» History Essays and Papers
The Start Of World War Two
<view this essay>.... the Treaty of Versailles placed responsibility for that terrible war squarely on Germany. Great Britain, the United States, and many other nations of the world would all be drawn into battle in the years to come, and each nation had it�s own reason for lending a hand in the struggle.
In 1940, the Triparte Pact was signed,allying Japan, Germany, and Italy into a powerful force that stretched halfway around the planet.The Treaty of Versailles of 1919 held Germany fully accountable for the tragedy of World War I. The nation was stripped of large areas of land, it�s armaments, as well as it�s dignity. In addition, the reparations that were to be paid to the .....
Number of words: 1698 | Number of pages: 7 |
Napoleon: Does History Repeat Itself From People Seeking Power?
<view this essay>.... the Great wasn't called Great just because he encouraged people
to call him that, he was actually great warrior on the field of battle�and
he was well over 6 feet tall. And Hannibal showed us that elephants
couldn't fly, but they could climb mountains. Unfortunately, none of these
men were as successful as Julius Caesar, and France's own mighty giant
Napoleon Bonaparte. Well, maybe they were�I don't know, I was only covering
Caesar and Napoleon.
Napoleon Bonaparte's success as a military leader and conqueror can
clearly be seen in Julius Caesar. Caesar achieved great glory by bringing
his country out of turmoil, as did Napoleon. Looking to the past, Nap .....
Number of words: 2206 | Number of pages: 9 |
The Vietnam Era
<view this essay>.... was often a division between parents and their children because of the vast differences in opinions and lifstyles. "Hippies" contradicted everything their parents based their lives on. Many parents didn't understand their children or know how to deal with them. My father had a friend named Leif who was a hard core war protestor and hippie. His parents were very important people in their town and very conventional. His parents viewed him as an embarrassment and sent him to a psychiatrist. his parents didn't try to understand him, they just gave up. They were more concerned what other people thought than what he thought. Many parents could not unders .....
Number of words: 1001 | Number of pages: 4 |
The War Of 1812 And Its Effect
<view this essay>.... into their navy; it was a second war of independence. It was the first war as a united country, and it was a small new nation against a large European empire. That we survived woke us up, and let us know that we did have a nation. For the first time, we were united, not for a fight of our homes and freedoms, but for ideals (The Awakening of American Nationalism, AAN).
The war of 1812 began long before war was declared. It began right after the war of Independence. The British were not too fond of us breaking away from their empire, and they soon figured out that many revolts were because we had fought and won. They taxed our merchants, and hassled our .....
Number of words: 2036 | Number of pages: 8 |
A Scientific Understanding Of
<view this essay>.... corruption and surrendering to God�s will. Although the Great Awakening challenged religious, social and political orthodoxy, the Enlightenment had a greater impact on colonial America and vastly influenced future decisions. The Great Awakening reached a large quantity of people because of the traveling orators that preached the evangelical word. Although Enlightenment learning was limited to the wealthy, educated colonists, the movement�s influence was still stronger because the well-to-do ruled the land. Enlightenment philosophers began questioning corrupt governments and the combination of church and state. John Locke claimed that because the people create .....
Number of words: 464 | Number of pages: 2 |
The War Between The US/NATO And Yugoslavia
<view this essay>.... the innocent civilians that have been killed and injured as a result of inaccurate missile firing, the inefficiency of air strikes, and most importantly the fate of our captured military men. Although the media plays a major role in what we see and hear, it is up to us to read between the lines, and look for the true circumstances that have resulted from this conflict.
In Yugoslavia, and other countries in support of their efforts, the United States is seen as the bad guy. Very few of these people can differentiate between NATO and the United States. They view the air strikes over Kosovo as a horrific act, which has done little if anything to help .....
Number of words: 450 | Number of pages: 2 |
The Colonial Economy
<view this essay>.... in coastal Georgia after slavery was established there."
The people who soon came to control the territory of the thirteen colonies that eventually became the founding states of the United States built themselves homes and forts like those in Europe. Their social, political, and economic systems were copied from those in Europe. They used European tools and utensils, the great majority of which were initially imported from Europe. They dressed like Europeans. Their religions were from the Old World. The governments they created were patterned after those in Europe; ultimately all were based on England's. In New England they followed the English pattern estab .....
Number of words: 3290 | Number of pages: 12 |
Ghanas Economy
<view this essay>.... provides a strong section of the economy and would allow Ghana to trade and export its goods. However, a minus of all this is the unstable government. The country has seen many military coups and never has a controlled body in power. This may change because the country's looking towards a
bright future for democracy.
Ghana has, in general, good relations with the United States since independence, except for a period of strained relations during the later years of the Nkrumah regime. Ghana was the first country to which United States Peace Corps volunteers were sent in 1961. Ghana and the United States are signatories to twenty agreements and treaties cov .....
Number of words: 555 | Number of pages: 3 |