» English Essays and Papers
The Theme Of Darkness In The H
<view this essay>.... as a recurring theme throughout the story would be an effective tool because of the many connotations of darkness. Darkness can, for example, represents evil, the unknown, mystery, sadness or fear. Also important is the way darkness and light can be used to represent two opposite emotions or concepts. Light vs. dark can, for example, represent good vs. evil, the civilized vs. the uncivilized, illusion vs. reality or assumption vs. fact.
We know from the start of the novella that the darkness that Conrad refers to is symbolic, because, while the silent narrator aboard The Nellie comments on the many lights emanating from the shore, the lighthouse, the .....
Number of words: 1330 | Number of pages: 5 |
Relating Themes In O’Connor’s “First Confession”
<view this essay>.... mother gave to his father. He even took her maiden name. (O’Donovan, Contemporary)
In “First Confession”, Jackie resents his father for beating him (O’Connor, 356). O’Connor also detested his father. He said that they had a love/hate relationship, depending on if his father was drinking or not (“O’Donovan, Contemporary).
Frank O’Connor portrays Jackie as an assertive character. He tries to have things done his way. “I was too honest, that was my trouble…”(O’Connor, 335). This quote is referring to Nora “sucking up” to her grandmother for a penny every Friday. Jackie couldn’t do this because he expresses what he is feeling. He’s always battling wi .....
Number of words: 551 | Number of pages: 3 |
Grapes Of Wrath - Plot Questio
<view this essay>.... after day, after day. If I worked at something for twelve hours a day, and just made hardly enough money to keep living, I would get quite frustrated and not be very happy at all.
Another reason that people moved to California was so they could move on to a better place. Living in Oklahoma, really wasn't all that good for the Joad's. They couldn't be very happy at what they had. They where a very proud family and wanted to get away and show everyone that they could do some good in this world for themselves.
2. Who are the members of the Joad family unit that set out for California? Briefly state what happens to each of them.
Ma, Pa, Ruth, Winfield, Uncle John, .....
Number of words: 1282 | Number of pages: 5 |
The Bluest Eye
<view this essay>.... now she changes her perspective on life. She believes that these eyes have been given to her magically and in some respects her eyes begin to corrupt her as an individual. The story begins to take a turn and the reader realizes that the main character has begun to entirely rely on self-image in order to build confidence. This leads to the question of how significant are the "Blue eyes" to society and how does the theme of beauty and ugliness linger throughout the story. With this in mind, how does this make Pecola a victim of society and a victim in herself?
If any person can be credited for creating the obsession of beauty that Pecola bu .....
Number of words: 1222 | Number of pages: 5 |
Blind Obedience
<view this essay>.... The story moves quickly and the characters are only briefly sketched out. The story has a science fiction “feel” to it. The events preceding the story include a war (with an unknown opponent) that we have lost. The main character among the children is Johnny whose father fought in the war and is now being held prisoner. Johnny is afraid for his father and about the changes that are coming to his school because of the defeat.
The author is able to assume that we all share common experiences from our youth and our days in grade school, introducing the characters with a minimum of prose. The major theme is critiquing education systems that teach children wh .....
Number of words: 695 | Number of pages: 3 |
New Hreligion And Medieval Lit
<view this essay>.... he printed the first book in English. This new method of printing was the key to increasing the availability of texts and lowering the cost. But the church had overwhelming influence and plenty of funds to produce literature and wasn't terribly interested in a literate following, it only meant more people would be reading and developing their own interpretations of the scripture. The church knew that the stories and ideas of the Bible could effectively be passed on through sermons and mystery and morality plays.
Although they both have the primary mission of conveying biblical messages, mystery and morality plays have considerable differences. The "mystery" in .....
Number of words: 2239 | Number of pages: 9 |
Macbeth 2
<view this essay>.... influence in the whole tragedy.
Early in the tragedy, Macbeth is portrayed as a great leader and hero of many. He was a wonderful soldier who not only for for his country but for his King. During the course of the play though, Macbeth was greatly influenced by the supernatural forces of the witches. ‘ All hail, Macbeth that shalt be king hereafter!’ These witches led him to believe that he could be a King over all of Scotland if he would just do a few dishonest things to get what he wanted. ‘If chance will have me King, why, chance may crown me, without my stir.’ Macbeth was gullible enough to believe the witches and thus led to h .....
Number of words: 836 | Number of pages: 4 |
Upon The Burning Of Our Land
<view this essay>.... still burns on. When there is nothing left to burn, the fire goes out, leaving a devastating trail of destruction.
A large and destructive wildfire is comparable to the settling of American soil by foreigners from afar. In a letter he wrote to the president, Chief Seathl explained how settlers came to this land, and negatively affected almost everything they saw, including the land and its native people. Chief Seathl showed the effects the settlers had on the land as more land and people were “burned away” for the settlers’ consumption. Chief Seathl spoke of issues that were argued for many years, and which still have relevance in ou .....
Number of words: 869 | Number of pages: 4 |