» English Essays and Papers
<view this essay>.... and gentle to those who honored him, but he brought madness and destruction upon those who spurned him or the orgiastic rituals of his cult” (Wendell 23)
The yearly rites in honor of the resurrection of gradually evolved into the structured form of the Greek drama, and important festivals were held in honor of the god, during which great dramatic competitions were conducted. The most important festival, the Greater Dionysia, was held in Athens for five days each spring. It was for this celebration that the Greek dramatists Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides wrote their great tragedies. Also, after the 5th century BC, was known to the Greeks as Bacchu .....
Number of words: 1476 | Number of pages: 6 |
Poetry Explication Stopping By
<view this essay>.... with a little help he holds strong and cannot be strayed from his path.
There are two main characters in this poem, the rider and the horse. There is also an outside force of great desire that is represented by the woods. Which may not be considered a character, but greatly deals with the choice that the man is forced to make
The setting of the poem is on the edge of the woods nearby a frozen lake. There is a peaceful and enchanting snowfall and the sky is very dark
Imagery is used many times in this poem .The strongest example of imagery in this poem is when Frost explains the setting of the story he uses the words “Between the wood .....
Number of words: 521 | Number of pages: 2 |
Hermia - Midnight Summers Drea
<view this essay>.... ( 1.1 110 ). Athough at the start of the play Demetrius no longer loves Helena. ( 2.1 195 ) Demetrius says, “I love thee not , therefore pursue me not.” ( 2.1 201 ) “Hence , get thee gone , and follow me no more.” In Act 3 Scene 2 , Demetrius after being juiced begins to love Helena. ( 3.2 172-176 ) Demetrius says , “Lysander , keep thy Hermia; I will none. If e’er I loved her , all that love is gone. My heart to her but as guest – wise sojourned , And not to helen is it home returned , there to reamain.” This proves how fickle he is , for he is not aware of his changing love once for Helena then for Hermia the .....
Number of words: 733 | Number of pages: 3 |
Of Mice And Men - Loneliness
<view this essay>.... goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody. Don’t matter no difference who the guy is, longs he with you. I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an he gets sick" (Steinbeck, 13)
Crooks is a black man that experiences isolation because the society in which he resides is racist. As a result, the previous quote was his means of finding a personal connection to Lennie. Like Lennie, Crooks has a ‘relationship’ with loneliness. He knows that when people get lonely, they tend to get sick. Studies show that people who suffer from loneliness have higher incidence of health problems. This can be determined based on his emotional behavior. "A 1998 study showed that 50 percent of patien .....
Number of words: 1842 | Number of pages: 7 |
A Separate Peace And A Real War
<view this essay>.... reality which is the war. This idea is established clearly in a lengthy speech Gene gives as the narrator of the story in Chapter Three:
Everyone has a moment in history which belongs particularly to him. It is the moment when his emotions achieve their most powerful sway over him, and afterward when you say to this person "the world today" or "life" or "reality" he will assume that you mean this moment, even if it is fifty years past. The world, through his unleashed emotions, imprinted itself upon him, and he carries the stamp of that passing moment forever. (32)
This statement explains that Gene must have something that i .....
Number of words: 3388 | Number of pages: 13 |
Paganism, Say Hello To Christi
<view this essay>.... one in the epic of Beowulf.
Not only does the fact of Grendel having the mark of Cain symbolize that he is inherently
evil because of his family line, but it also shows Beowulf's devotion to the Christian God.
Beowulf knows that he cannot kill Grendel*, because the Christian God said that if anyone
kills a man with this mark "he shall be avenged sevenfold."
In the epic of Beowulf, Beowulf makes many references to his fate. Fate, by definition,
is a pagan belief. There is no belief in fate in the Christian religion, yet fate seems to play
an important role in the morality and values of Beowulf. For instance, Beowulf .....
Number of words: 535 | Number of pages: 2 |
Beowulf 2
<view this essay>.... savior. His self-imposed purpose in life is to help others, and eventually sacrifice his own life in doing so. In the short time period in which we have joined Beowulf, more heroic acts are presented than any normal man can have accomplished in his entire being. Beowulf's motive for crossing the sea to visitHrothgar was to repay a favor that was owed by his father, Scyld Scefing. Known to Beowulf wasthe chaos that which had been implemented by the demon, Grendel, on the kingdom. His plans were to rid the people of this nuisance. But this feat would not be as simple as first thought. Beowulf was able to overcome Grendel with minimal effort, but this was o .....
Number of words: 281 | Number of pages: 2 |
East Of Eden By John Steinbeck
<view this essay>.... their relationship was the one visit in which Jefferson told Mr. Wiggins that he wanted a gallon of ice cream, and that he never had enough ice cream in his whole life. At that point Jefferson confided something in Mr. Wiggins, something that I didn't see Jefferson doing often at all in this book.
"I saw a slight smile come to his face, and it was not a bitter smile. Not bitter at all"; this is the first instance in which Jefferson breaks his somber barrier and shows emotions. At that point he became a man, not a hog. As far as the story tells, he never showed any sort of emotion before the shooting or after up until that point. A hog can't show emotions, but .....
Number of words: 962 | Number of pages: 4 |