» History Essays and Papers
Events Leading To The Cause Of
<view this essay>.... did not enforce the laws strictly.
After the British won the French and Indian War, all French presence was removed from America. However, Indian uprisings led to the Proclamation of 1763. This proclamation stated that nobody may enter the Ohio Valley unless they were licensed fur traders. British troops were posted on the frontier to enforce this. This angered the colonist because they felt that they did not need British protection anymore and that they were holding them back form settling into the fertile Ohio Valley.
The French and Indian War had cost England much money. To pay this off they started making taxes on the colonies. They first tax was t .....
Number of words: 1257 | Number of pages: 5 |
Humanism The Renaissance And M
<view this essay>.... labor, the
people did not seem happy and their clothing was very plain. As
the Renaissance progressed and humanism�s influence was more felt
the paintings used lighter colors, the people in them were
smiling and their clothing many times included gold trim or
accents. The late Renaissance art also has a larger focus on
religion, as humanism inspired people in many forms by the use of
Humanism came about with the idea that a person should have
a very rounded education covering many aspects of society
especially history, geometry, and art. During the renaissance as
the ideas of humanism spread, especially in its educational
sense, .....
Number of words: 536 | Number of pages: 2 |
Vietnam War - The War We Should Have Won
<view this essay>.... their long history of being a colony prompted the oppressed people to fight for their independence in the French-Indochina war. 7
Ho Chi Min, a leader of the Communist party, organized the Vietnamese independence movement, Viet Minh. Asking for support from America first, Ho Chi Min did not want to have to turn to communist support for the freedom of his people. Since the United States viewed helping Ho gain his independence from France as a move against their own allies, they declined. It was only after Russia and China offered to help that Ho adopted communist ideals and wanted to make all of Vietnam communist.
The Vietnam war started simply because Ho Chi Mi .....
Number of words: 2449 | Number of pages: 9 |
Truth And Consequences: Taking Advantage Of The Loser Of WWI
<view this essay>.... they made the right decision. After rapid troop deployment by
the United States and the successful Allied counterattack, Germany was on
the run. Eventually, they surrendered and were forced into a peace
agreement. The leaders of the major allied powers, Clemenceau of France,
Geroge of Great Britain, Orlando of Italy, and Wilson of the United States,
were supposed to draw up a document for long lasting peace based on
Wilson's Fourteen Points, but the other leaders were vengeful. They wanted
Germany to pay in a big way for their losses and costs incurred. Instead
of choosing to aim for long lasting peace by basing their treaty on the
Fourteen Poi .....
Number of words: 1065 | Number of pages: 4 |
Explanation Of How Both Long-t
<view this essay>.... Points. People began to believe in Hitler. His Twenty-Five Point programme showed that the treaty of Versailles could be dealt as any other task, and he promised to abolish it right away. The treaty of Versailles was the most important of the Long-term causes because it gave Hitler the opportunity to share the same ideas as the Germans about the treaty of Versailles. So he took advantage in the middle of a politically destabilised Germany.
Short-term causes like the Munich Putsch helped his popularity, which was essential to his rise to power.
Source 3: During the Munich Putsch Hitler said,
�The Bavarian Ministry is removed. I propose that a Bavaria .....
Number of words: 653 | Number of pages: 3 |
Rap Vs Poetry
<view this essay>.... hip hop world that promote positivit
As time goes on hip hop culture is integrating many different racial and ethnic groups. It is now socially acceptable for people of all races to enjoy the many aspects of hip hop.
Hip hop was spurred in the late 70�s. The man credited as being the first rapper ever, DJ Afrika Bambataa, was the first to �talk� to his music. His unorthodox style quickly became very popular in the disco and funk clubs. For the lack of a better word,
rap� was the term given to the music. As more and more rappers came about, the term MC, or Master of Ceremonies, was associated with rappers.
Break dancing actually originated a few years prior .....
Number of words: 827 | Number of pages: 4 |
The Indians Of New France
<view this essay>.... Indian personalities were also observed and admired by Europeans
particularly the Jesuits.
The Native Indians were among the first people to enter North America.
They entered America through the passage of the Bering Strait, a location
which is the midpoint of Alaska and Siberia. As time passed, they settled
on various pieces of land and hunted, fished and grew crops. Alfred Bailey
mentions that, "It had been suggested that Siouans, the Iroquoians and
Algonquians were among the first to enter America."1 Before the Europeans
arrived, there were many native tribes that were already settled. By the
time Europeans arrived in North America, the .....
Number of words: 2714 | Number of pages: 10 |
The Great Depression
<view this essay>.... won in the first round. This was an enormous lift for Americans. It was a
victory for democracy. Joe Louis was also an inspiration to the African
American people. He was a famous African American boxer and had beaten a
German boxer who was as Hitler believed the perfect race. This gave the
African Americans self-respect and pride in who they were. � African
Americans pointed with pride to athletes like Joe Louis, who was the world
heavyweight boxing champion.� (Cayton, Perry, Winkler, 764 ) Louis also went
on to become a hero for the war effort and gave inspirational speeches.
Jesse Owens great accomplishments on the track field made him one of .....
Number of words: 1135 | Number of pages: 5 |