» English Essays and Papers
Big Two-hearted River
<view this essay>.... of short stories told in the third person, and the intrusion of the first person narrator in these two pieces is unsettling. In both instances, though, the reader is left with a much more absorbing story; one in which the reader is, in fact, a main character. With the exception of "My Old Man", which is entirely in the first person , and "On the Quai at Smyrna", which is only possibly in the first person, there is just one instance in In Our Time in which a character speaks in the first person. It occurs in ": Part II", an intensely personal story which completely immerses the reader in the actions and thoughts of Nick Adams. Hemingway's utilization of the omn .....
Number of words: 1176 | Number of pages: 5 |
Flowers For Algernon 2
<view this essay>.... result your intellectual growth is going to outstrip your emotional growth. This theory is shown in the novel with Charlie having two growths, intellectual and emotional. These two growths interact by reason of once there is a high intellectual growth that is rapidly out growing, the emotional growth will stay the same or increase at a much lower speed.
The definition of intelligence that is explained in the book is having certain attributes that help you become a stronger individual. The qualities are having honesty, ethics morals and compassion. One has to achieve this intelligence thoughtlessly; Charlie shows this before he has his operation. By reaching thi .....
Number of words: 372 | Number of pages: 2 |
A Guy's Sense Of Manhood
<view this essay>.... found in the youth culture. These two ways of proving masculinity, which appear to me the most common among young men, are the manner in which men deal with sports and women. Especially at a young and immature age, these things appear to be the only way to validate manhood. Hence it is with these means that boys and men are taught their gender roles. I shall explore how most men develop what they believe to be important to their gender role in society, and draw upon examples from my own life, focusing on the aforementioned topics of athletics and women.
Most men exhibit characteristics, which are not all that far from basic animal behavior, especially wh .....
Number of words: 1838 | Number of pages: 7 |
A Good Man Is Hard To Find 2
<view this essay>.... we know that she is a lady raised from a traditional background. In the story, her attitude changes more than once to accommodate the surroundings that she is in. With the data provided, we can tell that the grandmother goes from not wanting to go to Florida, to anxious to go, and in the end, I felt as if she went off the deep end. All of the sudden, the only thing she really concentrates on is Jesus and her not being killed.
The action in the entire story surrounds and normally begins with something the grandmother has said or done. At the very beginning of the story, she starts off by stating that she does not want to go to Florida. She would rather .....
Number of words: 1186 | Number of pages: 5 |
Heart Of Darkness 10
<view this essay>.... was the death of his father that sent Joseph into a fit of melancholy, and it was within this sadness that Joseph turned to writing to ease his grief and carried his pain and suffering into most of his novels. After finishing his education in Krakow, Poland, Joseph went to sea, and from there sailed on and off for the next twenty years. These twenty years were the basis if not the absolute pure nautical theme that flows throughout many of his novels. Stories such as Lord Jim and Heart of Darkness are based upon true to life experiences that Joseph had while at sea. Another unique aspect of Conrad’s writing, would be the lack of simple romance within a .....
Number of words: 1184 | Number of pages: 5 |
<view this essay>.... of . had no Roman name, only a Greek name, . (Graves, 185) He was one of the few gods that only had a Greek name. No one knows why he only had a Greek name, we can only guess.
His father, Iapetus was also a mighty Titan, one of the first Titans. His mother, Clymene, was a beautiful nymph from the deep trenches of the oceans of the world. (Hodge, 352) The story of his birth is rather sketchy, most books just outline the story of Iapetus and Clymene being madly in love with each other, and having a son, and naming him . He had a brother who was named Atlas. (Encyclopedia Americana, 576) (Picture taken from Microsoft Encarta, 1998)
isn’t really in charge of anyt .....
Number of words: 1156 | Number of pages: 5 |
Antigone And Creon
<view this essay>.... very independent people. Antigone is willing to act on her own for something she believes in. In the first scene Atigone pleas with her sister, Ismene, to help her. When Ismene refuses she is furious, but is resolved to continue with her plan, in defiance of Creon¹s decree.
³Go away, Ismene: I shall be hating you soon, and the dead will too, For your words are hateful. Leave me to my foolish plan: I am not afraid of the danger; if it means death, It will not be the worst of deaths - death without honor.² (189)
Even facing the penalty of death, she risks her life for what she believes. By her self, she manages to sneak past the guards watching over the corpse .....
Number of words: 1493 | Number of pages: 6 |
<view this essay>.... the third component is the character portrayals by the actors on the stage.
To take us back to ancient Greece, the props master employed a very simple interpretation using columns on a raised set of steps, with a backdrop of blue. To add to the feel of the era, a statue stands in the middle of the platform. This platform serves double duty as the Akropolis and as the Citadel, both of which the women have occupied. When the men light a fire below the walls of the Akropolis, smoke pours out of the bundle of sticks, making it appear as if a fire has really been ignited. Fortunately the women are ready and the fire is extinguished and the men all doused with .....
Number of words: 916 | Number of pages: 4 |