» History Essays and Papers
The Differences Of Native American Cultures
<view this essay>.... beliefs of each tribe. Things such as food, plants,
animals, weather, etc. were often a factor in determining culture. Take the
Plains tribe the Cheyenne, for instance. They originated from the area around
Wisconsin. There, they fished, hunted, farmed and gathered like any other
Eastern Woodlands tribe. Later on, they moved to the Great Plains, where they
had the buffalo hunt and the sun dance. Geography affected Cheyenne culture in
this way. The buffalo hunt was created so, since the Great Plains lacked much
food, the Cheyenne could get enough food to survive. Before they arrived at the
plains, the buffalo hunt was unneccesary because of the bountiness of f .....
Number of words: 382 | Number of pages: 2 |
Alexander The Great
<view this essay>.... the Persians at the Granicus River.
Though the Persians and their Greek mercenaries were in a strong position,
Alexander waded across the river with his men, climbed the slippery bank on
the far side, defeated the best of the Persian cavalry and destroyed the
Greek mercenaries.
In two more battles, Issus and Arbela, Alexander defeated the much larger
armies of Persian King Darius. He also destroyed the fortified island city
of Tyre on the Mediterranean Sea, founded the city of Alexandria in Egypt,
conquered hill tribes the Persians had never been able to subdue, and
defeated a well-trained Indian army equipped with elephants.
After defeating Po .....
Number of words: 316 | Number of pages: 2 |
The History And Deline Of The Roman Empire
<view this essay>.... through the frontiers. Huge tracts of country were devastated. The middle-class were squeezed out of existence. Farmers and laborers were transformed into serfs. When in 285 A.D. Diocletian pulled the empire together again, there was but little left of the prosperity of the Pax Romana. This shows that the causes of the collapse must, like hidden cancers, have been developing during Gibbon's period of happiness and prosperity. Some of the symptoms, at least, can be recognized. Many financial (economical), social, and political (including military) reasons can be seen as a cause to the powerful Empire's crumbling.
Financial burdens began to be imposed on the lo .....
Number of words: 2214 | Number of pages: 9 |
Excellence Redefined
<view this essay>.... power and money caused people to achieve success by any means necessary, regardless of the legality. Ivan Boesky and Michael Milken bet their money, but they always seemed to win, even when others would lose. It turns out that they had many �sure things,� only with one problem: they were all illegal. Boesky and Milken characterize the rest of the financial world at the time, and Wall Street is the movie that exemplifies the such attitudes of the 1980�s from Oliver Stones accurate point of view.
Boesky and Milken had a great system. They would befriend executives in �blue chip� companies or merger and acquisition lawyers , hoping they would be given informa .....
Number of words: 2151 | Number of pages: 8 |
Compare And Contrast The Aims
<view this essay>.... King to become more radical and to look into the problems of the urban north. King made X become more politically active and work much more with the Civil Rights Movement. Although many have often said that they were "like oil and water", these two men, however different they may have seemed to be, had the same goal. They wanted to end exploitation, discrimination and racism. Also, for both, religion was primary in defining their lives and ideals. There are two distinct phases in their political lives. For King, the change in his outlook came when he looked at the social problems of the urban slums, and the extent of racism of his previous allies. This turning .....
Number of words: 3706 | Number of pages: 14 |
History 2
<view this essay>.... the English goods. The answer was in looking to foreign markets. In the early to mid 1700�s triangle trade brought prosperity and important goods to the colonists.
Triangle trade did indeed bring important commodities, slaves being one of them. Slavery is the most important thing that triangle trade produced. The issue of slavery continually caused tension between the northern and southern colonies/states until finally there was war. The issue of slavery divided a nation ironically named the United States. While on an issue with all low points there is one fact which stands above the rest, somewhat. Due to the fact that it was a longer voyage for the sla .....
Number of words: 1302 | Number of pages: 5 |
African Culture
<view this essay>.... fully grasped by the new radical conservatism is the notion that social justice and human rights never were disconnected communities of value within the framework of a larger political regime; that they, in fact, define the very nature of democracy itself. Democracy is not just the legal framework of the Constitution, but the real relations among people governed by it. So, the critical objective in the process of Blacks seeking social justice has been to move from an exclusive notion of democracy based upon White dominance to one more perfect even than that envisioned by the founders.
When America was first defined, the founders debated the issues involved in .....
Number of words: 9988 | Number of pages: 37 |
<view this essay>.... was in total chaos. Some believed that
America could never totally recover.
There were several factors that contributed to the start of the Great Depression. One of them was
the crash of the stock market. It was 1929, and Republican Herbert Hoover had just been recently
elected. During the previous few years, the stock market had been steadily rising, and everyone
wanted their piece of the profits. By this time, over 1.5 million people owned stock in various
companies. People in every kind of financial situa .....
Number of words: 2651 | Number of pages: 10 |