» Health and Medicine Essays and Papers
Why I Believe In Voluntary Euthanasia
<view this essay>.... in this context but we are stuck with it. Many have
tried to popularize the term 'self-deliverance' but it is an uphill battle
because the news media is in love with the words 'assisted suicide'. Also,
we have to face the fact that the law calls all forms of self-destruction
Let me point out here for those who might not know it that suicide is
no longer a crime anywhere in the English-speaking world. (It used to be,
and was punishable by giving all the dead person's money and goods to the
government.) Attempted suicide is no longer a crime, although under health
laws a person can in most states be forcibly placed in a psychiatric
hospital f .....
Number of words: 1874 | Number of pages: 7 |
The Hormones And Development Of One's Sex
<view this essay>.... which are basically sex specific. In men, Wolffian ducts are
dominant and Mullerian ducts are regressive. Whereas in women it is just the
opposite. Jost believed that the fetal testis secret a hormone which causes such
a differentiation. In order to confirm this belief, he removed the gonads from
embryos, prior to the onset of phenotypic differentiation. All resulted in
female phenotypes. The male phenotype is induced and will not manifest if the
proper secretions are not made from the testis.
Although the article fails to mention how, "Jost deduced that two secretions
from the fetal testis are essential for male development - Mullerian-inhibiting
subs .....
Number of words: 413 | Number of pages: 2 |
<view this essay>.... problems. The "" of Socrates, drinking hemlock, was an action of honor (socrates.clarke.edu/aplg0503.htm). Thus, it was the decision of Socrates to drink the poison when he had the chance for escape. Judas committed after turning Christ into the authorities. He voluntarily hung himself from a tree to compensate, he thought, for his actions. Both Judas and Socrates fit the definition of because they took their own lives.
The reasons for why people commit listed on www.psycom.net include reasons that are very selfish. It says ends all your problems in one fell swoop and since you are so different from everyone else and can never fit in, no one will .....
Number of words: 1192 | Number of pages: 5 |
Huntington's Disease
<view this essay>.... and the other does not, the child
has a 50% chance of inheriting the disease. Once it is transmitted, it is
certain to develop. The disease may progress for 10 to 20 years until the
patient dies. No treatment yet exists for this disease. However, in 1983 a U.S.
research team announced the discovery of an identifiable segment of DNA that
can be used as an indicator of the presence of the gene causing the disease. In
March 1993, the journal Cell announced that the Huntington's Disease
Collaborative Research Group had discovered the gene behind the disease. This
was a major breakthrough in the effort to understand and eventually work toward
a treatment of the d .....
Number of words: 304 | Number of pages: 2 |
The Cost Of Sleep Deprivation
<view this essay>.... suffer from serious sleep disorders that damage their sleep quality and their health. For millions more, the body’s need to sleep is treated as a waste of time. Nighttime hours are used for daytime activities, while cheating the body of precious sleep. In the past century, the average time asleep has been reduced by twenty percent, and in the past twenty-five years, a month has been added to our average work and commute time. Whatever the case may be, the effects of sleep deprivation are not so widely known. Three common symptoms seen in studies of prolonged sleep deprivation are a deep negative energy balance, the suppression of the immune system, an .....
Number of words: 925 | Number of pages: 4 |
Life, Death, And Politics: A Run-Down Of The Abortion Debate.
<view this essay>.... level with that of a woman. On the other side, the
pro-life opponents of abortion argue that the fetus is human and therefore given
the same human rights as the mother. Stated simply, they believe that when a
society legalizes abortion, it is sanctioning murder.
In today's more industrialized societies, technology has simplified the
abortion procedure to a few basic and safe methods. Technology, however, has
also enhanced society's knowledge of the fetus. Ultrasound, fetal therapy, and
amniocentesis graphically reveal complex life before birth, and it is this
potential human life that is at the heart of the debate.
In order to form an opinion on this mat .....
Number of words: 2501 | Number of pages: 10 |
Huntington's Disease
<view this essay>.... is inehrited from one of the victim's parents.
Since the gene for HD is dominant, there is a 50% chance of a sufferer's
offspring inheriting the disease. Because a victim usually does not begin to
display symptoms until after the period in which he or she would have children
and the disease may have been misdiagnosed in earlier generations as Parkinson's
disease or other similar affliction, he or she might pass along the gene without
even knowing it.
The gene for Huntington's disease is located on the short arm of
chromosome four in cytogenetic band 4p16.3. It was first identified in 1993.
While everyone posseses this gene, in someone suffering from Hunting .....
Number of words: 733 | Number of pages: 3 |
<view this essay>.... for answers to many questions about . For instance, scientists do not know what exactly causes . Once researchers find the cause of then they will be able to find ways to cure and prevent the disease. They also want to develop better ways to detect and treat s all forms of . In the United States, the National Institue has played a major role in research since it was established in 1937. The American Society also support research programs. The National Act of 1971 expanded government efforts in research. research and control programs have made definite progress. In 1900, was almost always fatal. I the 1930’s fewer than one of every five patients were s .....
Number of words: 1301 | Number of pages: 5 |