» English Essays and Papers
Persuasive Essay On Problem Of Gambling
<view this essay>.... who gamble so that they can “strike it rich” and become
millionaires without proper education, and hardwork. Businesses profit a
great deal on the poor's dream, which is like a tax on a poor person's
What I believe is the deadliest of all reasons that society will be
hurt from gambling is that where there is gambling, there is bound to be
crime. I recently saw a movie where there two owners of two casinos that
were in some kind of casino Mafia. As if that weren't bad enough there was
crime going on everywhere in the casino. this is very similar to real life
because there have always been reports of crimes that tourists themselves
have faced. One tou .....
Number of words: 332 | Number of pages: 2 |
Julius Ceasar
<view this essay>.... becomes one of justification and explanation, while Antony's becomes one of manipulation and skill.
In order to evaluate each of the speeches, we must first distinguish the general purpose each serves. It is known that both Brutus and Antony desired to appeal to the Romans (or the people). However, the way in which each man went about it differs drastically. Not only did it influence the outcome, but each speech also offers a unique insight on each of the speakers.
Brutus' speech becomes one of strict vindication, not only for the people of Rome, but for Brutus himself. He uses his "honor and nobility" as a shield to defend and justify his actions to th .....
Number of words: 750 | Number of pages: 3 |
A Passage To India - Charachte
<view this essay>.... but later realizes that she was wrong. Because of this situation Dr. Aziz takes on three distinct attitude changes. At the beginning of the novel he resents the English, later develops an admiration for them and finally he again develops ill feelings and hatred toward the English.
In the genesis of the novel Dr. Aziz truly resents the British Raja in India. He feels that they can be conniving, malicious and deceptive. Dr. Aziz, along with his friends, meticulously discusses these details over dinner at Hammidulah's house. During this conversation Dr. Aziz states his estimation of how the British have become malicious stating, "I give any Englishman two .....
Number of words: 1090 | Number of pages: 4 |
<view this essay>.... is often forced to run, and
if one collapses, is injured, or simply can no longer bear the pain,
they are shot or trampled without pity. An image that secures itself
in Elie's memory is that of Rabbi Eliahou's son's leaving the Rabbi
for dead. The father and son are running together when the father
begins to grow tired. As the Rabbi falls farther and farther behind
his son, his son runs on, pretending not to see what is happening to
his father. This spectacle causes Elie to think of what he would do if
his father ever became as weak as the Rabbi. He decides that he would
never leave his father, even if staying with him would be the .....
Number of words: 656 | Number of pages: 3 |
My Friend April
<view this essay>.... to see a young redheaded girl with skinned up and pig tails peering down upon me. Most of my friends would have run off yelling, "girl alert or "cooties" but I just sat there in the soft turf grass in a daze. From that second on I believe that both of would be friends for a lifetime.
April moved into the vacant house that was two houses to the east of my house. It was a tall, two-story house in which I could see the entire house from my bedroom window. We spent our days together exploring the woods, riding bikes, and catching bugs. Our families were very close and often said that the two of us were like brother and sister.
One calm summer night April a .....
Number of words: 1003 | Number of pages: 4 |
Motifs In A Prayer For Owen Me
<view this essay>.... the claws of the armadillo. He did this when he had hit Johnny’s mother with the foul ball that killed her. Dan had interpreted it as trying to say that Owen was helpless now and that he couldn’t do anything to change what he had done on accident. Though that might be the partial truth it could also symbolize something different. Almost saying that he is the armadillo and he wasn’t in control of himself, but was the instrument of God. His hands were not his own. Though the armadillo never recovered from the declawing, it had mended John and Owen’s friendship and helped ease some of the pain of that situation.
The statue of Ma .....
Number of words: 368 | Number of pages: 2 |
Dulce Est Decrum Est
<view this essay>.... that his face is probably covered with blood which is the colour symbolizing the devil. A very powerful metaphor is the comparison of painful experiences of the troops to "[v]ile, incurable sores on innocent tongues."(24) This metaphor emphasizes that the troops will never forget these horrific experiences. As you can see, Owen has used figurative language so effectively that the reader gets drawn into the poem.
The images drawn in this poem are so graphic that it could make readers feel sick. For example, in these lines: "If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood/ Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs/ Obscene as cancer, bitter as the .....
Number of words: 577 | Number of pages: 3 |
1984 4
<view this essay>.... and writing in a diary. This act is known as a thought crime and is punishable by death. A thought crime is any bad thought against the government of Oceania. Winston commits many thought crimes and becomes paranoid about being caught, which he knows is inevitable. He becomes paranoid because a young woman who is actively involved in many community groups follows him. Winston is obsessed with the past, a time before Oceania was under strict dictatorship. The girl who was following him slipped him a note while at work. The note said, I love you. They make plans to meet each other and carry on an illegal love affair. This love affair is another rebellion agains .....
Number of words: 1920 | Number of pages: 7 |