» English Essays and Papers
Character Analysis - Tybalt -
<view this essay>.... these occasions he always pulled his sword. Tybalt would do anything to start a fight with them because of the rivalry. It was expected of a Montague to hate a Capulet and vice versa. Tybalt was just following what each family had done in the past generations.
On one occasion, Tybalt tries to protect the honor of his family and show his hate for the Montagues. One example of this happened at the beginning of the play. He enters into a quarrel between two of the Capulet’s servants and Benvolio. Tybalt, of course, drew his sword and tried to pick a fight with Benvolio to protect the family’s servants and to defend them in his family’s ho .....
Number of words: 789 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Color People
<view this essay>.... blacks that are foretaking in acts that are, in their eye's, immoral and corrupt, the subject is brought into a new light. These actions are discussed out in the open, and the idea that all people have their own "flaws", is thought to be more fisable. Walker combines all of these issues in her story in a deceptive way.
They all are linked together by way of a semi-believable story line with one major overlaying theme. Prescott sums it up nicely, "Love redeems, meanness kills"(p74). This is illustrated in many ways in Walker's novel. One perfect example of this is Mr. _____. Mr. _____, as he is called throughout the novel, was a wife beater, who, having .....
Number of words: 1560 | Number of pages: 6 |
<view this essay>.... level, the fact that the novel has been deemed as "science fiction" opens it up to a greater audience. It is safe to say that the majority of people cannot relate to the troubles and scars of the antebellum south, in fact the only living persons who can purely relate are the descendents of slaves. And, even then, it is only on a secondary level, brought on by stories handed through the generations. The novel is seen through the eyes of a woman of the "modern" period of history, and centers itself on her counteraction. This gives the "fish out of water" quality of life. To this, the majority of us can sympathize. Most hav .....
Number of words: 1444 | Number of pages: 6 |
Summer 2
<view this essay>.... by saying, “He shall be endured...I say he shall...Am I the
master here or you?” For a little bit, Tybalt argues, but he very soon backs
down and lets Capulet have his way.
Perhaps the reason why this happens is because the “inferior” person is
somewhat intimidated by the “superior.” This intimidation that some of the
characters produce on each other shows that there is not a great deal of
communication in the family. Throughout Act I, there were several more
examples of characters yielding to others and not standing up for what they
believe. For instance, when Lady Capulet brought up the idea of Juliet marr .....
Number of words: 636 | Number of pages: 3 |
Only Yesterday
<view this essay>.... America erupted into mass hysteria throwing parties and parades. It was debatable if the happy chaos would be repeated when the news of the actual signing was released. But that question was soon answered because with the news came a celebration that topped the one previously held. People ran into the streets shouting, "the Kaiser is dead". Joyously America celebrated her triumphant defeat over the dreaded Kaiser. Soon the excitement of the signing died down and people began to face the realities that followed a post war nation. Troops were still marching into Germany and there was still a casualty list that added new names each day.
America faced other pro .....
Number of words: 1792 | Number of pages: 7 |
The Blithedale Romance
<view this essay>.... feminism are nothing. Zenobia becomes, in this story the woman that she has been trying to do away with; she takes on the role of the woman behind the man.
The trouble started in Zenobia's life when Priscilla is sent to Blithedale to live with her. Priscilla also falls in love with Hollingsworth. This is where the reader starts to see Zenobia's feminist point of view start to
(Vaillette, 2)
diminish. Zenobia in this book is picking a man over her sister, the first no-no in feminism. Zenobia is cruel to Priscilla. She tries to embarrass her so that she will look good in Hollinsworth's eyes. She even turns Priscilla over to Westervelt, whom Moody .....
Number of words: 1096 | Number of pages: 4 |
Reaching For Dreams - A Ballet
<view this essay>.... for Dreams: A Ballet from Rehearsal to Opening Night, by Susan Kuklin out of the library I expected to read another boring drawn out diary. Amazingly this book was difficult for me to put down because I became so enthralled by the process of putting on a ballet.
At the beginning of this book the author describes the dancers coming in on a rainy Monday morning to begin warm-ups and rehearsal. This of course is the beginning of their voyage to opening night. The dancers taking part in this production were from the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre. The ballet that they plan to perform in seven weeks is called “Speeds.” The choreographer of “Speeds” is a .....
Number of words: 671 | Number of pages: 3 |
An Inner Depravity In The Cruc
<view this essay>.... decision “to deny any other sect its freedom.”(Miller, 5) Puritans, as the name correctly clarifies their intentions to purify their new home from the corruption brought by wrong ways and deceitful ideas, which contradicted theirs. Therefore, there is only one method of attaining this position. Unfortunately, they must force all the divergent beliefs to follow the supposedly righteous path by erasing their cultures, there upon accommodating to a new religion against their will, only if they are to stay in puritan towns. But again there is nothing more than the puritan establishments and the unknown wilderness. Enforcing this new set of laws which apparently .....
Number of words: 1129 | Number of pages: 5 |