» English Essays and Papers
Animal Farm
<view this essay>.... life, about their situation in life and the problems in life. Their only problem was Man. Man used them for his own purposes: his own needs. That, to them, seemed wrong and they knew that they had to do something about it. Old Major mentioned a Rebellion and it was all the animals hoped for. But it was up to them to rebel. Then he thought them a song “Beasts of England” that they sang on and on to memorize.
Chapter I
George Orwell’s is an allegory* it concerns the toppling of the Russian Imperial rule and its replacement by the communist regime.
In this light, the characters introduced in Chapter I represent real, historical figures: Mr. Jo .....
Number of words: 634 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Accidental Tourest
<view this essay>.... death.
One thing in this scene that helps us to see how Macon has changed comes on page 339. Macon is reflecting back on his life, and he realizes that he "had not taken steps very often in his life, come to think of it, really never. His marriage, his two jobs, his relationship with Muriel, his return to Sarah-all seemed to have simply befallen him. He couldn't think of a single major act he had managed of his own accord."(339) In thinking this, Macon is realizing that he has dedicated a great deal of time using systems and finding other ways to organize and control the minor aspects of his life, however he has never put much thought, or attempted to take mu .....
Number of words: 996 | Number of pages: 4 |
Hedda Gabler By Ibsen
<view this essay>.... Through the use of theme, setting, and then-current affairs, Ibsen produces a work that uniquely portrays the sources of the motivations of this manipulative woman.
Whether it be the burning of her former love’s manuscript or supplying him with the pistol to shoot himself, Hedda’s malevolence shows the ability of man to have total disregard for the life of another. Hedda coldly manipulates the lives of everyone around her. Through these manipulative actions, she ruins the lives of all of her acquaintances. Because she is not happy in her marriage, she attempts to forbid anyone else to live a content life. For example, after she persua .....
Number of words: 941 | Number of pages: 4 |
Woodrow Wilson’s League Of Nations Speech And Yezierska’s The Bread Givers
<view this essay>.... peace, then, maybe, they could push themselves into heaven with the men, to wait on them their”(95). Women were to “bear the burden” of the household, and leave the rebbe to his studies and prayers. When Bessie, the oldest, finds a potential husband, her father turns him out, saying, “Don’t forget, when she gets married, who’ll carry me the burden from this house?” (45).
In Sara, her father finds his most persistent and unyielding opponent, and increasingly so as she gets older. She, the youngest, has breathed heavily of the New World’s aura, and eventually decides it’s more important than her father’s preaching. Sara has also inherited a large part of .....
Number of words: 1907 | Number of pages: 7 |
Daniel 2
<view this essay>.... will someday come back and take us to be with Him in Heaven.
The book of Daniel is a very fascinating portion of God's Word, which is written to teach us. Chapters one through six make up the historical background of the Israelites during this time. They describe historical events in Babylon during the Israelites captivity. The last six chapters make up the prophetic section. It foretells upcoming events that will affect God's chosen people. It also records a series of dreams in which Daniel foretells the future. We can learn of God's love for his people, which is a demonstrated throughout this book. The book of Daniel was written in two different la .....
Number of words: 2141 | Number of pages: 8 |
Diggin The Dancing Queen - Mur
<view this essay>.... of the film has made it unlike any film that would result from the mainstream "Hollywood" variety. What makes Muriel distinctly Australian is the nature of suburbia. Muriel has been raised in a low to middle class family. Her father aspires to a political career, whilst her mother is emotionally abused by the father and siblings. She is clearly suffering from depression and low self esteem which is evident right from the beginning of the film. Muriel's siblings are unemployed and show no desire for a better future and the father, Bill reinforces his families' low self esteem by constant negativity. Muriel's desire to get married is at some level .....
Number of words: 1026 | Number of pages: 4 |
The Inconvenience Of Convenience
<view this essay>.... the most used item of modern convenience, ( maybe besides the microwave
) and at the same time one of our most inconveniencing. Convenience is so
important to some people that they are the ones who install, or create the
idea to install bathrooms and showers at campgrounds, a place where the
idea is to go and " rough it. " The idea and importance of convenience has
even been a reason to end one's life. It is convenient because of its
quickness to end tough situations. My cousin recently used this excuse.
Convenience is not a bad thing, it usually is for the best, but it appears
that to modern humanity, the importance of convenience outweighs
everything fr .....
Number of words: 1039 | Number of pages: 4 |
The Significance Of Changes In The Lottery
<view this essay>.... cut some parts out.
Old Man Warner symbolizes tradition and does not agree with change because he has been through the lottery seventy-seven times. His comments “Nothing but trouble in that” and “Pack of young fools,” After Mr. Adams said that the north village was talking about giving up the lottery, show that Old Man Warner did not approve of change and was comfortable with the way things were then.
The “original paraphernalia” is stated to have been lost and replaced by the black box they used at the time before Old Man Warner was born. Even with a stickler over tradition around, the story plot shows that things would change with time. Mr. Summers used .....
Number of words: 494 | Number of pages: 2 |