» Book Reports Essays and Papers
Anne Frank Remembered: Review
<view this essay>.... and their oppression of the Jewish people. Her disapproval of
German Nazi actions is evident in the following quotation, when she was
asked to join the Nazi Girls' Club:
" 'How can I join such a club?' I icily asked. 'Look at what the
Germans are doing to the Jews in Germany.' ...Let her take a good
look at me and see with her own eyes that some 'Aryan' woman was
not to be swept in by the Nazis." (Gies, p. 41, 1987).
The main source of background to the author's viewpoint is her own
story. In order to further discuss her main points and views, a summary of
her story must be given.
The book began with a brief history of .....
Number of words: 1116 | Number of pages: 5 |
Summary Of The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
<view this essay>.... of Ona's family, each of whom play minor roles in the
The story opens with the feast at Jurgis and Ona's wedding in
America, but soon flashes back to the time before they left Lithuania.
Jurgis met Ona at a horse fair, and fell in love with her. Unfortunately,
they were too poor to have a wedding, since Ona's father just died. In the
hopes of finding freedom and fortune, they left for America, bringing many
members of Ona's family with them.
After arriving in America, they are taken to Packingtown to find
work. Packingtown is a section of Chicago where the meat packing industry
is centralized. They take a tour of the plant, and see the .....
Number of words: 1565 | Number of pages: 6 |
Character Roles In Steinbecks
<view this essay>.... almost all of her energy into her chrysanthemums, and that these flowers have become a reflection of her. Because of that, she works too hard on them.
“Evidence in the story suggests, that Elisa . . . is talented and energetic-as well as frustrated. She cuts her chrysanthemum stalks with excessive energy; ‘her work with the scissors [is] over-eager, over-powerful (Hughes, 23) ’”.
When the repairman shows interest in Elisa’s flowers she becomes attracted at that moment. It almost seems like Elisa lives through her flowers, that they are a reflection of her.
That being the case, it was interesting to see that even though her hus .....
Number of words: 541 | Number of pages: 2 |
Picking Up The Pieces: An Analytical Look At Why The Village Of Umofia Fell Apart
<view this essay>.... because younger members are unable to remember persons of the past,
unable to relate to violence when they have lived in safety and peace and
are uninterested in a faith that does not fulfill their needs for music,
joy and love, instead of discipline of a higher being.
Okonkwo, the protagonist of the story, could remember to �another
time� when children, like his own son Nwoye, were not lazy. He could also
remember the indolence of his own father, Unoka, and that his father had
not received any titles as a clansman. He was determined to be a respected
farmer of yams to ward off the shame of his unsuccessful and dishonorable
father. .....
Number of words: 1525 | Number of pages: 6 |
Time Machine Book Report
<view this essay>.... people loved this, which is why he was so popular. John Middleton Murray has described Wells as "the last prophet of bourgeois Europe." He was also Europe's first futurologist. His writing style has been compared with a combination of Charles Darwin and Mary Shelly. Wells coined the phrase "the shape of things to come" and warned people of the dangers of the future in the literature that he wrote. Wells' prophecy of "the shape of things to come" is accomplished in The Time Machine. His ideas about the future are surely detrimental. As the Time Traveler is standing on the shore of a dead sea, he thinks to himself, I cannot convey the sense of abominable desolat .....
Number of words: 1164 | Number of pages: 5 |
Augustine And Love
<view this essay>.... saying he wasn�t in love or he doesn�t understand love? Both of these statements make me wonder how can he be in love with love, if he isn�t in love.
After stating this, Augustine continues to support his statement by talking about friendship. Is the friendship Augustine mentions lustful or sincerely about love? �Thus I polluted the stream of friendship with the filth of unclean desire and sullied its limpidity with the hell of lust.� (pg. 35) Obviously Augustine is letting the idea of love turn straight to lust. He talks about unclean desires, but he says he wants to be clean and courtly. Maybe Augustine has the wrong idea about love. Love is wh .....
Number of words: 1016 | Number of pages: 4 |
Farewell To Manzanar
<view this essay>.... owning two fishing boats, and they lived in a large house
with a large dining table which was located in an entirely non-Japanese
neighborhood. The surprise attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese was the
moment Jeanne's life was critically altered. This started WWII and all Japanese
were seen as possible threats to the nations safety. It is not difficult to see,
but difficult to justify this view, and therefore Jeanne Wakatsuki, just a child,
was now seen as a monster. Her father was immediately arrested and taken away,
being accused with furnishing oil to Japanese subs off the coast. And now,
Jeanne left without a father, her mother was trapped with the b .....
Number of words: 2276 | Number of pages: 9 |
Fahrenheit 451: A World With No Books
<view this essay>.... and a well paced story line.
This book combines catchy description and well thought out characters to put
together a gripping story that keeps the readers attention. It is interesting to
see how a once controversial topic could create such a dystopia in one place.
Fahrenheit 451 had many examples of good writing techniques that made it
a good novel. One technique that Bradbury did a good job of using was
description. He described things specifically using outstanding similes and
personifications. One example is how he mentioned the fire hose. He called it
"the great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world." (Bradbury
3) This made the reader n .....
Number of words: 710 | Number of pages: 3 |