» English Essays and Papers
Silas Marner
<view this essay>.... secrets
hidden. Silas was betrayed by his whole previous life. The church had let him down and his closest freind had robbed him. This supposed freind even set him up for an accusation of murder. To top it all off, Silas’s wife to be was also taken by this wolf in sheep’s clothing. This type of betrayal makes a person hate humanity especially in such a close knit community. Silas moved himself to the fringes of
civilization. He cared for no one and wanted no to care for him.
Both of their attitudes changed when Eppie arrived. Godfrey knew that he could marry Nancy now beacuse his old wife had died. This also showed how shallow he was. Godfrey thought he .....
Number of words: 787 | Number of pages: 3 |
Song Of Solomon
<view this essay>.... Macon does not concentrate on being a loving and nurturing father; instead he concentrates on another aspect of paternity, the acquisition of property. Macon aspires to own property and other people too. His words to his son, "Let me tell you right now the one important thing that you'll ever need to know: Own things. And let the things you own own other things too. Then you'll own yourself and other people too". The owning of things as well as other people is a rather remarkable statement, coming from a descendant of slaves. Macon has not inherited this trait from his father, even though he mistakenly thinks so. His father had owned things that "gr .....
Number of words: 1281 | Number of pages: 5 |
Pygmalion +
<view this essay>.... is one of sympathy because she is dressed in rags and pedestrians are unkind to her. Higgins calls Eliza “you squashed cabbage leaf, you disgrace to the noble architecture of these columns, you incarnate insult to the English language.” (p. 21) The audience’s sympathy is intensified when we see Eliza’s wretched lodgings. These lodgings are much contrasted to those of Higgins in Wimploe Street. Not only does Shaw play on the audience’s sympathy for an impoverished Eliza, but also presents her insecurity to us. In the scene with the taxi-man, she appears significantly defensive in her response concerning the cost of the .....
Number of words: 607 | Number of pages: 3 |
Antigone 9
<view this essay>.... about how their father Oedipus died, and how his death brought very hard times. Their brothers Eteocles and Polynices have just died fight each other. Eteocles was fighting for the city, while Polynices was fighting against the city and was the supposed 'traitor'. When the two died Eteocles was given full burial rites, but Polynices was given absolutely no burial rites of any kind because he was a traitor. His death was forbidden to be mourned throughout the city. The death of Eteocles and Polynices spurred Creon's rite to the throne. He insisted that the body of Polynices lay to rot for all the city to see. Antigone, being his sister, couldn't sta .....
Number of words: 952 | Number of pages: 4 |
Internal Conflicts Of Beloved
<view this essay>.... on her deathbed, her brothers on the verge of running off, and her mother a broken woman, all of which eliminated a solid support base in dealing with the community. Finally, to make matters worse, the ghost of her dead
infant sister haunted the house, causing troubles wherever she could and constantly making mischief. Needless to say, Denver did not have the strong background often needed to make a successful go in the world. Yet she did make an attempt, until finally beaten down and forced into a self-imposed exile by an innocent question by a young boy, "Is it true your ma killed your baby sister?" that turned everything around and made even her st .....
Number of words: 937 | Number of pages: 4 |
<view this essay>.... Rosaline, his lover, is among these names. Benvolio challenges Romeo to compare her with other "beauties." Benvolio predicts, "Compare her face with some that I shall show,/ And I will make thee think thy swan a crow." (I, ii, l 86-87) To show his appreciation, the servant asks for Romeo’s presence at the ball. Romeo should have considered the servant’s warning; if Romeo occupies the name of Montague, he shall not be permitted. Once at the ball, Romeo is searching for a maiden to substitute the unrequited love of Rosaline. Romeo happens to gaze upon Juliet, who charms Romeo. Romeo proclaims, " Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!/ For ne’er s .....
Number of words: 918 | Number of pages: 4 |
Othello: Not Wisely But Too Well
<view this essay>.... examined; he thinks that anyone who knows him love him. Thus the ultimate evaluation of Othello must be that, although he leads well and means well, he lacks good judgement and common sense. This becomes most plainly obvious in his final two speeches, where even though the play ends properly, and in a dignified way, Othello never fully realizes or takes responsibility for what has happened.
These two last orations of Othello are noble in speech and purpose, but lack comprehension. He uses the first to attack himself for his horrible deed; certainly this is the first reaction of anyone who has wrongly killed his beloved. He delivers condemnation upon himself .....
Number of words: 1210 | Number of pages: 5 |
<view this essay>.... order to become a licensed nurse, one could take a three year course at a college, or a four year program at a university. Even though the starting salary and job requirements are the same whether a graduate from college or a university, with a degree one is able to further their placement and a possible pay increase is more likely. There has, and continues to be, a very high demand for nurses all over the world.
After talking with an actual nurse I was able to see more closely the actual duties of this job. The work hours are 40 hour weeks. There are many shift hours there as well. Working in a hospital requires 24 hour responsibilities, so many o .....
Number of words: 1194 | Number of pages: 5 |