» English Essays and Papers
Doped Up Or Deep Thinker
<view this essay>.... poems did stand out for their vivid imagery and story-like quality. The original version of "Moonlight Drive," the performance piece, "An American Prayer," and "The Wild Whore Laughs" all contain wonderful images and great use of language.
Concentrating less on form and more on the content, Morrison's poetry takes the reader on journeys through the depths of his imagine and the tortures of his soul. After reading this book, it was very clear that Morrison thought and felt on a different level than the majority of people around him. Whether he was demented or a genius depends on the reader's point of view.
In "Moonlight Drive" Morrison speaks of taking a .....
Number of words: 768 | Number of pages: 3 |
Epic Works
<view this essay>.... of each story in the same palatial
style as the rest of the poem.
Epic poems are not merely entertaining stories of legendary or historical
heroes; they summarize and express the nature or ideals of an entire nation at a
significant or crucial point in its history. I have chosen for comparison the
Odyssey, The Divine Comedy, and Paradise Lost.
The Odyssey, attributed to Homer is about Odysseus, the king of Ithaca,
who sailed with his army to take part in war against Troy. After ten years of
war, victory is declared and the armies of Odysseus have sailed for home. As
the Odyssey begins, an additional 10 years have passed since the fall of Troy .....
Number of words: 1074 | Number of pages: 4 |
Role Of Queen In Beowulf & Gre
<view this essay>.... female in her
court, given the proper setup, the minimal conditions"(Grendel,
p.102). It is ironic how she promoted peace from her arrival because
she was an essential part in keeping peace, as the "weaver of peace"
in the later of both texts. Queen Wealhtheow however is not the only
woman in the texts that was forsaken to encourage appeasement amongst
feuding courts. Queen Hygd was offered to Hygelac under very similar
circumstances as told in Beowulf, and portrayed the same role in
Hygelac's kingdom. There is reference in both texts concerning this
tradition, and it is evident to the reader that this is not an unusual
Anglo-Saxo .....
Number of words: 1475 | Number of pages: 6 |
Comparison Of Daniel Sonnet 6
<view this essay>.... uses metaphors that related to something of great power or energy, such as the sun, writing "although her eyes are sunny." Daniel uses the sun to compliment the mystical sense of his mistress. When Daniel talks of the eyes, he is explaining the power that can be seen in her eyes. This of course is not a realistic portrayal of a woman, but rather an idea of the kind of love that is so powerful, so heavenly that it is unattainable. Daniel tries to prove that his mistress has a love so powerful and deep that it can only be an idea. When many people think of an idea of love that is perfect, many would say that women of purity and beauty would be the per .....
Number of words: 1347 | Number of pages: 5 |
The Bell Jar
<view this essay>.... and Philomena Guinea are characterized as archetypes and therefore very limiting. Jay Cee is portrayed as hyper, abrupt and she speaks, "waspishly" (29). She is smart and talented but she is ugly. Philomena Guinea, on the other hand, says that she was stupid at college and is always described as being surrounded by beautiful things. The beauty that Esther sees as the binary opposite of ugly seems to have been acquired through her "millions and millions of dollars" (38). Jay Cee has "brains, so her plug-ugly looks [don’t] seem to matter" (5). But, Philomena has money so nothing else matters. Mrs. Willard is portrayed .....
Number of words: 1393 | Number of pages: 6 |
Symbolism In The Scarlet Lette
<view this essay>.... novel. This change is significant. It shows growth in the characters, and the community in which they live. The letter "A" begins as a symbol of sin, an indication of her adultery against her husband, Roger Chillingworth. "This woman has brought shame upon us all, and ought to die"(Hawthorne 43), hence from that day on Hester is isolated from rest of the Puritan community and treated as a sinner. Then after several years, the meaning of "A" change to able, for her ability to create her beautiful needlework and for her unselfish assistance to the poor and sick. "The letter was the symbol of her calling. Such helpfulness was found in her -- so much power to d .....
Number of words: 1064 | Number of pages: 4 |
What Philosophy Might Do To Us
<view this essay>.... to discover "being" (Heidegger p.5-6). This "leap" is essentially "untimely." Because it questions the popular view during the epoch, in which it is asked (Heidegger p.8). If the philosophy is accepted by the majority then it is no philosophy at all, it is part of the commonsensical because it is not an original thought.
The fact that philosophy is "untimely" can be illustrated through the Socratic Dialogues. Socrates wanted the people of Athens to think about things the way they are instead of accepting public opinion. "The unexamined life is not worth living," said Socrates (Plato 38a). The Athenian people rejected the idea that man has control over himself, .....
Number of words: 733 | Number of pages: 3 |
Les Liaisons Dangereuses
<view this essay>.... ambition to sadistically control and dominate those around them through sexual intrigue. These two villains are indeed locked in psychological combat to see who can actually ‘out-do’ the other in stalking, capturing and destroying the souls of others. Taking absolute pleasure in ripping any virtue from the hearts of their prey, Merteuil and Valmont wave their accomplishments in front of each other like spoils of war. The less the chance of surrender, the more relentless is the pursuit.
The story begins with the Marquise de Merteuil corresponding with Vicomte de Valmont regarding a luscious new act of ‘revenge’, as she describes it, against the Comte de Ge .....
Number of words: 735 | Number of pages: 3 |