» English Essays and Papers
The Color Purple - The Struggl
<view this essay>.... an animal. After slavery was abolished, Colored people still had to deal with racial discrimination and hatred. If this sounds rough, black women had it worse. African-American women had to deal with all the previously mentioned things, but they were women too! Females were oppressed almost as bad as the blacks. White women were not able to vote until the 1920. Therefore colored women had a double edged sword, they had to fight for freedom, but not be to dominate as to effect the men. Alice Walker's The Color Purple is a good example of colored women's plight. Three obstacles black women had to overcome to be able to express themselves were Racism, the lack o .....
Number of words: 1413 | Number of pages: 6 |
The Crucible: Social Deteriora
<view this essay>.... social status.
Being isolated from any other group of people with different beliefs created a church led Puritan society that was not able to accept a lot of change. The church was against the devil, at the same time it was against such things as dancing and other premature acts. The reputation of the family was very important to the members of the community. When the girls were caught dancing in the woods, they lied to protect not just themselves but the reputation of their families. They claimed that the devil took them over and influenced them to dance. The girls also said that they saw members of the town standing with the devil. A community living i .....
Number of words: 832 | Number of pages: 4 |
The Cult Of True Womanhood
<view this essay>.... between the genders, and therefore, caused tension. Basically, it
states that men are to work and make money for the family. A woman's goal was to
find a husband and have children. Women were also expected to have four main
cardinal virtues - piety, purity, submissiveness, and domestication. Piety is,
basically, grace. Women were to expected to always be dainty and lovely. Purity
speaks for itself. Women were expected to stay abstinent until marriage.
Submissiveness means that the woman should, once married to a man, completely
devote herself to him, carrying out his every wish within her power. One very
powerful sentence in the essay well represent .....
Number of words: 561 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Crucible Essay
<view this essay>.... After the teenage girls were being questioned about all of them
dancing naked in the woods Abigail was quick to put the blame Tituba.
“Abigail, it may be your cousin is dying. Did you call the
devil last night?”
“I never called him! Tituba, Tituba….” Pg.42
Tituba then confesses to compacting with the devil and starts the witch-hunt
in Salem by telling Mr. Hale that she had seen 4 people with devil. She then
further involves herself by admitting that the devil called out to her.
“He say Mr. Parris must be kill! Mr. Parris no goodly
man, Mr. Parris mean man and no gentle man, and he bid
me rise .....
Number of words: 1091 | Number of pages: 4 |
<view this essay>.... intentions and remains loyal to the dead and is even obsessed with her in some ways. "Mrs. Danvers' relationship to , is such that she could never allow herself to believe that any human being could destroy her" (Kelly 60). As clues to the cause of ' death are uncovered, the story form of the story changes. Dumarier uses not only writing techniques such as foreshadowing and symbolism to make the novel more suspenseful, but she also uses the elements of greed, deception, and insecurity to change from a Gothic Romance novel into a successful mystery.
"The basic structure of is that of the modern Gothic Romance" (Masterplots 3). The characters and the .....
Number of words: 1689 | Number of pages: 7 |
Brighton Rock
<view this essay>.... influence on Pinkie is Mr. Colleoni; a man with a business empire, control of his own powerful mob as well as the police and other governmental authorities, and shops in Brighton. This man has all that Pinkie wants, and this brings Pinkie to a life of crime and constant mortal sin. Pinkie has in my opinion been misguided by Mr. Colleoni's empire, and that is why he is just an evil boy who thinks that having a lifestyle like Mr. Colleoni will bring him happiness. Pinkie is also blind to the happiness that the descent people like Rose and Ida have because of his misguided life. Pinkie's evil desire is what causes him to do whatever it takes to get this life sty .....
Number of words: 900 | Number of pages: 4 |
The Bluest Eye
<view this essay>.... and Pecola.
In Toni Morrison’s story and in real life, beauty is described by people as having blond hair, blue eyes , perfect figure, etc. It’s been said that if you have good looks, you can make it in life with just looks alone. People only strive for becoming beautiful because they want attention. As is the case in Toni Morrison’s story. The characters in her story think that they are ugly , by others opinions of them , and want to become beautiful so they will be recognized and be the center of attention. But the harder both characters try, the worse things get.
Pauline strived for beauty because she wanted to attention and wanted to be beautiful .....
Number of words: 569 | Number of pages: 3 |
Where The Red Fern Grows
<view this essay>.... wanted. He was so excited that instead of waiting for the dogs to come to him he went to the dogs. After getting the puppies Billy got into a fight with some school kids because they were picking on the puppies and Billy was getting angry. He wanted to protect the puppies
When Billy and his dogs went coon hunting Old Dan went up a dead hollow tree to try and catch the coon who went up there. So Billy had to go up and get him down. Billy tried as hard as he could to get his big dog down, then he finally did. When Old Dan got down he was so eager to get the coon he went back up the tree. So Billy went up the tree again and tried to get him down. With all his stre .....
Number of words: 569 | Number of pages: 3 |