» History Essays and Papers
<view this essay>.... Henri III to send an army to force his conversion. In the resulting "War of the Three Henries," Henry de Navarre defeated Henri III at Coutras (1587) but came to the king's support in the troubles of 1588, and after Henri III's death (1589) defeated the League forces at Arques (1589) and Ivrey (1590); he was unable to enter Paris until 1594, after he had abjured Protestantism -- allegedly with the remark, "Paris is well worth a Mass." His war with Spain, the ally of the League, ended in 1598 with the Treaty of Vervins. In 1598 he also established religious toleration through the Edict of Nantes. With his minister Sully he spent the rest of his reign res .....
Number of words: 2050 | Number of pages: 8 |
Economics Of Eisenhower
<view this essay>.... supplies they needed.
This caused the federal deficit to increase dramatically (Pach and Richardson, 53).
Another legacy leftover from the Truman days was that of the Fair Deal domestic
program. Although Truman found much opposition to his programs in Congress he
managed to get several things done. Such as a public housing bill, an expansion of social
security coverage, and increased minimum wages. The Republican party was not in favor
of the majority of this legislation. Thus when Eisenhower was elected they immediately
made plans for cutbacks in the spending on these programs. Unfortunately for them the
newly elected president was not opposed .....
Number of words: 1891 | Number of pages: 7 |
Nixon Vs. Kennedy Election 1960
<view this essay>.... in the trial of Alger Hiss in 1948. Nixon was Vice President under the Eisenhower administration for eight years before running for Presidency in 1960. Eisenhower and the rest of the Republicans offered Nixon their full support throughout the election, however Nixon refused their help and chose to go out on his own. Nixon was a suspicious man who trusted no one, this suspicion caused him to appear older than he really was and cost him votes from the TV. audience. Running for Vice President along with Nixon was Henery Cabot Lodge. Lodge was a politician fro Massachusetts who opposed John F. Kennedy in the 1952 Massachusetts senatorial election. John F. Kenne .....
Number of words: 708 | Number of pages: 3 |
Group Polarization And Competi
<view this essay>.... adversarial relationship
between our two main political parties? It would seem that the exercise
of power for its own sake, and a competitive
situation in which one side must always oppose the other on any issue,
is incompatible with the cooperation and
compromise necessary for the government to function. As the United
States becomes more extreme in its beliefs in
general, group polarization and competition, which requires a mutual
exclusivity of goal attainment, will lead to more
"showdown" situations in which the goal of good government gives way to
political posturing and power-mongering.
In this paper I will analyze recent political behavior .....
Number of words: 2338 | Number of pages: 9 |
Religion Through The Ages Has
<view this essay>.... that there was no differentiation. In discussing ancient civilizations such as the Greek and Kush empires it is also important to understand that nonconformity was not even a mode of thinking, therefore, there was no room for religious disunity. In homogeneous societies, religion serves to further bridge the culture together. This is not the case in other later civilizations. England's King Henry VIII separation from the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th century presents the most interesting scenario in discussing the role of religion and how it either unites or divides people. For the first time, moreso than Rome's conversion to Christianity, a relig .....
Number of words: 2605 | Number of pages: 10 |
Hebrew, Greek, Japanese, And H
<view this essay>.... like a human. God was over everything that was pure and good. However, a serpent was present in the place where God had put the man and woman. The serpent was evil and it persuaded the woman and man to disobey God's wishes. The human's role in the Hebrew story was to multiply, be fruitful, and rule all things on the earth. The Hebrew story consisted of only one god, unlike the other stories in which there were many gods, who had a distinct power. The human's role in this creation story is to multiply and rule, whereas, humans in the other stories are ruled by the gods or humans are not even mentioned at all. This story is like the other creation stori .....
Number of words: 1129 | Number of pages: 5 |
Janet Jackson
<view this essay>.... decided to have an interview with her. She accepted immidiatly.. but
secretly to meet the man. After hearing her sing, They singned
immidiatly a record.
She started off with songs.. well already written songs.. then she
began writting her own songs..a nd people helped her produce them.
The thing is she was a really shy girl. Always hiding.. and always
araid to try new things.. all this because of the family situation.
Where females must be dominated.. so even though she was the
big boss she acted like if she were a worker.. and not in charge
of anything..
That's when Paula Abdoul stepped in. She created the most
wonderful choreagraphy .....
Number of words: 457 | Number of pages: 2 |
Popular Music Revolution
<view this essay>.... fearful that they would be tried as Communists and led most to conform to a common societal standard. When the nation emerged from this era, teenagers sought to rebel against their parental authorities. They created everything from new styles of clothing to new styles of music to promote their newfound individuality. The new style of music evolving at the time was called Rock and Roll. �Rock has been influenced by country music, by the blues, by classical music, by calypso, by traditional folk styles, and by a variety of other music conventions� (Belz vii). This variety reflects the varied backgrounds of young people at the time. Early successes in this .....
Number of words: 1491 | Number of pages: 6 |