» English Essays and Papers
Wandering Girl, What Insights
<view this essay>.... not realise how much she would eventually come to hate the place. She was to face many challenges living at the Bigelows including loneliness, discrimination, the loss of her identity and living in unfamiliar and unfriendly surroundings.
Living in the Bigelow's house was very lonely. It was a kind of loneliness that Glenyse had never encountered. At the mission she always had friends, and nuns and a priest who valued children and lovingly brought her up. However, it was not the same at the Bigelow's property. Each day felt like years, as Glenyse had no one to talk to. Mrs Bigelow never spoke to Glenyse unless it was to give her orders. Glenyse had very lit .....
Number of words: 1028 | Number of pages: 4 |
<view this essay>.... troubled adult son. After one character dies, it zigs into a murder mystery, and by the end has zagged into something entirely different, a parable, let's say, in which characters find redemption. Cody, Colorado cattle rancher turned oilman, appears at first to be a remote and judgmental dad, but as we observe the gentle, persistent concern he shows for his wayward son Scott, we discover nothing less than the ideal dad. Scott's testing of his father's love goes way beyond normal bounds: his alcoholism and general irresponsibility actually cause the deaths of several other characters. Scott's peregrinations take from his home in Colorado to the slums and bo .....
Number of words: 829 | Number of pages: 4 |
Hamlet (william Shakespeare).
<view this essay>.... he is perfectly capable of recognizing his enemies. Hamlet's madness was feigned for a purpose. He warned his friends he intended to fake madness, but Gertrude as well as Claudius saw through it, and even the slightly dull-witted Polonius was suspicious. His public face is one of insanity but, in his private moments of soliloquy, through his confidences to Horatio, and in his careful plans of action, we see that his madness is assumed.
After the Ghost's first appearance to Hamlet, Hamlet decides that when he finds it suitable or advantageous to him, he will put on a mask of madness. He confides to Horatio that when he finds the occasion appropriate, he wil .....
Number of words: 1742 | Number of pages: 7 |
Lord Of The Flies
<view this essay>.... on a remote jungle-island, which is a very effective setting to establish the idea of savagery. The setting of the story is very important because it shows how the boys are given their own paradise and destroy it. The airplane crew is killed and the boys are left on their own, with no adult supervision.
At the beginning of the story, we meet the character, Ralph, the protagonist of the novel. Ralph is an example of the ethical citizen, intelligent and responsible but, on many occasions, is caught up in the opinion of others. The leadership that Ralph offers isn’t as stable and organized because he isn’t able to control the “littluns” and the others after .....
Number of words: 1551 | Number of pages: 6 |
Literary Theory And African Am
<view this essay>.... throughout the configuration of the Post-Modernist, Feminist and Post-Colonial theories.
Post-Modernism is a complicated term, one that has only emerged as an area of study since the mid-1980’s. Post-Modernism, by it’s very nature, is virtually impossible to come up with one single definition, though, Post-Modernism in it’s totality is the movement in arts, music, literature and drama which rejected the past Victorian ideas of “modern”. The movement contributed to the realization that art has no single meaning and overturned the problems with culture and language boundaries that cut away at art’s meaning, worth and truth. Today, the state of mind of th .....
Number of words: 1235 | Number of pages: 5 |
Character Sketch Of Nora
<view this essay>.... She appears to be a typical housewife, running the home while he works.
When Torvald was in desperate need of some help, the only person who could come through for her was Nora. The Doctors were not able to help him, and the only thing Nora was able to do was to take out a huge loan and she has been paying it off every single chance she had. When Torvald found out, instead of being grateful, he is outraged. She knew the seriousness of the offense that she is committed, but it hardly meant anything for the man that she loved.
Nora committed a small moral thing by going behind is back to do it, and forging her father’s signature, but she knew tha .....
Number of words: 342 | Number of pages: 2 |
The Odyssey 5
<view this essay>.... trademark his impressionist work.
After studying works at the Louvre, in 1862, Renoir entered the studio of Gleyre and formed a promising friendship with Claude Monet (1840- 1924), Alfred Sisley (1839- 1899) and Frederic Bazille (1841- 1870). While working in this studio Renoir painted with them in the Barbizon district and became a leading member of the impressionists. In 1869 Renoir found himself becoming very close with Monet because their paintings showed similarities in technique and style. Like Monet, Renoir had a very rough and bumpy start in the early stages of his career, but by the 1870’s Renoir had already received success as a portraitist. .....
Number of words: 479 | Number of pages: 2 |
Beowulf, Epic Hero
<view this essay>.... characteristic in one’s personality, although it could get you in to trouble now a days. Because of the rise in crime in the Twentieth Century, there are many things to fear such as getting mugged, robbed, raped, killed, or even just getting lost, but none of these compares to fighting gigantic sea-monsters and vicious beasts. Although these are fictional obstacles of great feats, they are still scary to think about. Imagine watching a monster eat your friends, and then come after you. “Forward Grendel came, stepping nearer. Then he reached for Beowulf. Beowulf grasped his arm and sat up. The criminal knew he had not met in this middle-earth another with such .....
Number of words: 608 | Number of pages: 3 |