» English Essays and Papers
Othello - Manipulation To Gain Power
<view this essay>.... to Othello. Iago himself is angry at Othello for being passed over for promotion to lieutenant for Michael Cassio. Realizing that by playing on Roderigo's jealousy he can gain an ally to work against Othello. Iago does this in a subtle manner. He explains to Roderigo that he was passed up for promotion by Othello. While doing this he makes Othello look inferior by reinforcing the fact that he is a Moor. By pointing out that Othello is a Moor Iago causes Roderigo to become even more jealous, because of the fact that he lost Desdemona to someone who he feels is of a lesser race. It even seems that Iago is toying with Roderigo when he reveals that he i .....
Number of words: 1082 | Number of pages: 4 |
Analysis Of David Hume's An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
<view this essay>.... first and basest assumption, and the foundation of his
argument in Section II, is the theory that ideas, or what could loosely be
called the "imagination" or "mind's eye," are simply grainy photocopies of
true experience. These "thoughts/ideas" are by definition marked by their
inferior force or vivacity they hold compared to "impressions," which Hume
defines as "real experiences": love, hate, will, desire and so on. His
argument to this is that, he says, take a blind or deaf man that has been
blind or deaf since birth. They cannot picture color or sound, though they
have the natural capacities for such. They simply lack the necessary
"impression" of s .....
Number of words: 1515 | Number of pages: 6 |
Corruption In Cry The Beloved
<view this essay>.... condemning his nephew to death. His one good trait is that he uses his political power to help further the cause of the African natives, and even this is tarnished by the fact that he only wants to further his own ambitions. He doesn’t have the heart necessary for a revolutionary leader and that will be his downfall. If he was willing to go to prison and make sacrifices for what he believed in or wanted he would have much more power than he has now.
Abasalom is a good example of corruption that doesn’t come from the heart. Unlike John, Abasalom does not want to be corrupt, and he is not proud of what he has done. When he killed Arthur he was horrified, and w .....
Number of words: 625 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Use Of Irony In The Stone
<view this essay>.... by the end of the story the other characters’ actions forced
Arnold to “build a wall” around himself so his feelings couldn’t be hurt
George Orwell also used irony in the plot of Animal Farm. In the
beginning of the story, Old Major talks about rebelling from Mr. Jones
“administration”. Mr. Jones’ way of running things was in a sense a form of
capitalism. The animals had an idea about a socialist form of government.
This existed for a short period of time when the animals had all the power.
When Napoleon took charge, he gradually gained power and after a while the
farm was soon under the ru .....
Number of words: 469 | Number of pages: 2 |
Great Expectations
<view this essay>.... perfectly in at once
stimulating and baffling the curiosity of his readers. He stirred
the dullest minds to guess the secret of his mystery; but, so far as
I have learned, the guesses of his most intellectual readers have
been almost as wide of the mark as those of the least apprehensive.
It has been all the more provoking to the former class, that each
surprise was the result of art, and not of trick; for a rapid review
of previous chapters has shown that the materials of a strictly
logical development of the story were freely given. Even after the
first, second, third, and even fourth of these surprises gave their
pleasing electric shock .....
Number of words: 1382 | Number of pages: 6 |
Kurt Vonnegut--slaughterhouse
<view this essay>.... target. Because of it's apparent safety, thousands of refugees from all over Europe converged on Dresden for protection (Klinkowitz 2-3). Dresden's neutrality was broken and the resulting attacks laid waste, what Vonnegut called, "the Florence of the Elbe." Kurt Vonnegut was a witness to this event and because of fate, had been spared. He wrote Slaughterhouse Five to answer the question that resounded through his head long after the bombs could no longer be heard. "Why me?"- a frequent question asked by survivors of war. Vonnegut was tormented by this question and through Billy Pilgrim, the protagonist in Slaughterhouse Five, he attempts to reconcile the .....
Number of words: 2173 | Number of pages: 8 |
Themes Of Tennessee Williams
<view this essay>.... the main character, Mrs. Venable is suffering from the tragedy of losing her son, so she tried to blame her loss on Catherine. This also relates to Tennessee Williams' life when he was younger. Older children mistreated Tennessee when he was young because he was a little different from the other children. After this happened he started to write, and express his emotions through words rather than fighting back and getting into trouble. He rose above his problems when he was young, and this characteristic is shown in his three plays previously listed.
In the first of the three plays, The Glass Menagerie, Laura expresses the theme of you can overcome you .....
Number of words: 1608 | Number of pages: 6 |
Apperance Vs. Realty In Hamlet
<view this essay>.... that hid behind this mask are Polonius, Rosencrantz (Guildenstern), and theking Claudias. From behind this mask they give the impression of a person who is sincere and
genuine, in reality they are plagued with lies and evil. There appearance will make it very difficult for Hamlet to uncover the truth, the characters hide behind.
Polonius the kings royal assistant has a preoccupation with appearance. He always wants to keep up the appearance of loving and caring person. Polonius appears like a man who loves and cares about his son, Laertes. Polonius speaks to his son with advice that sounds sincere but in reality it is rehearsed, hollow and without feeli .....
Number of words: 1677 | Number of pages: 7 |