» English Essays and Papers
Battle Between Sexes Critical
<view this essay>.... of Senator Lillian DeHaven played by Anne Bancroft, who has an agenda of her own. DeHaven, chairperson of the Armed Services Committee, has been bashing heads with the male-dominated and liking-it-that-way top brass over the appointment of Secretary of Defense and she decides it is a good time to get what she wants - an integrated fighting force. Blackmailed and certain that no woman would ever succeed, the brass agrees to a test case and Lieutenant O'Neil is sent on her way. Unaware that she is the political pawn of a "feminist" Senator, Jordan O'Neill agrees to become the first woman to train with the elite fighting force. If Jordan succeeds, then she w .....
Number of words: 1938 | Number of pages: 8 |
The Parable Of The Doorkeeper
<view this essay>.... lies in the discussion K has with the priest. The story was a simple, and poetic, way to summarize the entire novel. The main part of the story worth viewing and discussing are the multiple character of the doorkeeper. The first character of the doorkeeper that one sees is the warders. When the man goes to the “place” of law, he encounters the doorkeeper. The doorkeeper does not allow him to go inside. This reminds one of how K was treated, by the warders, when he tried to discover his charge. The act of refusing entry into the house of law, can be considered to the “incarceration” that K was put under. Although, it appeared that the greater part in impe .....
Number of words: 554 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Outsiders 2
<view this essay>.... There were plays made about the
book too. The Outsiders is about a gang. They live in a city
in Oklahoma. Ponyboy Curtis, a 14 year old greaser, tells
the story. Other characters include Sodapop and Darry,
Ponyboy's brothers, Johnny, Dallas, and Two-Bit, that were
also gang members and Ponyboy's friends. This story deals
with two forms of social classes: the socs, the rich kids,
and the greasers, the poor kids. The socs go around looking
for trouble and greasers to beat up, and then the greasers
are blamed for it, because they are poor and
cannot affect the authorities. I hope you would enjoy and
learn something about the book .....
Number of words: 2381 | Number of pages: 9 |
<view this essay>.... of mind and or characteristic of a person may have is the cause of a previous condition and eventually links back before the person’s life. Augustine does not believe that our choices are determined by internal factors because the responsibility of those choices are beyond our control and alleviates us from such a thing. Therefore freedom no longer exists because the choice was made from within. This is compatibilism; determinism is compatible with “human freedom and moral responsibility,” and Augustine rejects this.
Augustine sees human beings having metaphysical freedom: “the freedom to make decisions and control what to choose with any determination that .....
Number of words: 566 | Number of pages: 3 |
Analysis Of The Astronomer's Wife
<view this essay>.... men, and therefore she did not
realize that she and her husband were mismatched. Furthermore, in her awakening,
Mrs. Ames also discovers that she, like the plumber, occupies as valuable a
place in society as the astronomer, for she does the "dirty" work to free people
like her husband to have time to think and to discover.
The scene in question takes place after Mrs. Ames has already noticed that
the plumber has a few physical characteristics that match her own (such as
blond hair), and she is talking to him as he descends into the earth. The scene
begins immediately after the plumber says "I think something has stopped the
elbow", because this phrase .....
Number of words: 777 | Number of pages: 3 |
<view this essay>.... the tragedy, is portrayed as a great leader and hero of many. He was a wonderful soldier who not only for for his country but for his King. During the course of the play though, was greatly influenced by the supernatural forces of the witches. ‘ All hail, that shalt be king hereafter!’ These witches led him to believe that he could be a King over all of Scotland if he would just do a few dishonest things to get what he wanted. ‘If chance will have me King, why, chance may crown me, without my stir.’ was gullible enough to believe the witches and thus led to his very own deception and demise. He brought himself to an even greater status than he began with .....
Number of words: 808 | Number of pages: 3 |
How Will Our Future Be?
<view this essay>.... some sort of card that you used for multiple things. Your
health-insurance, driver's licence, personal identification and many other
things. Some people say that this is the beginning to the completely government
controlled society where your every move is followed by the administration.
The year is 2096. We are standing in the airport near Copenhagen. A lot of
people are walking by with their net-agents. A small computer-program that has
been trained to inform you on all the things that you find interesting. To
identify themselves they have their citizen-card plugged into the device. An
agent is calling our net-computer. He wishes to inform us about all the
a .....
Number of words: 840 | Number of pages: 4 |
Does King Lear Play The Tragic
<view this essay>.... of the definition of tragedy used the word catharsis to describe the effects of true tragedy on the spectator. Aristotle stated that the purpose of tragedy was to invoke pity and terror, and thereby effect the catharsis of these emotions. Other critics see tragedy as a moral lesson in which fear and pity are excited by the tragic hero’s fate serve to warn the spectator not to similarly tempt providence. This interpretation is generally accepted that through experiencing fear vicariously in a controlled situation, the spectators own anxieties are directed outward, and, through sympathetic identification was the protagonist, his insight and outlook .....
Number of words: 874 | Number of pages: 4 |