» English Essays and Papers
A Rose For Emily -- Symbol Of The Past
<view this essay>.... of his name and to earn his family a great deal of honor. He also, however, had and air of superiority about him. His attitude toward women, as evident in the treatment of his daughter, reflects his old-fashioned ways and his inability, or his lack of desire, to move on into the future. Throughout Miss Emily’s childhood, her father believed that "none of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily." Mr. Grierson did not allow his grown daughter, even at the age of thirty, to
make her own decisions. Moreover, he did not feel it was her place to act on her own behalf. Miss Emily willingly accepted her role in the household. The .....
Number of words: 978 | Number of pages: 4 |
<view this essay>.... to become immortal for his deeds through the poems and songs written about them. was a flawed hero and showed it in many different ways with the way he acted and things he said. If you look beneath the surface of to his character you will see that he only stood for himself and himself alone.
The first, and one of the biggest problems that shows is boastfulness, even for a Viking. One example to show how boastful was, is when he talked about the swimming contest with Brecca. It all started after and his men arrived at the Meadhall, in the process of trying to get permission to fight Grendel, he was questioned on how he intended to fight a monster as .....
Number of words: 909 | Number of pages: 4 |
Gatsby S Sacrifice
<view this essay>.... created his own personal religion, which was one of romantic ideals: wealth, youth, and beauty. Gatsby, "a son of God," strived to obtain the "vast, vulgar, and meretricious beauty," and to incarnate these ideals with reality. Like Jesus Christ came here as an incarnation of man and the divine, "the perfect word entering the imperfect world-- and yet remaining perfect"
(Christensen, 154-155), Gatsby is referred to as "a son of God" because through his invention of Jay Gatsby, James Gatz tried to incarnate his ideal dream with reality. Daisy becomes the embodiment of that dream because she is the personification of his romantic ideals. For him she represents hi .....
Number of words: 1758 | Number of pages: 7 |
The Scarlet Letter 2
<view this essay>.... never remove it and to also stand in front of everyone on the scaffold in the center of town. She is reminded of her sins because of her daughter who was a result of the affair. She sees her everyday and cherishes every moment she has with her. They try to take Pearl away but Hester will not allow them to.
Dimmesdale has also committed adultery with Hester. As a result he is forced to keep this secret deep with in. His punishments are for it to eat him alive and slowly tear away at his heart until he is actually dead. He knew what he did is wrong he just could not tell anyone because he was ashamed of it, but this is not saying that he’s not in love with .....
Number of words: 401 | Number of pages: 2 |
<view this essay>.... viewed as an artistic movement, or state of mind, or both. This movement seemed to be reaction against the dominant attitudes and approaches of the eighteenth century. Unlike the eighteenth century, writers who interest in reaction, logic, and scientific observation, the Romantics stressed the examination of inner feelings, emotions and the use of imagination. This seemed to be the first element in . It appeals to emotion rather than reason. Also, the explores the mysteries of nature and supernatural. It reflects interesting in nature because the Romantics describe their story and poem about America wilderness or countryside or they depicted nature. This .....
Number of words: 933 | Number of pages: 4 |
The Lord Of The Flies - Charac
<view this essay>.... that they crashed in an airplane and are stranded. They also learn that there are no adults present on the island and that none of the adults survived the crash. As they approach a beach, they find an enormous conch shell. Piggy gives the conch a little toot and summons the rest of the boys on the island to the beach. The boys assemble and elect Ralph as the leader. Ralph then assigns the Choir, led by Jack, to be the hunters. Then Jack, Ralph, and Simon set out to explore the island. Near the end of their journey, they encounter a wild pig. Jack tries to kill it, but is unsuccessful. When the explorers get back, a meeting is held. The explorers explain .....
Number of words: 1200 | Number of pages: 5 |
Faulkners Image Of Women
<view this essay>.... to combat her fate reaffirms a woman's position in Yoknapatawpha. The pages of The Sound and The Fury, As I Lay Dying, and Sanctuary tell the tales of sorrow, struggle, and ultimately defeat for the three women.
Caddy's role is the veritable centerpiece of The Sound and the Fury, her destruction is symbolizes the destruction of the Compson Family. Despair marked her life. In an early age she assumed the responsibility of being a mother to Benjy. "She put the bottle down and came and put her arms around me. 'You mustn't cry. Caddy's not going away. See here.' She took up the bottle and took the stopper out and held it to my nose" (The Sound and the Fury 51). A .....
Number of words: 967 | Number of pages: 4 |
Huckleberry Finn 19th Century
<view this essay>.... in our modern world. Huck lives with the guilt that all his choices are immoral based on his society, yet really his beliefs are the correct ones when considering man’s basic goodness. Three of the major instances in the novel when Huck’s beliefs contrast those of the 19th century are when he questions the outcome of Jim, when he tries to comprehend the concept of the feud, and when he has to decide whether to save the men on the Sir Walter Scott.
Although Huck’s choices concerning Jim’s life are the moral and proper choices, Huck is pounded by his society’s teachings the black men are property. When Huck first escapes from .....
Number of words: 1691 | Number of pages: 7 |