» Science Essays and Papers
The Effects Of Foreign Species Introduction On An Ecosystem
<view this essay>.... When this occurs, the native species disappear and the
biodiversity in the ecosystem is reduced. The carrying capacity is also reduced
because the ecosystem will not be capable of supporting the same amount of life.
If one species hogs the food and does not contribute itself to the food chain,
the balance is disrupted and there will be less available for the native species.
Once the new species has found its ecological niche however, balance begins to
restore itself.
When the biodiversity in the ecosystem is reduced, the ability of the
ecosystem to grow, or the biotic potential, is as well reduced. More species
residing in an ecosystem which depend on e .....
Number of words: 643 | Number of pages: 3 |
An End To Genetic Diseases
<view this essay>.... discovered that one of them is more "dominant," and shows up over the other, recessive, one (Brown 16). He published his results, but their significance was not understood at the time. "Sixteen years after his death, three people believed to have the key. Looking for other results to verify the ideas, they came across Mendel's results" (14). Their data agreed, and with this a new science was born - the science of Genetics (15). Due to modern medicine, such as antibiotics and rehabilitation, many genetic diseases have been allowed to survive. In nature, these diseases would not have survived to the extent that they do now. Advances in science and medic .....
Number of words: 4314 | Number of pages: 16 |
Mental Illness
<view this essay>.... of trepanning performed on them. The process of trepanning is simply the surgical procedure of creating a hole in the skull. Scientists believe that this procedure was done in order to let out the evil spirits which doctors thought possessed the mentally ill of this time. The literature of ancient Greece also contains evidence of the belief that evil spirits or demons controlled the mentally ill. Not only the Greeks believed in the evil spirit theory, writings from the early Babylonian, Egyptian, and Chinese civilizations have also shown evidence that was believed to be a possession by demons-using beatings, restraint, and starvation to try to drive out .....
Number of words: 1114 | Number of pages: 5 |
Could Air Pollution Have A Negative Impact On Water Quality?
<view this essay>.... �big brothers� are the government agencies such as EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), and MDEQ (State of Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.)
The EPA is an agency that deals with the protection of human health and safe guard of the natural environment, air, water, and land, which are important element for life to depend on. The agency�s principle is to protect all Americans from significant risks to human and environment where they live, learn and work. It tries to reduce environmental risk nationally. Its federal laws are enforced fairly and effectively to protect human and environment. Environmental policy is based upon the concern for nat .....
Number of words: 2630 | Number of pages: 10 |
Comparison Of Prokaryotic And Eukaryotic Cells
<view this essay>.... the Greek �eu� meaning true, and �karyon� referring to the nucleus. This means the eukaryotic cells have �true� membrane-bound nuclei. Both plant and animal cells have a membrane-bound nucleus; hence, they are grouped as eukaryotic cells. The nucleus plays the same role and has the same structure in both plant and animal cells. You can see that the nucleus is present in both animal and plant cells by examining figure A and figure B.
Although the nucleus itself remains similar among both plant and animal cells, one difference lies in the positioning of the nucleus within the cell. Due to the central vacuole in a plant cell, the nucleus is usually not located .....
Number of words: 3545 | Number of pages: 13 |
Nuclear Power
<view this essay>.... into two atoms. Commonly the nucleus
splits into Barium and Krypton; however, it can split into any two atoms as long
as the number of protons equals the original amount of the protons found in the
Uranium. In addition, a mass amount of energy is released along with two or
three neutrons. It is these neutrons that can begin a chain reaction, each
neutron that is given off could collide with another Uranium atom splitting it
apart. Each of these fissioning atoms releases a very large amount of energy,
and some more neutrons.
This process continues causing a chain reaction withut any outside assistance,
and the Uranium has "gone critical"(Martindale, 794-195 .....
Number of words: 1247 | Number of pages: 5 |
<view this essay>.... as a form of survival. Today we do not remember how to access that part of our brain.
There are teachers who can help develop this skill to some degree, but I do not know of any teacher who can help you develop so that you can use it 'at will' in our present third dimensional reality.
Teenagers are most wanting to develop and other higher skills such as telepathy, as they know they will use them in their lifetime. On an intuitive level they know we are shifting reality soon where this ability and others will be open to humans once again.
Many of the 'star children' --those who remember that they are connected to other worlds and realities--will try to .....
Number of words: 3442 | Number of pages: 13 |
Mans Effect On The Environment
<view this essay>.... One major component that effects the water wildlife is the insecticide DDT which damages animal tissue and is dangerous to humans , this can be passed along the foodchain.
Marine Environments : 80% of the waste which is pumped into the sea each year is produced by dredging, 10% is industrial waste and 10% is sewage. Some of the consiquences due to this are :- presence of toxic substances and the rapid uptake of contaminants by marine organisms to name but a few. Oil spillages either by tankers or offshore ridges cause devistating effects on the local environments. Oil is extremely dense which means it floats on top of the water and can kill fish and bir .....
Number of words: 2105 | Number of pages: 8 |