» English Essays and Papers
The Name Of The Rose
<view this essay>.... in Europe burns to the ground, much like the martyrs it exalted.
Instead of seeing the deaths for what they are (just random acts, committed by several people, not one depraved person, but individual curious ones) William goes on wild goose chases, i.e. trying to find Adelmo’s murderer before realizing that it was a suicide. He looks for evidence that simply is not there, then finding the next real clue, usually a body, searches in vain for what he wants to be the truth. Blinded by what he thinks is true, instead of what is right in front of his face, he searches and searches not judging by ’names’ so much as placing the wrong meaning on .....
Number of words: 541 | Number of pages: 2 |
Beowulf Vs. Grendal
<view this essay>.... reader know how contrasting characters can develop the plot of the story.
Grendal is known as a monster and portrays one of the many villains in the poem. He is referred to as the "guardian of his sins". Grendal depicts a heathen the physical image of man estranged from God. Basically, Grendal reflects a physical monster, an ogre who is hostile to humanity. Grendal’s constant visits to Hrothgar’s mead hall for bloody feasts made him feel powerful over God’s humanity. Unfortunately, the night Beowulf lies in wait for him, he assumes that his bloody feasts will continue and Grendal gives no attention to his method of attack. Grendal is then killed. .....
Number of words: 562 | Number of pages: 3 |
Great Expectations
<view this essay>.... in at once
stimulating and baffling the curiosity of his readers. He stirred
the dullest minds to guess the secret of his mystery; but, so far as
I have learned, the guesses of his most intellectual readers have
been almost as wide of the mark as those of the least apprehensive.
It has been all the more provoking to the former class, that each
surprise was the result of art, and not of trick; for a rapid review
of previous chapters has shown that the materials of a strictly
logical development of the story were freely given. Even after the
first, second, third, and even fourth of these surprises gave their
pleasing electric shocks to .....
Number of words: 1381 | Number of pages: 6 |
The Book Elements Of Style By
<view this essay>.... of writing and White tends to talk about the presentation of the writing, it comes together to make the book complete.
From the book I have learned some things about writing that I did not know, but I have also refreshed my memory on some things that I already knew. Strunk states that we should form the possessive singular of nouns by adding 's. This shows that a noun is owned by a another noun. Placing a comma before a conjunction introducing an independent clause. If there is a comma placed in the middle of a sentence before a word, such as and or but, there are two separate clauses in that sentence. When the comma is reached the second clause has the .....
Number of words: 482 | Number of pages: 2 |
On Revenge And Medea
<view this essay>.... after they have been wronged, to believe that "no man does evil just for the sake of evil" annihilates any complete sense of credibility that Bacon’s thoughts imply. The author’s aspirations of the seeking of revenge solely as a means of retribution for oneself, and not to satisfy the evil within the human soul, is a beautiful and idealistic hope which belongs in some earthen utopia. Unfortunately, it has no bearing on the modern world. Though the beliefs of Bacon expressed in "On Revenge" fulfill the traits of characters such as Medea, they neglect the human thrive for meaningless vengeance in characters such as Shakespeare’s Iago.
Euripides’s Medea uses the t .....
Number of words: 1063 | Number of pages: 4 |
Foreshadowing And Foretelling
<view this essay>.... plot of his book. In chapter nine, Nick begins to recall the past and relive his old memories. His must relieve his lingering thoughts of the past. During the chapter, Nick uses a flashback to tell about Gatsby's funeral for the readers to know what happen the day Gatsby was shot. Flashback in The Great Gatsby also helps to give the reader background information about the characters. In The Great Gatsby, the structure of the novel is influenced by foreshadowing and flashback. Fitzgerald utilizes foreshadowing to the best of its ability to help organize the novel. "Luckily the clock took this moment to tilt dangerously at the pressure of his head, whereupon he .....
Number of words: 1119 | Number of pages: 5 |
Eating Gilbert Grape
<view this essay>.... in answering, which irritates Becky. Forced to speak, the words that come out of his mouth are - "a new house for his family, for Mama Grape to take aerobics classes, a new brain for Arnie (his disabled brother) and for Ellen to grow up". Becky admires this, but she prompts him, "What do you want for you." This shows the true kindness of Gilbert, he wants so much, and cares so much for other people, he forgets about himself. Gilbert's 'wants' started from wanting for his family, then his mother, Arnie, Ellen and we get the impression the list would have continued 'wanting' for other people, had Becky not interrupted.
Gilbert's good nature is apparent fr .....
Number of words: 894 | Number of pages: 4 |
Eudora Welty: Her Life And Her Works
<view this essay>.... to observe created her talent to precisely tell
situations as they would be seen. This talent brings her stories to life. The
in-depth accounts that she writes of jump off of the page and into the readers'
imagination. The descriptive passages in her fiction bring about vibrant images
in the readers' mind.
The short story "A Memory" opens up with a clear visual image. "The
water shone like steel, motionless except for the feathery curl behind a distant
swimmer. From my position I was looking through a rectangle brightly lit,
actually glaring at me with sun, sand, water, a little pavilion, a few solitary
people in fixed attitudes, and around it all a borde .....
Number of words: 1231 | Number of pages: 5 |