» History Essays and Papers
German Unificatio
<view this essay>.... and also to ensure that France could never again expand outside of its original pre-war borders. The countries that had participated in the coalition in the battle of Leipzig (Russia, Prussia, Britain and Austria) were the major players at the congress. Lands that were originally parts of the French empire were doled out to the major powers in a way that would make sure that no power became too large. The Grand Duchy of Warsaw was divided between Prussia, Russia, and Austria, but Prussia traded their land in Poland for Saxony (from Russia). The other powers became nervous about the growing power of Prussia, so Prussia, under the threat of a coalition against .....
Number of words: 3058 | Number of pages: 12 |
Slavery - An Era Of Inhumanity
<view this essay>.... origin. His hunger for knowledge of who he was and who his ancestors were inspired him to carry out numerous years of research and countless interviews in order to finish his book. Although Alex Haley wrote Roots in search of his origin and Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom�s Cabin for a political purpose, both authors lead readers to sympathize with the predicaments of African-Americans by putting a human face, as well as a racial one on the tragedy of slavery, thus involving all readers in the inhumanity of the institution.
In Uncle Tom�s Cabin we are cordially introduced to Uncle Tom. He is a "large, broad-chested, powerfully-made man, of a full .....
Number of words: 4178 | Number of pages: 16 |
Grant Hill
<view this essay>.... had Calvin and his friends call the general and refuse to let her baby go through so much pain.
2.Grant grew up and as he got older, he became interested in the sport of basketball. He played at the playground with his friends and soon was able to be on a team.
3. After playing on the AAU team, Grant entered South Lakes High School. He was looking forward to playing on the freshmen team with his boyhood friends.
4. Grant soon decided to try out for the varsity team. As a freshman he played power forward and was averaging 14 points and 7 rebounds per game. At a fourteen -and- under national tournament in Seattle Washington where he ranked most va .....
Number of words: 402 | Number of pages: 2 |
Causes Of The Civil War
<view this essay>.... these slaves as workers in the fields of their plantations.
The North, on the other hand, was heading more and more towards manufacturing. They were less dependent on slavery as many of the workers in the factories were immigrants. Because of the factory atmosphere, many of the immigrants settled in the large cities on the North where jobs were easier to find.
Citizens of the South believed that slaves were better off than the immigrants because their owner took care of their basic needs. Southerners often tried to show the plantation life of a slave as a family atmosphere. They said that "Immigrants were underpaid and over worked" and "often working c .....
Number of words: 759 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Cuban Missile Crisis
<view this essay>.... in order to prevent war. showed the world that compromising and discussion can in-fact prevent war. As Khrushchev said in 1962, "They talk about who won and who lost. Human reason won. Mankind won." 1 The world had almost seen another world war, the effects of which would have been devastating because of the weapons involved. Humanity, indeed, was the prevention of the war.
The Cuban Revolution was a background cause to the crisis. On January 1st, 1959 a Marxist regime in Cuba would have seemed unlikely. To the communist party in Cuba, Fidel Castro appeared tempestuous, irresponsible and stubbornly bourgeois. In 1943 President Batista appointe .....
Number of words: 2313 | Number of pages: 9 |
American Dream Of African Amer
<view this essay>.... lost as all the other soldiers were. They had lost faith in society.
The African American soldiers who returned from WWI were of a different demeanor they when they had left. Before they had left they were mostly acceptful of the status quo. They were lower class, and lacked the basic human civil rights that the rest of the country had. The few who sought change were suppressed or given no importance. However during the war this all changed. Men who went into battle fought and died among men of many different races, although their battalions were different. They realized that the country they were fighting, and dying for was not giving them any rights at all. .....
Number of words: 979 | Number of pages: 4 |
History Of Portugal
<view this essay>.... his rule and successively married two daughters of King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella I. Under pressure from his Spanish relations, he followed their example by expelling Jews and Muslims from his domains in 1497, thus depriving Portugal of much of its middle class. His son, John III, promoted the settlement of Brazil and (again influenced by the example of Spain) introduced (1536) the Inquisition into Portugal to enforce religious uniformity. By the time he died in 1557, Portugal had begun to decline as a political and commercial power. This trend continued under King Sebastian, who was killed during another expedition against Morocco in 1578. On the death .....
Number of words: 644 | Number of pages: 3 |
Oklahoma City Bombing
<view this essay>.... was the fact that they were all innocent targets affected by the hostility
of hate and terrorism. The primary individual responsible for this tragedy is a man named
Timothy McVeigh. A 27yr old white man who possed a great hostility toward the
government. He constructed a deadly bomb made of fertilizer and fuel oil, placed it in
the back of a Ryder truck and drove and parked it at the state building. He was later
arraigned on charges of 11 counts of conspiracy and murder charges. He was convicted
and sentenced for the crimes on June 2, 1997. The other man who was suspected of
having been involved in the bombing was Terry Nichols. Though he was involved in th .....
Number of words: 623 | Number of pages: 3 |