» History Essays and Papers
Direct Mail Marketing
<view this essay>.... time we purchase products such as: electronics, computer software, and other products; direct mail advertising is in the air. Every time we send in warranty cards and registration forms back to the manufacturer; as consumers we are often unaware that we are sending information about ourselves, that will be used as; statistical, personal, and informative data for future marketing purposes. Thus, marketers and advertisers know what kinds of products to target us with.
Although direct mail, or as we call it “junk-mail” somehow finds its way to our homes and businesses.
In order to understand direct-mail advertising, I will be discussing this unique f .....
Number of words: 1843 | Number of pages: 7 |
Slavery And The Underground Railroad
<view this essay>.... being one of our nation's first major anti-slavery movements.
The history of the railroad is quite varied according to whom you
are talking. Slavery in America thrived and continued to grow because
there was a scarcity of labor. Cultivation of crops on plantations could
be supervised while slaves used simple routines to harvest them, the low
price at which slaves could be bought, and earning profits as a bonus for
not having to pay hired work.
Slaves turned to freedom for more than one reason. Some were
obsessed with being free and living a life where they were not told how to
live. Others ran due to fear of being separted or sold from friends a .....
Number of words: 1501 | Number of pages: 6 |
Buddhism 3
<view this essay>.... but one day Siddhartha ventured out into the world and was confronted with the harsh reality of life and universal suffering. At age twenty-nine, he left his kingdom and new-born son to lead a plain, reclusive life and determine a way to relieve this universal suffering. Siddhartha meditated under a bodhi tree for six years, but he was never fully satisfied. One day, however, he was offered a bowl of rice from a young girl and he accepted it. At that moment, he realized that physical harshness was not a means of achieving liberation. From then on, he encouraged people to follow a path of balance rather than extremism. He called this path the Middle W .....
Number of words: 905 | Number of pages: 4 |
Atomic Bomb In World War 2
<view this essay>.... scientists pinpointed the
exact detonation point of the bomb.
The second atomic bomb was dropped just three days later on
Nagasaki, Japan. 1/3 of the city was destroyed and 66,000 people were
reported killed or injured. A memorial now marks the spot where the bomb exploded.
During the initial blast the A-bomb released about 85% of its
energy as intense heat followed by a supersonic shock wave that is felt
as a highly destructive high pressure air blast, which can easily demolish
tall buildings, not to mention people. After the initial blast radiation
covers the area, causing people, animals, and structures to practically disintegr .....
Number of words: 366 | Number of pages: 2 |
D-Day: The Invasion Of Normandy
<view this essay>.... Allied ground troops went ashore on D-Day than on
the first day of the earlier invasion of Sicily, the invasion of Normandy
was in total history's greatest naval operation, involving on the first
day 5,000 ships, the largest group of armed military crafts ever assembled;
11,000 aircraft (following months of preliminary bombardment); and
approximately 154,000 British, Canadian and American soldiers, including
23,000 arriving by parachute and glider. The invasion also involved a long-
range deception plan on a scale the world had never before seen and the
secret operations of tens of thousands of Allied resistance fighters in
Nazi-occupied countries of weste .....
Number of words: 1262 | Number of pages: 5 |
The American Revolution
<view this essay>.... preamble, justifies the rights of the American
citizens. It declar es that "men are created equal[and]...are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." That sentence still remains a
truth with the Americans today. Jefferson wrote the preamble with the help
of John Locke and Rousteu. Within the preamble Jefferson writes that the
people, "to secure these rights...whenever any form of government becomes
destructive...it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it." It
gives the people of America the freedom to impeach untrustworthy rulers and
dictators if they wish to. .....
Number of words: 404 | Number of pages: 2 |
Germany 2
<view this essay>.... 1999, the start of the European Monetary Union, the government has
made major efforts in 1996-97 to reduce the fiscal deficit. This effort has been
complicated by growing unemployment, an erosion of the tax base, and the
continuing transfer of roughly $100 billion a year to eastern Germany to
refurbish this ex-communist area. In recent years business and political leaders
have become increasingly concerned about Germany�s decline in attractiveness
as an investment target. They cite increasing preference by German companies
to locate new manufacturing facilities in foreign countries rather than in
Germany, to be closer to the markets, and to avoid Germ .....
Number of words: 996 | Number of pages: 4 |
United States And Imperialism
<view this essay>.... United State's imperialist stage, historians usually argue that the motivations for expansion beyond U.S. borders were influenced more heavily by idealism, or more heavily by self-interest. Those who argue that the most influential factor was idealism believe that the United State's goal in expansion was to literally help create an "ideal" world (in the United State's view). The United States felt a sense of duty to intervene when they observed the situations of different territories such as Cuba, Hawaii, and the Philippines around 1900. When intervening in these different areas of the world, the United States (supposedly) planned to idealize by imposing th .....
Number of words: 1609 | Number of pages: 6 |