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Gendre Stereotyping
<view this essay>.... with a popular movie or television character although both adults and children are influenced by television. Information acquired through all media can be destructive. We know information can be harmful when we use the terms "tomboy" and "sissy".
These terms automatically make the accused party an outcast. The term "tomboy" is used when referring to a girl who may seem slightly masculine, whereas the term "sissy" is used to describe a boy whe may seem slightly feminine. The socially accepted despcription of what it is to be masculine is to be strong, to be able to support a family, and to have high stamina. On the other hand, what it is to be feminine is t .....
Number of words: 559 | Number of pages: 3 |
Stress On Police Officers
<view this essay>.... that says an awful lot about police work. And that is the part of the definition "......BUT YOU CAN'T". Police work, by it's very nature, calls for an incredible amount of restraint. Continual restraint and draining restraint. It is stressful. The demands on police officers to show even greater restraint have been increasing over the years, and so has the effects of stress on police work. With the recent attention that police suicide has received in the media there have been a number of reviews on it. Between 1934 and 1960 police suicide rates were half that of the general population. Between 1980 to the present, suicide rates in some departments almost doub .....
Number of words: 1904 | Number of pages: 7 |
A Comparison Of Typewriters Vs. Computers
<view this essay>.... the electronic typewriter does not appear endangered. It is likely here to stay-and for good reasons.
Virtually anyone who has learned to key can sit down at the electronic typewriter and within a few minutes operate it with amazing ease and speed. According to Paez (1985, 55):
A familiar keyboard, which requires fewer keystrokes and
has a simpler, less code-intensive user interface, makes the
Transition to a high-end typewriter much easier than the
Transition to a personal computer with the same functions.
Typewriter Flexibility
An electronic typewriter can perform some functions computers cannot, but a personal computer (PC) cannot be used a mere t .....
Number of words: 423 | Number of pages: 2 |
Alfarabi And Aristotle: The Four Causes And The Four Stages Of The Doctrine Of The Intelligence
<view this essay>.... doctrines of Plato and Aristotle. He is
considered by many to be the founder of an authentic philosophy. His writings
created a lot of support, debate, and controversy. He contributed materials on
the proof of the existence of the First Principle, and on the theory of
emanation, as well as the theory of knowledge, in addition to his commentaries
on Greek philosophers.
The Greek influence is clearly present in his works, especially with his
Opinions of the Inhabitants of a Virtuous City, where he laid down a
philosophical, religious, and social system for the humanity at large; a system
that sought to break barriers and facilitate relations among people and n .....
Number of words: 1410 | Number of pages: 6 |
Without Men
<view this essay>.... They have split up the domestic chores with their husbands and entered the workforce and/or returned to school. They are no longer compelled to become domestic housewives who stay at home to cook, clean, care for the children, and serve their husbands. However, they are given more choices and opportunities, and are becoming more independent.
From the time of the women's movement, women have proven to society that they are just as capable and qualify for the same roles that men perform. Since they have been given more educational opportunities, they have also proven that they are just as competent by accomplishing the same educational level as men. Th .....
Number of words: 706 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Patriotic Canadian
<view this essay>.... Government.” For as long as I can remember, Canada has promoted peace any way possible. The United States, on the other hand, has the saying “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” They promote peace, but in a violent way.
I know Canada has its problems, such as the Quebec ‘crisis’. Quebec just has its own provincialisms, which I personally see as a little extreme, but every province wants to be independent, to a certain extent. I am proud how Canada handled that problem. Let Quebec vote, and see if they will separate. The only thing different that I would have done was have all of Canada vote whether or not Quebec should .....
Number of words: 295 | Number of pages: 2 |
America's Zoos: Entertainment To Conservation
<view this essay>.... prisons (Hope, 1994). Their cages feel cold
and desolate. The concrete floor provides no warmth and the atmosphere is
sterile. The animals do not appear very happy in this closed-in environment.
Just who are these anxious animals? They are the common everyday animals any
child could name: the bears, the tigers, the elephants and the monkeys. What
about the rest of the world's unique creatures? Hundreds of species are
endanger of becoming extinct, and conservation is in need. Extinction is a
permanent issue. The treatment of all our animals and their rights is important
as well. As concern for the world's animals becomes more prominent in the news,
o .....
Number of words: 2253 | Number of pages: 9 |
Being A Radio DJ
<view this essay>.... in the music industry, many jobs are being formed daily. Especially in the broadcasting industry, as stated by Dick Robinson. �The broadcasting industry is exploding, new stations are being formed, and more jobs are always being created�(Robinson). Having a job as a radio DJ offers a wide variety of benefits and pluses. Some of those special benefits include interviewing famous bands, going backstage, plus receiving free tickets and promotional items for almost every band of your choice (Carter). Even when a disc jockey is new to the station and just starting out, many opportunities are available, which include those listed above, plus many more.
The best way t .....
Number of words: 943 | Number of pages: 4 |