» English Essays and Papers
Mark Twain
<view this essay>.... regional dialect like in "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County", was more pleasing for the public to read and was also more towards their standards of reading. His knowledge and use of local dialect, and his life experiences in the heart of America helped make his literature be "American" and helped create the American experience.
Twains humor in his stories was used partly because it was his way of writing but also because during those times America was going through great tribulation and was in need of relief from the Civil war. Through humor he eased the pains of America and also made himself a popular literary figure of the time. In the story " .....
Number of words: 496 | Number of pages: 2 |
<view this essay>.... like this they are very carefree about how they go about with life. The only thing that they want to do is be happy. They were very free, moving about doing whatever they wanted, but a cloud was settling over them. This cloud was entrapment. Most of the story is about how the characters struggled to keep their freedoms over the entrapments. It also touches upon other characters from other stories by paralleling Jimmy to Eveline. "After the Race" is a story in which the ideas of freedom and entrapment are tested and joined as one to prove the overall archetype in of paralysis and death. Freedom can be seen throughout this story. Each character presents their .....
Number of words: 2947 | Number of pages: 11 |
A Lesson Before Dying
<view this essay>.... and move to the scrub of Northern Florida. The MacIveys experience many troubles and learn many new things during their stay in the scrub, such as meeting Indians, that will turn out to influence their life greatly. Other experiences included Tobias being recruited by Marshall Adler to drive cattle to the confederate troops and also being recruited to chop trees to build walls of defense for the confederate forces. During the excursion to chop down trees, confederate deserters raided Emma and Zech and burned down their house. Tobias and Emma made the decision that the war was getting to close to the scrub, and that moving South would be a good idea. The M .....
Number of words: 1584 | Number of pages: 6 |
To Kill A Mockingbird 4
<view this essay>.... Academy Award (‘Oscar’). Harper Lee soon returned to Alabama, where she leads a solitary life, avoiding contact with media.
The novel, written in the first-person form describes life in a small town in the American South (Maycomb County, Alabama) in the thirties, as seen through the eyes of the narra-tor, a young girl, Jean-Louise ‘Scout’ Finch. At the beginning, Scout is six years old. She is the daughter of the local lawyer, Atticus Finch, has a ten-year old brother, Jeremy ('Jem'), and is somewhat of a tomboy. Their mother died when Scout was two. Their servant Cal-purnia, a black lady, is treated as a member of the family. Atticus Fi .....
Number of words: 1089 | Number of pages: 4 |
Grapes Of Wrath And Jim Casy
<view this essay>.... Casy, however, was much more complex than the average individual. His unpredjudiced, unified, Christ-like existence twists and turns with every mental and extraneous disaccord.
Jim Casy is an interesting, complicated man. He can be seen as a modern day Christ figure, except without the tending manifest belief in the Christian faith. The initials of his name, J.C., are the same as Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus was exalted by many for what he stood for was supposed to be , Casy was hailed and respected by many for simply being a preacher. Casy and Jesus both saw a common goodness in the average man and saw every person as holy. Both Christ and Casy faced str .....
Number of words: 2487 | Number of pages: 10 |
Adventures On The Rapids
<view this essay>.... Fleeing from the van was like jumping from a burning building.
Bathing suits on, sunblock applied, strength in tact, we were set. Waiting for the moment when we were able to jump into the raft, and head down stream. Savoring our feet splashing in the chilly water. What we didn't know, was what the day was about to become, and how it could have changed our lives forever. Less than two hours from now, we would know.
I was assigned to a raft with my brother, my friend, and the river guide. The adults went in another. About an hour after we left, we made our first stop; an enormous rock midstream. We sat there for several minutes hopped back into the raft a .....
Number of words: 500 | Number of pages: 2 |
The Awakening
<view this essay>.... says words that define , "I don't want anything but my own way. That is wanting a good deal, of course, when you have to trample upon the lives, the hearts, the prejudices of others - but no matter..."
As the book begins, Edna is a married woman who seems vaguely satisfied with her life. However, she cannot find true happiness. Her "awakening" begins when a persistent young man named Robert begins courting her. Edna begins to respond to him with a passion she hasn't felt before. She begins to realize that she can play roles other than wife and mother.
Throughout the book Edna takes many steps to increase her independence. She sends her children away, she re .....
Number of words: 747 | Number of pages: 3 |
Paradise Lost 2
<view this essay>.... the body and soul, almost a form of existensionalism or physical cosmos with a geography.
'All things are subject to the Mind... It measures in one thought the whole circumference of heaven and by the same line it takes the geography of the earth. The seas, the air, the fire all things of either, are within the comprehension of the mind. It has an influence on them all, whence it lakes all that may be useful, all that may be helpful in government. No limitation is prescribed to it, no restriction is upon it, but in a free scope it has a liberty upon all. And in this liberty is the excellence of the mind; in this power and composition of the mind is perf .....
Number of words: 4762 | Number of pages: 18 |