» English Essays and Papers
Writers Block
<view this essay>.... handsome living. These payments liberated her from the need to use charm and the arts of her sex to provide sustenance and lifestyle maintenance. This mentality was widely held during her career. As society changed, it paved the way for other female writers to be less encumbered by gender, and appreciated for their works. I wonder how the writings of Joan Didion would have been accepted fifty years earlier during the start of Woolf’s career. Would she posses the same confidence in her work?
Orwell writes “What I have most wonted to do throughout the last ten years is to make political writing in to an art. One can write nothing readable unless one c .....
Number of words: 875 | Number of pages: 4 |
Once A Warrior King - Review
<view this essay>.... gathered in order to report the state of affairs during the Vietnam War was far from factual. Miscommunication was a major part of America's problem in Vietnam. Top officials and politicians in the U.S. government didn't understand what was taking place on the front lines and therefor they were less than effective in strategic decision making processes. The American people also understood very little about the war. Understanding this puts anti-war protests in perspective; the American people could not envision the death and mutilation of children.
American intentions in Vietnam were muddled, thus forces were misguided and outcomes were unfavorable .....
Number of words: 784 | Number of pages: 3 |
King Lear --
<view this essay>.... The Fool could be considered King Lear's subconscious; he has perceptions the King Lear does not. With his knowledge, the Fool tries to teach King Lear how to reason out the truth for himself.
King Lear is oblivious to the truth; therefore his better judgement is impaired. From the moment the Fool enter the play, he has an analogy to condemn King Lear of his foolish action:
Why? For taking one's part that's out of favor
Nay; an thou canst not smile as the wind sits, thoul't catch cold shortly
There, take may coxcomb! Why this fellow has banished two on's daughters,
And did the third a blessing against his will. If thou follow him,
Thou must needs w .....
Number of words: 1138 | Number of pages: 5 |
True Grit Vs Old Man And The S
<view this essay>.... An early start, a determined drive, a final showdown, and an attempt to continue the achievement. The intentions were to simply accomplish no matter what the circumstance. The Old Man set out early in the morning as indicated here, “…he began to row out of the harbour in the dark.” In True Grit, Mattie, a girl bent on avenging her father’s death, Rooster, a federal marshal, and LaBoeuf, a Texas Ranger, set off when, “It was still dark outside and bitter cold although mercifully there was little wind.” The dedication involved in the characters’ pursuits becomes more evident later on. “He is a great fish .....
Number of words: 994 | Number of pages: 4 |
Everyday Heroes, On To Kill A
<view this essay>.... county, in respect to the value they see in others. It takes a person with strength, stamina, courage, and most importantly character, to stand up alone against culture, and mend an injustice.
Atticus holds his position as the public condemns his righteous ideas of change, and people begin to admire his will power. They finally begin to admit to themselves that their consciences agree with him. The populace shows its unrest as they see he will take up the case in the quote, "Yea but Atticus aims to defend him that's what I don't like about it" (163). His town is used to the common defense lawyers taking the cases of defending Negroes, and putting on a sham .....
Number of words: 1495 | Number of pages: 6 |
Julius Ceaser 2
<view this essay>.... read the will, if we make a ring around Caesar's corpse. He shows us Caesar's bloodstained toga, with a tear. He shows us the rip, and says, "See what a rent the envious Casca made: Through this the well-beloved Brutus stabb'd." When Antony showed us visual evidence of the bloody treason, and when he said the words "beloved" and "Brutus" together I sought revenge. I am furious, and detest Brutus. I hit myself on the head, for respecting him, and thinking of him as an honorable man. How foolish I had been! Tears come to my eyes, as I see the dead corpse of the most exquisite man that had ever existed.
It was after all of this, that the crowd of Roman citizens .....
Number of words: 701 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Love Song Of J. Alfred Pul
<view this essay>.... preoccupation with the of time characterizes the fear of aging he has. The poem deals with the aging and fears associated with it of the narrator. The themes of insecurity and time are concentrated on. Prufrock is not confident with himself mentally or his appearance. He is terrified of what will occur when people see his balding head or his slim and aging body.
This insecurity is definitely a hindrance for him. It holds him back from doing the things he wishes to do. This is the sort of characteristic that makes Alfred into a tragic, doomed character. He will not find happiness until he finds self-assurance within himself. The repetition of words like vi .....
Number of words: 1339 | Number of pages: 5 |
The Circle Of Souls In John Donne’s A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
<view this essay>.... to go while others await his parting. Such a man sets an example for lovers. The separation of the soul from the body and the separation of lovers are not an ending but the beginning of a new cycle. Donne uses the reaction of people to death as an analogy of how their love is to be viewed. Donne uses many examples of figurative language throughout his poem eventually ending it with an image of a circle, the symbol of perfection. This perfection is attained by parting at the beginning of the circle and reuniting at the point where the curves reconnect. Donne’s monologue is unique because he uses metaphysical comparisons to show the union of the lovers during .....
Number of words: 1287 | Number of pages: 5 |