» English Essays and Papers
The Yellow Wallpaper 3
<view this essay>.... a great annoyance to Jane; she claims that it is confusing and contradicting. Because her disease confuses her mind and contradicts her logic, the paper parallels her mental state at this point. Desperately attempting to unravel the
mystery she imagines in the wallpaper, she becomes obsessed with deciphering its meaning. As her illness progresses, she begins to hallucinate and finally concludes that there is a woman trapped within that “pointless pattern.” Jane knows that she is the only
one who can see the woman and, therefore, the woman’s only chance of freedom.
Slowly detaching from reality, Jane becomes the woman within the paper n .....
Number of words: 352 | Number of pages: 2 |
Great Expectations
<view this essay>.... love is. The dictionary defines love as a "strong affection or liking for someone or something."(Encarta 1) However, it goes much deeper than that. Love transcends passion or reason. It is a "surge of emotion and feeling from the depths of your body and soul to make you exuberant or sad, strong or weak, bold or trembling."(Sclossberg 1) It is being able to put out your whole life for the well being of somebody else. "Love drives you to share or sacrifice everything you are…or ever hope to be."(Sclossberg 1) True love is unconditional. It is an unexplainable phenomenon. This love, this supreme happiness, is to a very large extent an illusion in itse .....
Number of words: 928 | Number of pages: 4 |
Good Peoples Country
<view this essay>.... responsibility for acts of free will in the absence of certain knowledge of what is right or wrong. Nihilism is a viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless. In Good Country People the existentialismt is Hulga and the nihilist is Manly Porter. In Cat’s Cradle the existentialismt is Julian Castle and the nihilist is Newt Hoeniker.
In Good Country People, Manly Porter, the nihilist, robs Hulga, the existentialismt. Manly, who appears to be an honest hardworking man, who sells bibles, want to have dinner with Hulga. Hulga agrees to meet Manly because she wants to use him for a test subject in .....
Number of words: 749 | Number of pages: 3 |
Of Mice And Men
<view this essay>.... has not been given a name. Candy has become old, and without his hand is next to useless.
George is a typical migrant worker. He’s not particularly strong, but he’s smart and good at his job. The difference between him and the rest of the workers is that he has someone to call a friend. Lennie is the opposite of George in every physical way. He’s much taller and better built, and consequently an amazing worker. Unfortunately for him and George he is not very intelligent. George enjoys going to brothels, getting drunk and generally wasting his money. Lennie adores animals and he likes to pet them. He forgets how strong he is and usually kills them. They both .....
Number of words: 1218 | Number of pages: 5 |
The Count Of Monte Cristo 2
<view this essay>.... out as him being a sailor, aboard the Pharaon; he’s soon to become captain of the ship. Monsieur Morrel is the name of the owner of the Pharaon and a great friend of Dantes. He treats Edmond with great respect. There’s also a little special lady in Dantes life, the beautiful and wonderful Mercedes. A dream job and a dream wife, who could possibly want more?
His dream soon becomes shattered by three of his enemies, Danglars, Fernand, and Caderousse. As these three people plot against Edmond, he is about to become married to the beautiful Mercedes. On his wedding day, his betrothal feast was interrupted when the police came barging through the .....
Number of words: 1021 | Number of pages: 4 |
Heart Of Darkness
<view this essay>.... images of black and white have the usual connotations of evil and good. These pigments are found throughout the entire book. Ironically, although black, the native Africans seem to represent a sort of good by doing what they feel is right. On the other hand, the white foreigners carry themselves with some kind of evil as they exploit the great kindness of the blacks. I guess you could say that the white men were filled with a black hatred inside. Another example is found when Marlow enters the Belgian company’s office. Sitting in the office are two women dressed almost completely in black. Marlow is no beginning to understand the seriousness of the jour .....
Number of words: 1001 | Number of pages: 4 |
Noras Pride
<view this essay>.... child Trovald becomes ill. Doctors say that he will not live unless he goes abroad immediately. Nora takes it upon herself and borrows two hundred and fifty pounds from a money leader named Krogstad. She was dishonest with Trovald and said her father gave it to her. It was illegal because she forged her dying fathers signature on the document.
Nora was unlike most women of her time period. Most women would be afraid to do the things Nora did. In the end of the play A Dolls House after the truth has been discovered about Nora she makes a very courageous decision. It was not heard of for a woman to leave her family , but Nora did. She did this because she .....
Number of words: 499 | Number of pages: 2 |
Adults Of The Bell Jar
<view this essay>.... Cee, Mrs. Willard, and Philomena Guinea are characterized as archetypes and therefore very limiting. Jay Cee is portrayed as hyper, abrupt and she speaks, “waspishly” (29). She is smart and talented but she is ugly. Philomena Guinea, on the other hand, says that she was stupid at college and is always described as being surrounded by beautiful things. The beauty that Esther sees as the binary opposite of ugly seems to have been acquired through her “millions and millions of dollars” (38). Jay Cee has “brains, so her plug-ugly looks [don’t] seem to matter” (5). But, Philomena has money so nothing else matter .....
Number of words: 1374 | Number of pages: 5 |