voice. On the left, sounds of two male voices mixing with the strings of a few guitars. At the feet of the guitarists, two small monit .....
Number of words: 702 | Number of pages: 3 |