» History Essays and Papers
A Short History Of Anti-semiti
<view this essay>.... of German history, and this religious intolerance had its roots firmly planted long before the rise of the Third Reich. Although the sheer magnitude of the loss of life during the holocaust is simply impossible to grasp, these horrors were the culmination of generations of anti-Semitism, brought to the boiling point by the decision of one power-crazed man.
Dating back several centuries, anti-Semitism was prevalent throughout Germany barring rare instances where communities were tolerant religiously or socially of Jewish inhabitants. However, the belief that Jews were selfish, manipulative, ignorant heretics bound only for hell was
still a popular one, eve .....
Number of words: 776 | Number of pages: 3 |
Reason's For Japan's Aggression
<view this essay>.... and brutalities, Western powers dealt justly with these Japanese criminals. By doing what was necessary and unavoidable, the U.S. ended this destructive war, saving thousands of lives.
Among the many reasons for Japan's aggression are its ancient culture and its lack of natural resources. Japan's geography, which lacks many vital natural resources, has forced Japan to look to other countries for their needs. Instead of taking an honorable road, Japan rashly used unnecessary force to steal the resources of China and other nations. A second incentive for Japanese aggression is the mentality of the Japanese people, passed down from their ancestors. The Jap .....
Number of words: 696 | Number of pages: 3 |
Hollywood Vs. The World
<view this essay>.... most Hollywood films are made purely for entertainment value, many foreign films are entertaining as well as forcing the viewer think and question their surroundings at the same time. This is true of many foreign films I have seen.
The first film that comes to mind is Godard�s Masculine-Feminine. One of the themes in this film is the constant questioning that goes on between the characters. Through this interrogation, Godard is able to explore the different relationships between the main characters. The interrogation that happens in the bathroom between Paul and Madeline is a perfect example of this. They spend a good ten or fifteen minutes discussing h .....
Number of words: 1284 | Number of pages: 5 |
Greek Olympics
<view this essay>.... this, however, women normally did not participate in the games (though there were a few exceptions in the equestrian events).
In addition to their significance as athletic events, the Athletic Games were one of the most important forces uniting the Greek world. Its political and economic importance is difficult to overstate. Before and during the games, a sacred truce [called ekecheiria] was called between all warring cities. This allowed every athlete to enter the games safely and promoted a sense of unity among an otherwise quarreling group of states. Beginning in the 6th century BCE, Olympia became the premier venue for the signing of inter-city treaties .....
Number of words: 362 | Number of pages: 2 |
The Bay Of Pigs Invasion
<view this essay>.... and its Origins.
of April 1961, started a few days before on April 15th with the bombing of Cuba by what appeared to be defecting Cuban air force pilots. At 6 a.m. in the morning of that Saturday, three Cuban military bases were bombed by B-26 bombers. The airfields at Camp Libertad, San Antonio de los Banos and Antonio Maceo airport at Santiago de Cuba were fired upon. Seven people were killed at Libertad and forty-seven people were killed at other sites on the island.
Two of the B-26s left Cuba and flew to Miami, apparently to defect to the United States. The Cuban Revolutionary Council, the government in exile, in New York City released a stateme .....
Number of words: 4278 | Number of pages: 16 |
The USA Becoming Less Democratic Prior To The Revolution
<view this essay>.... five. This would suggest that since the number or free people in Weathersfield was increasing, Weathersfiled was becoming more democratic, as more people were able to participate in government. Further evidence to support that argument is found in a chart comparing the numbers of white males able to meet the voting requirements, registering to vote, voting, and being elected to town offices.
The percentage of men able to met the voting requirements rose only by 2%, but the numbers of men registering, voting, and being elected to town offices all rose by at least 13% (Doc. G) Since a larger percentage of the population is being involved in the electoral process .....
Number of words: 1327 | Number of pages: 5 |
Valley Forge
<view this essay>.... just about ready to quit. Even George Washington, at one point, said "If the army does not get help soon, in all likelihood, it will disband." Early into the six-month encampment, the soldiers were riddled with disease and famine. Death was a common site on the camp. The raw weather stung and numbed the soldiers. Empty stomachs were common. The future promised only more desperation and hunger. Many could not take the cold weather, lack of food, and uncertainty of living. There were dozens of desertions. By February the weather calmed somewhat- changing from brutal to miserable. In March, General Nathaniel Green was appointed head of the commissary department an .....
Number of words: 246 | Number of pages: 1 |
China In The 20th Century
<view this essay>.... Communist party led by Mao-Zedong, ended with Chiang’s defeat. Mao became the
leader of China, and he believed that Marxism was the best way to solve China’s social
and economic problems. He wanted to stop the landlords from exploiting the farmers.
Under the rule of the Communist party, the people owned all the economic areas of
China, and these would be controlled by the Communist government. All of the people
would work for the common goal of the country. As a result, Chinese socialism was born.
The pre-communist history of modern China has been essentially one of
weakness, humiliation and failure. This is the atmosphe .....
Number of words: 2852 | Number of pages: 11 |