» English Essays and Papers
The Author And His Times
<view this essay>.... and apprentices, many of whom
couldn't read or write. To keep so many different kinds of people
entertained, he had to write into his plays such elements as clowns
who made terrible puns and wisecracks; ghosts and witches; places
for the actors to dance and to sing the hit songs of the time; fencing
matches and other kinds of fight scenes; and emotional speeches for
his star actor, Richard Burbage. There is very little indication
that he was troubled in any way by having to do this. The stories he
told were familiar ones, from popular storybooks or from English and
Rom .....
Number of words: 2199 | Number of pages: 8 |
The Odyssey 2
<view this essay>.... therefore had a liking for his son. Athena also felt sorry that Odysseus was being detained on the Island of Ogygia, by the nymph, Calypso, and could not return home to save his wife and raise his son. Meanwhile, Telemachus is lost, feeling that he has no identity. In order for him to get some direction, he still needs divine help.
Seeing that Telemachus was in need of direction, Athena feels obligated to help. Athena's main motive for going to see Telemachus is to "rouse [him] / to a braver pitch, inspire his heart with courage (page 80, lines 104-105)" She realizes that Telemachus needs to be advised by a wise older man, she disguises herself as an old f .....
Number of words: 1441 | Number of pages: 6 |
Comapre Great Gatsby And Cats
<view this essay>.... are presented and the characters in the novel respond according to their beliefs. A character reacts in a particular way towards certain situations which shows that they are in agreement to or that they oppose the idea being presented. This suggests that characters are defined by what they can and can not accept about themselves and others.
Individual characters can be interpreted by what they can accept about themselves. In the novel The Great Gatsby, Myrtle Wilson is the woman with whom Tom Buchanan is having an affair. Myrtle want to be a part of Tom's life because he has a lot of money. She lets Tom push her around and treat her however he wants. She alw .....
Number of words: 1685 | Number of pages: 7 |
The Awakening
<view this essay>.... by reflecting her feelings. The novel opens with the image of a bird, trapped and unable to communicate: "a green and yellow parrot, which hung in the cage outside the door...could speak a little Spanish, and also a language that nobody understood" (1). Like the bird, Edna feels trapped and believes that society has imprisoned her. Her marriage to Mr. Pontellier suffocates her and keeps her from being free. At the same time, she remains shut apart from society like the bird in the cage, and different ideas and feelings prevent her from communicating. The only person in society that begins to understand her, Robert, eventually decides that he must re .....
Number of words: 862 | Number of pages: 4 |
Oedipus Rex
<view this essay>.... his parents,Lauis makes a promise to dispose of the newborn child and to save his fate. He then gives the young child to his head shepherd to cast out into the wild,where he will die.
The childs ankles are then pinned together,but the sheherd hasn't the heart to get rid of the child,so he gives the child to another shepherd from a land called Corinth.
Once the shepherd receives the child,he unpins his ankles and names him Oedipus,which comes from "swollen feet",as when they were pinned,they were swollen.He cares for the child until he returns to Corinth,where he then gives the child to his friend,the King of Corinth,who raises the child up until manhood.When he .....
Number of words: 707 | Number of pages: 3 |
Antigone 4
<view this essay>.... be safely put to rest.
Antigone was a very loving and caring sister to her brother, Polynices. She had lots of respect for her brother. She refused to let her brother’s soul wander around aimlessly therefore, she wanted to bury him. However, it was against her uncle’s orders to bury Polynices but she refused to listen. Since she had so much respect for her brother, she didn’t care what her uncle’s orders were. Therefore, she was going to do anything she could to bury him, even if it meant that she had to sacrifice her life. She knew it was the right thing to do. As she says here, “I know my duty, where true duty lies,R .....
Number of words: 879 | Number of pages: 4 |
A View From The Bridge
<view this essay>.... must conquer. Earlier in the story, the first part of nature is himself, for which he must fight off his hunger. This is a harsh part of the story. He manages though to get a few bites in the form of flying fish and dolphin of which he would like to have salt on. This part of the story tells of a cold and harsh sea, that is, one that has value and mystery as well as death and danger. It has commercial value as well as the population of life in it. It is dark and treacherous though, and every day there is a challenge. A similar story tells about a tidal pool with life called `Cannery Road'. This part of the story has to deal with figures of Christ. It mainly dea .....
Number of words: 1449 | Number of pages: 6 |
The Rez Sisters
<view this essay>.... with myths. They’re the core of our identity as people.”(P. 172 Native Literature in Canada.) I am going to focus on the image and identity of Native people as seen through the play .
Identity is “how you view yourself and your life.” (p. 12 Knots in a String.) Your identity helps you determine where you think you fit in, in your life. It is “a rich complexity of images, ideas and associations.”(p. 12 Knots in a String.) It is given that as we go through our lives and encounter different experiences our identity of yourselves and where we belong may change. As this happens we may gain or relinquish new values and from t .....
Number of words: 1280 | Number of pages: 5 |