» History Essays and Papers
The Cause Of The War Between Britain And America
<view this essay>.... took their first step toward freedom. A Declaration of
Independence was created to proclaim Americas' freedom from Britain.
The French and Indian war left the British government in debt. Lord
George Grenville came up with a tax program to pay for the war. The Sugar
Act, passed in 1764, increased taxes on imported goods. The Currency Act
took the right to issue their own money away from the Colonist. This
enraged the industrial and agricultural colonists. Britain took it too far
when it passed the Quartering Act. The act gave British troops the right
to stay at any colonist house. Colonist where not only to house the troops,
but provide food as well. Br .....
Number of words: 1189 | Number of pages: 5 |
The Effects Of Rap On Inner Cities
<view this essay>.... fact, many of the artists sing about their ghettos, and their past ways of life, which included, drugs, sex, murder, and alcohol. The listeners of rap living in run down areas in the inner cities see themselves in the same situation as many of the rap artists�, and duplicate what they hear. So although a person may be responsible for his or her action, rap music dramatically affects the lives of America�s inner cities and slums.
In this day and age, of the biggest problems in America has become teen pregnancy. 68% of 18-year old have had sexual intercourse, while half of 17-year old have had sexual intercourse. To add to that, 6 in 10 girls between the a .....
Number of words: 1842 | Number of pages: 7 |
Declaration Of Independence 2
<view this essay>.... says that the declaration will declare the causes that have made it required for the American colonies to leave the British Empire. Independence is unavoidable and necessary. The preamble explains principles that are described to be "self-evident" by most people in the 18th- century. This document was a move for independence of the 13 colonies to secede from the British.
There were a couple stages in the Declaration of Independence. The document was originally drafted by Thomas Jefferson in June of 1776. The Declaration of Independence is the nation's most cherished symbol of liberty. It is also one of the most unforgettable pieces that Jefferson did. J .....
Number of words: 295 | Number of pages: 2 |
The Spanish Inquisition
<view this essay>.... in its early state, was to convert all Jews into Christians, but later it mutated into an ugly machine who�s new objective was to rid the country of the newly converted Christians.
In an age where there was such a close bond between church and state, opposition to the church was intolerable. The Inquisition caused Spain to become intellectually backward, and economically and industrially damaged. The powerful influence of the Inquisition forbade social influences, such as books from other parts of Europe, to enter Spain. Consequently, the universities remained stagnant, unable to produce graduates understanding the world around them. from the lack of .....
Number of words: 1929 | Number of pages: 8 |
Ivan The Terrible
<view this essay>.... into the sphere of foreign policy launched Russia into future prosperity thus dimming the harsh lights that condemn him to madness.
The many years of Russia�s attention being spent on wars brought upon an advantage to Ivan IV. The aspect of conquering for the satisfaction of occupying the most territory was secondary to the goal of opening links to the outside world. Good came out of the bloody and ferocious battles as Ivan IV was able to conquer lands that were essential for their location. Ivan IV had the challenge of facing three main Tartar enemies of Russia- Kazan, Astrakhan and Crimea. Ivan IV emerged victoriously as he established rule over Kazan .....
Number of words: 663 | Number of pages: 3 |
World War 2
<view this essay>.... everyone blonde hair, and blue
eyes. He
wanted everyone the same and to be the only leader in the world. Hitler started
conquest for land in 1938 when he annexed Austria. He followed this by
Czechoslovakia. When Hitler increased his demands on the Czechs, war seemed
certain. The British and French had meetings with Hitler and Mussoluni but they
not stop them from putting demands on other country's. Soon after the meetings
captured Czechoslovakia and seized a former German port. He moved on by putting
demands on Poland and the Polish Corridor. In September 1939 France and Britain
agreed to support Poland and they so .....
Number of words: 1072 | Number of pages: 4 |
Gcse Arab Israeli Conflict Que
<view this essay>.... this extract can hardly be deemed to have been written in �hind sight�, as the hostility between the Arabs and Israelis was still present at the time of its publication. If the author was someone who was not totally impartial, perhaps they had relatives on one of the opposing factions or were themselves members, then in such a time of heated emotions, ones anger might begin to affect the impartiality of your writing, whether deliberate or subconsciously.
Upon reading the article, you notice that it is very fairly set out into two sections, the Israelis reasons for going to war, and the Arabs. You are told in the first paragraph that �the Arab powers were threa .....
Number of words: 816 | Number of pages: 3 |
Character Differences Of Sadda
<view this essay>.... war or peace. Their ability to lead depends on that persons character. Leadership is no good if people do not comply. Influences like Saddam Hussein and Gandhi lead only as well as their personal character permit them to.
In the case of Mohandus Gandhi, his personal character allowed him to be a great leader. People wanted to be lead by him even though Gandhi held no real political office. At the beginning of his crusade to free India, he made his intentions completely known to the public. Not all people believed in the non-violence that he preached. To change that, Gandhi risked his own life fasting for long periods of time until all fighting and bloodshed sto .....
Number of words: 728 | Number of pages: 3 |