» English Essays and Papers
Medea By Euripides
<view this essay>.... Medea’s nurse says:
“Jason has betrayed his sons and her,
takes the bed a royal bride,
Creon’s daughter-the king of Corinth’s.
Medea, spurned and desolate,
Breaks out in oaths,
Invokes the solemnest vows,
Calls on the gods to witness
How Jason has rewarded her. (P.19-26)
Jason left her for the princess of Corinth. Medea felt used and betrayed by the man that she was totally in love with. When Medea met Jason, he was on a voyage to possess the Golden Fleece. Medea goes against her father, her land, steals the Golden Fleece for Jason, commits murder, slows down her fathers army by killing her brother and laying out his body part .....
Number of words: 517 | Number of pages: 2 |
Isolation And The Individual I
<view this essay>.... individual is fully isolated from society and thus capable of objectively observing the follies of the world, the individual is given characteristics of a distinctive identity. The concept of an individual may be summarized in a statement made by Rick Hoyle: “The human self is a self-organizing, interactive system of thoughts, feelings, and motives that characterizes an individual. The self is reflexive and dynamic in nature: responsive yet stable” (Hoyle 2). Therefore, the outsider must be an individual, fully capable of organizing his or her thoughts and emotions and the consequences of each upon the self and the world. Logically proceeding the definitio .....
Number of words: 3449 | Number of pages: 13 |
Using The Student Study Sheets In The Classroom
<view this essay>.... as a review.
An overview of each study sheet and suggested responses to the discussion questions posed in each sheet are provided here:
Political Freedom: An Expression of the American Mind
This study sheet focuses on the pivotal event of Jefferson's early years in public life, his authorship of The Declaration of Independence. The sheet calls attention to Jefferson's writing style as the most distinctive feature of the Declaration, which for the most part, as Jefferson acknowledged, restated ideas that were commonplace at the time.
A comparison between the most memorable passage of Jefferson's document and a parallel passage from George Mason's nearly .....
Number of words: 2132 | Number of pages: 8 |
Macbeth - Tragedy
<view this essay>.... experiences after the death of his beloved King Duncan also experienced in every human’s life, gives the viewer much pity for Macbeth, as they also felt sorrow for the wrong outcome in succumbing to tempta-tion. The sword appearing in front of Macbeth's eyes during [II.i.37] gives both fear and pity for Macbeth. The death of Banquo, which was ordered by Macbeth, gives the audience fear for the extreme lengths Mac-beth will go to. Then only a scene later the audience witnesses a paranoid Macbeth visualises the ‘ghost’ of Banquo. The audience felt sorrow and pity for Macbeth, after the announcement that his wife had died. Finally in the death of Macbeth at the f .....
Number of words: 1330 | Number of pages: 5 |
<view this essay>.... completely oblivious to the fact that the hammers on the gun are cocked; the gun is ready to fire. When he sees what he thinks is a rabbit, he impulsively fires at it. In addition, after his frightening discovery, Fred thoughtlessly flees the scene instead of making any attempt to save Mr. Haskell. Preceding the accident, Fred's intense determination to hide the truth is illustrated clearly with this quote: "'I'll never tell,' he told himself. 'They'll never even suspect me.'" It is quite evident that most of the responsibility in this situation belongs to Fred.
Furthermore, Fred's parents' lack of responsibility indirectly contributes to Mr. Haskel .....
Number of words: 557 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Outsider By Albert Camus V
<view this essay>.... in a positive and in a negative way, but none of those characters are as important as the priest. The priest, being of the same profession in both books and trying to accomplish the same kind of tasks, have a totally different effect on the two protagonists. In The Outsider the priest changes the whole attitude that Meursault has to life, whereas in The Trial the priest tells Joseph K. how his life actually is.
"Why do you refuse to see me?" This question was asked by the priest and was meant for Meursault. Normally, if a person is convicted to death, he will see a priest before the sentence is executed. Meursault did not do that. He profusely refused t .....
Number of words: 1137 | Number of pages: 5 |
Analysis Of Ted Hughes The Min
<view this essay>.... anger, and a raging bull, more, a monster existed. It begins with a description of the victims of Plath- a table with nostalgic value, a symbol of his past, and being "mapped with he scars of his whole life"- symbolic of his life, person, and mistakes and pains. She destroys a chair for his being late to care for the children. This could mean that the cause of her anger was his detachment form his children, maybe a detail to emphasize the insanity and reasonless of her rages.
""Marvelous!" I shouted. "Go on, smash it into kindling. That's the stuff you're keeping out of your poems." Hughes tells Plath to take her emotions and put them in poems, he makes the p .....
Number of words: 810 | Number of pages: 3 |
Freya Goddess Of Love
<view this essay>.... seas.
Freya and her husband, Odur, lived happily in Folkvanger. They had "two lovely daughters as fair as jewels, whose joy was in all beautiful things" (Green 84).
Freya was very popular for her beauty. She was loved and adored by many people. Men from every where desired and wanted her.
One day a strange giant appeared in Asgard and offered to rebuild the wall that has been destroyed in the war between the Aesir and Vanir. In return Loki, the god who always knew when trouble was taking place, would give the giant the sun, the moon and the goddess Freya. Loki gave him from the first day of winter to the first day of summer to finish the wall .....
Number of words: 813 | Number of pages: 3 |