» History Essays and Papers
<view this essay>.... said that early in his life was interested in singing and music besides other professions. Because of his eagerness for knowledge, he became more interested in the study of alchemy and chemistry, philosophy, logic, mathematics and physics. But it was the field of medicine that he spent most of his life, practicing it, studying and writing about it. Due to his fame in medicine he was appointed head of the physicians of the Ray Hospital, and later put in charge of the Baghdad main Hospital during the reign of the Adhud-Daulah.
was an iconoclastic cosmologist, who denied that any man had privileged access to intelligence, whether by nature or from nature. , who, .....
Number of words: 2357 | Number of pages: 9 |
Who Was To Blame For The Cold War?
<view this essay>.... foreign policies contributed an enormous amount to the
tensions of the Cold War. His aim, to take advantage of the military
situation in post-war Europe to strengthen Russian influence, was perceived
to be a threat to the Americans. Stalin was highly effective in his goal
to gain territory, with victories in Poland, Romania, and Finland. To the
western world, this success looked as if it were the beginning of serious
Russian aggressions. The western view of the time saw Stalin as doing one
of two things: either continuing the expansionist policies of the tsars
that preceded him, or worse, spreading communism across the world now that
his "one-state" notion .....
Number of words: 1591 | Number of pages: 6 |
African Americans In The Civil War
<view this essay>.... War.
During the Civil War the official decision to use Blacks as soldiers in the Union Army was a slow gradual process and a series of strategic political decisions. The actual use of Blacks as soldiers in the Union Army was completed by a number of actions by the Black man that gained him the respect of becoming a soldier. The two are different in that it was to President Lincoln�s benefit to enlist Blacks as soldiers as he did. Whereas the later was the Black Man�s will to fight for his freedom and prove himself as equal as any White man. However, because the Black population was stopped from entering the army under a 1792 law, the Black Man becoming a so .....
Number of words: 1125 | Number of pages: 5 |
Early American Settlements
<view this essay>.... first. Jamestown had its problems from the beginning. One of the main ones was the colonists lack of desire to work. The work schedule of the day was considered easy even by modern day standards. Colonists were only required to work 6 hours a day, while the rest was reserved for personal leisure time. This from a colony that was practically starving to death. This is one of the few examples in which the laws in early colonial America were actually not harsh enough. But this was all about to change.
By 1611 things were not good in Jamestown. Many more people had died than had survived the harsh east coast winters. People were still frolicking in th .....
Number of words: 535 | Number of pages: 2 |
The Shooting Down Of An Iranian Airliner By The USS Vincennes
<view this essay>.... been able to sort out the tremendous amount of rapidly incoming and, partially inaccurate information, and thus not shot down a civilian airbus.
There were several events that set the stage for the Vincennes incident. All of these revolved around the Iran-Iraq tanker wars and were blatant acts of aggression by Iran. One of the most significant of these events was the missile attack on the USS STARK that killed more than 30 if her crew in May of 1987. Another important event was the laying of mines in international waters by Iran, which lead to the USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS striking a mine and taking serious damage in early 1988. These events were probably still .....
Number of words: 1124 | Number of pages: 5 |
The Defeat Of The Axis Powers
<view this essay>.... of America's military forces at Pearl Harbor. So, the merciless weazel decided to take advantage of the U.S. Now, the U.S. was concentrating on Japan but the Soviet Union and Great Britain work pressuring the United States to help them fight off the Germans. The U.S. decided to help the allies and yet still continued to fight off the Japanese. But in order for the United States to have full defeat of the Japanese, in needed help from the allies so therefore they would help the allies first, then finalize by utilizing their help against Japan. Before the defeat of Japan, the U.S., Britain, and the Soviets had a struggling battle against the Germans. In the .....
Number of words: 844 | Number of pages: 4 |
Battle Of The Bulge
<view this essay>.... of 600,000 American solders, and 55,000 British soldiers. Hitler hoped to surprise the Allies of guard and quickly separate the army. The allies pushed through this are because they felt this was the least likely place to set up an attack to assault the Allies. The Germans selected it because it was easy to hide troops in the hills. Hitler code-named this attack as the �Wacht am Rhein�. The Americans went through the area in a thin line to give support to the flank where the attack was expected.
During the War, Eisenhower and his staff felt this spot was the least likely to be attacked. The thought the Germans would not try anything through the narrow passagew .....
Number of words: 2273 | Number of pages: 9 |
China 3
<view this essay>.... They get wage increases, and a chance for a better more
efficient life.
The success of this policy varies in different areas. In the cities
many families still only have one child. But for the farmers and
peasants, more kids means extra labor so they often have more than
one kid. In rural areas the traditional family consisted of the head of the
household, his sons, and their wives and children, often all living under
one roof.
Land, the main form of wealth in traditional China, was divided
equally among all the landowners surviving sons when he died. Living
conditions for the average peasant are generally better today then they
were .....
Number of words: 602 | Number of pages: 3 |