» English Essays and Papers
The Scarlet Letter 2
<view this essay>.... to one expert, the main character in The Scarlet Letter is the letter itself (Baym 86). It has many repetitions and double menaings within itself (Byam 89). This scarlet "A" is inscribe in one form or another on Hester, Dimmesdale, and Pearl (Baym 84). However, the only true letter is the letter that hester wears on her breast (Baym 86). The "A" is Hester's armor of pride, but is also her emblem of suffering (Martin 114). Baym also states that knowing what the letter means is what the novel is all about (86).
The red "A" clearly stands for adultery. Puritan society sees the "A" as a symbol of guilt, Hester's infraction of their moral code (HArt 95). Hest .....
Number of words: 1080 | Number of pages: 4 |
Contrast Of Mark Antony And Ma
<view this essay>.... however Brutus was a man who could never show distrust to his comrads, even with his life at stake. When morality draws the line between winner and loser, to win, one needs to follow morals, while the losers are only those weak enough to be comprimised.
At a quick glance it would appear that Mark Antony was definitely better than Marcus Brutus. He avenged the death of Caesar, thwarting Brutus's plans, and in the end of the battle, he emerged as the new leader of Rome. Antony had the ability to speak well and take charge when in danger, he was also very strong physically as well as athletic. " I am not gamesome : I do lack some part of that quick spirit t .....
Number of words: 925 | Number of pages: 4 |
The Formal Essay
<view this essay>.... to convince the reader of the above.
The purpose of "Emotional Meanings" is to inform and instruct the reader on the subject of emotional meanings of words. It is also used to argue facts and opinions, as well as to convince the reader of these. Firstly, its purpose is to advise the reader that words can have subjective and objective attitudes, as well as having the power to disturb one's natural way of thinking. The following is a simple illustration of what is meant: "The words 'firm,' 'obstinate' and 'pigheaded' all have the same objective meaning- that is, following one's own course of action and refusing to be influenced by other peoples' opinions. .....
Number of words: 987 | Number of pages: 4 |
Henry V
<view this essay>.... what happens in an act beforehand because the scenes switch around from place to place, and it can get confusing. The most important function of the Chorus is that it encourages the audience to be patient and reminds them to use their imagination to envision the events that occur in the play, to really imagine the royal courts of England and France, and to really imagine the battle scenes with all the horses and men.
The prologue to the beginning of this play calls upon the "Muse" to help present the play. The chorus explains to the audience of the difficulties faced in presenting this play. It is difficult to transform a small stage to represent t .....
Number of words: 1662 | Number of pages: 7 |
Creative Writing
<view this essay>.... my feelings toward her lustful.
Finally, it’s 3:00 on a Friday afternoon and my homeboy Martin will be over to see me shortly. As soon as he gets here I’ll have somebody to talk to. When he gets here he reports to me that the girl he likes, Anna, will be spending the night at Lisa’s house. Isn’t it amazing how things work out sometimes. I took this to be an omen that I would never get caught if I broke house arrest tonight. I need to tell you that Anna has never really showed any interest in short, chubby Martin, but I can’t break that news to him. I lie and tell him that we’re in, when what I mean is, I’m in. Really, Anna with her tall beanpole-like figure i .....
Number of words: 2820 | Number of pages: 11 |
The Stone Angel 2
<view this essay>.... into themes. Color imagery, animal imagery and flower imagery are just some of the themes found throughout these stories. The use of colors provides tones, indicates events and even sets the mood in these stories. The color white especially has the same representation in all three books. It represents wisdom and respect to certain characters in these stories.
In the Stone Angel, Laurence uses the color white many times throughout her novel. The first time the color is mentioned, it is used to describe the stone angel that sat at the top of the hill above town. Hagar did not understand at that time how valuable it was to her or what it meant, but she knew .....
Number of words: 695 | Number of pages: 3 |
Magic: I Know The Secret!
<view this essay>.... is actually happening.
I think it is agreed by all magicians and artists alike that this
shameful act that some laypeople have taken up as their own hobby should be
shared by all. It is not fair for certain members of an audience to be the
only people that get to nudge and point when a magician is up on stage
performing his art and showing off his skills. If all people could knew
how the trick or illusion was done then they too could do it and this would
as we know it would become a much happier and mystical place. It is true
that all magicians and performers of that nature would have to take up new
professions and that most of them would become broke and .....
Number of words: 710 | Number of pages: 3 |
Macbeth Summary
<view this essay>.... finds out that the murderers have killed Banquo, but, that Fleance escaped. Also, he is scared by Banquo's ghost which shows up at the banquet. Lady Macbeth attempts to keep everything under control and maintain her composure, while Macbeth has a fit. This drives Macbeth to become careless, and just become totally selfish.
Language: Lady Macbeth scolds Macbeth for giving in to his fears, and letting his imagination get the best of him. "Approach thou like a rugged Russian Bear..." there are quite a few similes in this scene, which have no real effect except to provide a few simple images for the reader.
Act IV Scene III
Context: This scene's purpose i .....
Number of words: 811 | Number of pages: 3 |