» Health and Medicine Essays and Papers
Marijuana As Medicine?
<view this essay>.... though, more than 400,000 Americans die from diseases related to cigarette smoking each year, and more than 150,000 Americans die from alcohol each year, yet these substances remain legal. However, in the 10,000 years of usage, no one has ever died from smoking marijuana. (Medical Marijuana, www.norml.com) Marijuana should be studied more extensively for its medicinal purposes, and should be legally available for doctors to prescribe to their patients, judging by their therapeutic need for it.
The oldest known medical use of marijuana dates back to the Emperor Shen-Nung in China in the 28th century BC. He prescribed it for such things as constipation, .....
Number of words: 1661 | Number of pages: 7 |
Reversing The Aging Process, Should We?
<view this essay>.... Through complex scientific experiments nematodes and fruit flies have
had their lifespans increased not by fractions of life times, but by multiples
of lifetimes (Kruger). Mankind is using the discovery of DNA as an opportunity
to play G-d by changing the aging process. Man has a natural tendency to play
the role of G-d. Man has a an inherent need to affect others, be it through the
vises of war, power, manipulation or politics. However man’s natural tendency to
play G-d has reached it’s final manifestation. By attempting to slow down the
aging process man is using himself as the ultimate canvas, to play the role of
the omnipotent.
Research into the p .....
Number of words: 1620 | Number of pages: 6 |
Attention Deficit Disorder
<view this essay>.... from one uncompleted task to
another, difficulty playing quietly, interrupting conversations and intruding
into other children's games, appearing to be not listening to what is being said,
doing things that are dangerous without thinking about the consequences.
Most scientist now believe that a brain dysfunction or abnormality in
brain chemistry could be to blame for the symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder.
The frontal lobes of the brain are thought to be most responsible for the
regulation of behavior and attention. They receive information from the lower
brain, which regulated arousal and screens incoming messages from within and
outside of the body. .....
Number of words: 1816 | Number of pages: 7 |
Cancer Of The Eye
<view this essay>.... and the eyelids and conjuctiva, the latter being the membrane that covers the surface of the eyeball and lines the back side of the lids.
The cause of most eye cancers are unknown. However retinoblastoma, a type of eye cancer that occurs during infancy and early childhood, follows a well recognized hereditary pattern which strongly suggests that cancer causing gene may be the instigating factor.
A papidly growing eye cancer usually produces symptomes such as double vision, a protrsion of the eyeball, or other obvious changes leading to early diagnosis and treatment. A slow growing tumor of the unnoticed until the cancer is more advaced. Any changes in visi .....
Number of words: 373 | Number of pages: 2 |
“That Time Of The Month”
<view this essay>.... the itching.” He turns the channel, and, once again, finds three girls sitting in a circle, talking about which device fits them right, because every girl has an individual need. Jon is angry. Why? Hmmm, I wonder.
On our daily, basic T.V. showings, there is a news channel, cartoon channel, movie channel, Spanish channel; the list is endless. Last but not least, there is “Lifetime, the channel for women.” Why can’t broadcasters simply place these women commercials on one channel? First of all, men won’t have to watch these commercials and women, if they are inquiring about which device best suits their needs, can turn to this channel. To make it even .....
Number of words: 528 | Number of pages: 2 |
Nature / Nurture Or Both !
<view this essay>.... is not a compromise; it is a result of a
vigorous study of each of the components of the equation of heredity and
environment and their affects on determining one's development and behavior. In
fact, the more we understand about development and behavior, the more obvious
it becomes that nature and nurture are similarly influences rather than
determinants, not only singly but also in combination. Here below, I will
endeavour to expose the leading theories dealing with the question of nature vs.
nurture. I will also try to present the third, new-emerging approach meant to
solve the mystery of “ What is it that makes us who we are?”
“Our genes made .....
Number of words: 1344 | Number of pages: 5 |
Premature Infancy
<view this essay>.... reason for this is that a baby may become
startled into shock by a loud sound or even bright light. This occurs because
many babies have fully-developed senses and underdeveloped organs, which may
become a problem, since the brain may not be developed well enough to be able
to distinguish these different senses, which causes the baby to panic and lose
control of its actions.
The main underdeveloped parts of a premature baby are its organs,
chiefly the lungs and the brain. The lungs are developed in the last few weeks
of pregnancy, and if the child is born before the thirty sixth week, he/she may
require some special attention. Usually, the child is monito .....
Number of words: 1314 | Number of pages: 5 |
Multiple Personality Disorder
<view this essay>.... develop this disease. All of my questions can be answered with one simple question: What is ?
Describing the Search Process
I figured that I would have to do a lot of research on this topic to fully understand it. I decided that my most convenient source would be the Internet. The Internet has websites, encyclopedias, and magazine articles. I know that the Internet isn’t always accurate, so I knew that I had to look into books.
I started out by looking into the Internet. I have the Internet at home, so it was easiest for me to start with. MPD was not a very common subject on the Internet. I couldn’t fine too much information on MPD, and I became very f .....
Number of words: 962 | Number of pages: 4 |