» History Essays and Papers
Albert Einstein 3
<view this essay>.... of 12 he taught himself geometry.
Repeated business failure led the family to leave Germany for Milan, Italy,
when he was 15 yrs old. He then used the opportunity to withdraw from school.
He spent a year with his parents in Milan, and when it became clear that he
would have to make his own way in the world, he finished secondary school in
Arrau, Switzerland, and entered the Swiss National Polytechnic in Zurich.
Einstein often cut classes and used the time to study physics on his own or to
play his violin. He passed all of his tests and graduated in 1900 by studying
the notes of a classmate. His professors did not think highly of him and would .....
Number of words: 1821 | Number of pages: 7 |
Famous People Of The Civil War
<view this essay>.... all federal armies. In April 1865 Grant
forced Lee to surrender after an 88 mile pursuit. Grant was elected
president in 1868 and served two terms.
Robert E. Lee
During the Mexican war Lee was an engineering officer with
Winfield Scott's force. Jefferson Davis appointed Lee a general in the
southern army in 1861. He was not successful in preventing an invasion
of western Virginia, so he was sent to the Atlantic Coastal defense.
In 1862 when Joseph E. Johnston was wounded, Lee became commander of
the confederate army in Virginia. In Richmond Lee drove the unionist
away from the capital in the Seven Days' Battles. In Aug .....
Number of words: 2368 | Number of pages: 9 |
In The Frontiers Of One Last
<view this essay>.... mainly as a result of flaws in the constitution which gave disproportional rights to the Turkish Cypriot community including the right to block the passing of laws.
In 1963 intercommunal violence broke out following which many Turkish Cypriots withdrew to enclaves. Attempts to bring the two sides back together were made through the United Nations who sent a contingent to the island. On 15 July 1974 the Junta ruling Athens at the time organised a coup to overthrow Archbishop Makarios. A week later Turkey invaded the island, claiming this was to restore constitutional order. However, when the rightful government was restored, Turkish troops stayed on, i .....
Number of words: 218 | Number of pages: 1 |
First Amendment
<view this essay>.... oral communication was protected: �Congress shall make no law � abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.� From the 1791 and until the beginning of the twentieth century the idea of �freedom of speech� and the �freedom of press� was not interfered in by the judicial system. And only during World War I did the Supreme Court actively start to work on the issue of the �freedom of speech/press� of the . In 1919 cases like Schenck vs. United States and Abram vs. United States did the new interpretation of the come into place. Schenck vs. United States was argued on January 9 and 10, 1919. The first charges were based on him breaking the Espionage Act of Ju .....
Number of words: 1265 | Number of pages: 5 |
Leonardo Di Vinci
<view this essay>.... create magnificent paintings and sculptures still celebrated today as astonishing and masterful works of art, but he also produced noteworthy innovations in the fields of architecture, engineering, and science. Several of his paintings and sketches deriving from his scientific studies-particularly in the fields of anatomy, optics, and hydraulics-anticipated many of the developments of modern science. Leonardo Da Vinci was a masterful artist and innovator, considered by many as artistic master and genius. His continued motivation to advance his knowledge and proficiency in the arts and sciences revealed masterpieces and innovations that exceeded the intell .....
Number of words: 225 | Number of pages: 1 |
The Effects Of The French And Indian War
<view this essay>.... number of troops in the colonies due to the war effort. Despite the fact that England war , in 1763, the country was bankrupt. I an effort to raise money England decided to tax the colonists. These taxes included The sugar Act, which taxed all news papers and legal documents. The Stamp Act which was the first internal tax on the colonies. The Towsend acts which was an import tax and led to a boycott by the colonists. The Tea act which gave the East Indian Tea company a monopoly on tea. And The coercive Acts, which led the upper legislative chamber of govtermant to be appointed rather than elected. These laws passed by England made the colonists furiou .....
Number of words: 851 | Number of pages: 4 |
Events Leading To The American Revolution
<view this essay>.... will
be pleased to relieve us....". This is a very strong dictum, that in 1764,
the colonists were of a submissive nature, and were weakly pleading for
self-autonomy. This small fire of anger will become a huge conflagration as
the rights are slowly rescinded.
On October 19, 1765 the Stamp Act Congress and Parliamentary Taxation
committee's passed some laws that attempted to strengthen the grip of the
English crown. "I.That his Majesty's subjects in these colonies, owe the
same allegiance to the Crown of Great Britain that is owing from his
subjects born within the realm, and all due subordination to that august
body, the Parliament of Great Britain. .....
Number of words: 997 | Number of pages: 4 |
Famous African Americans
<view this essay>.... when New York State emancipated slaves in 1828.) A mystic who heard voices she believed to be God's, she arrived in New York City in 1829, where she preached in the streets. In 1843, obeying her voices, she took the name Sojourner Truth and went preaching along the eastern seaboard. That same year she came into contact with the abolitionist movement, which she enthusiastically embraced, and for the next few years she toured the country speaking in its behalf. Encountering the women's rights movement in 1850, she also added its causes to hers. During the American Civil War she solicited gifts for black volunteer regiments, and President Abraham Lincoln received .....
Number of words: 2232 | Number of pages: 9 |