» English Essays and Papers
Humanity And Politics In Gullivers Travels
<view this essay>.... Lilliputians developed society made an unexpected effect on them. they don\'t see themselves in the way that gulliver sees, they think themselves as normal and gulliver as an ugly giant. moreover the Lilliputians choose their goverment officials among rope dancers which is extremely ridicilous and resembles to the British goverment system. like this one, Lilliputians, in order to give Gulliver his freedom, prepared a contract. with this contract they thought that they got the control of gulliver but they failed. they falsely believe that they can control with power of their laws, a fault shared with the europeans. Lilliputians do not question their cultur .....
Number of words: 584 | Number of pages: 3 |
Hector A Fiction Tale
<view this essay>.... warriors decided to make camp for the night and celebrate their victory. They had chased a small group of creatures here and were ambushed. Nevertheless, they had fought through it and earned an overwhelming victory that had dealt a vicious blow to the North landers, hopefully quelling their raiding parties for at least a couple of months. These creatures, though very weak, produced large quantities of offspring making them very difficult to destroy completely. This was Hector's 52nd battle as lieutenant of the militia and he was proud of himself for such a flamboyant victory.
Hector was an odd man who had overcome many odds. He was born into the world as Ada .....
Number of words: 1396 | Number of pages: 6 |
Death Of A Salesman 10
<view this essay>.... even realizing it. “Willy:...[Biff] Go right over to where they’re building the apartment house and get some sand...Charley: Listen, if they steal any more from that building the watchman’ll put the cops on them!...Willy: You shoulda seen the lumber they brought home last week...”(50). As one can see, Willy is almost encouraging Biff to steal in order to make a new stoop. However, when Willy finds out Biff has been stealing other things, like the school’s football, he seems shocked. “Willy: What is he stealing?...Why is he stealing? What did I tell him? I never in my life told him anything but decent things.̶ .....
Number of words: 793 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Death Of Ivan Illych
<view this essay>.... He was as the author put it, “…a capable, good-natured, and social man, though strict in the fulfillment of what he considered his duty: and he considered his duty to be what was so considered by those in authority.” (p. 1088) That quote states that Ivan was solely concerned with his duties and his advancement in position by following the orders of his authorities. Ivan was son of a successful man who held many positions in many departments. That man, Ilya Epimovich Golovin, had three sons. The oldest followed his father’s example and was a success. The youngest son was a total failure. He had blown many opportunities and wa .....
Number of words: 1281 | Number of pages: 5 |
Lifes Many Obstacles - Catcher
<view this essay>.... breakdown. Holden’s general need for female companionship leads him to a reasonably accurate self-analysis: he thinks that he is the “biggest sex maniac you ever saw,” but later admits that he really doesn’t understand sex or know much about it. Holden, however, finds himself feeling rather “horny” and decides to call upon the service of Faith Cavendish. She “wasn’t exactly a whore or anything but she didn’t mind doing it once in a while...” Holden feels this experience will thrust him into what he considers the adult world. The conversation with Faith was a long one but inevitably led to nothing. An incursion into the adult world, or what Holden conside .....
Number of words: 865 | Number of pages: 4 |
King Oedipus By Sophocles
<view this essay>.... curse upon them as a result of the murder mystery of their previous king, Laius. In order to quicken the cure, Oedipus calls on Teiresias, the blind prophet to aide them. Excessive pride fuels his inability to believe the prophecy of Teiresias stating Oedipus is the killer, and that he has married his mother. “Until I came – I, ignorant Oedipus, came – and stopped the riddler’s mouth, guessing the truth by mother-wit, not bird-love.” Because he continually boasts about how he has saved Thebes from the Sphinx, he believes that no one could know more than he, especially if he is the one to be accused of a crime he “knows” he didn’t commit. In response Teir .....
Number of words: 852 | Number of pages: 4 |
Comparison And Contrast Of Lit
<view this essay>.... shows that the author was probably writing during the women’s movement, where women began entering the work place and becoming more than mere objects or at home mothers. On the other hand Perrault’s view of a young innocent child, shows with the outcome that one should learn their lesson from this story. This was typical prior to the modern age when stories were lessons learned. There were religious implications noted in Carter’s work where Perrault did not. For example “she is dressed and ready and it is Christmas Eve,” (820) and another example “you must run as if the Devil is after you.”(820) Yet another phras .....
Number of words: 604 | Number of pages: 3 |
Carpe Diem: The Golden Chance
<view this essay>.... wasting his or her life
because he or she is studying like crazy and during six years the only thing
that he or she is doing is memorizing information. The reward will come sooner
or later when one gets a marvelous job and is earning money like crazy.
Now I am living and experiencing my own carpe diem philosophy. Now I am
experiencing my golden chance of having a great education, and I have to make
good use of the experience. The opportunity to come United States to study is
very limited for Spanish students. It is limited because even when the country
is not a third world country, Spain is a country not very rich, and for a person
like my it would be not ve .....
Number of words: 530 | Number of pages: 2 |