» English Essays and Papers
Lord Of The Flies
<view this essay>.... only one on the island that wears glasses to aid his vision, and seems to be a character easily disliked because of his babyish personality. Although he is one of the most rational and logical thinkers, his ideas are seldom heeded, mainly because of his persistent whining. Piggy has asthma, and this makes it difficult for him to work. Ralph, being the first to meet Piggy, became his guardian, and protector from the other children’s cruelty on the island.
Jack - Jack Merridew is a singer, head of the choir, and has an intimidating appearance and way of talk. Jack is jealous, and when Ralph is elected Chief, Jack forms a bit of hatred in his heart, not rev .....
Number of words: 950 | Number of pages: 4 |
Hamlet - Enstragement In Hamlet
<view this essay>.... murder thus preventing Hamlet from committing suicide at a time when he felt like doing so to avenge his father’s death because both murder and suicide are considered sins (Cahn 97).
" To be, or not to be, that is the question:/ Whether’ tis nobler in the mind to suffer/ The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune/ or to take arms a sea of troubles…", (Act III, I.)
Hamlet is questioning if it is worth living in such misery or not as everyday he is burdened with trying to avenge his father’s death. At this stage Hamlet is suicidal and risks himself being estranged from his religious principals as he begins to think of suicide. If Hamlet were to kil .....
Number of words: 1590 | Number of pages: 6 |
Romeo And Juliet -3 People Who Betrayed Juliet
<view this essay>.... wrong decisions in her life.
First of all, Lady Capulet is Juliet’s mother. A mother is suppose to be close to her daughter, and is the person who knows and understands Juliet the most. But in this case her mother is the first person to let her down. For example, when Lord Capulet made the decision in act three scene 5 that Juliet should marry Paris, her mother stood up for that decision even though she knew that Juliet didn't want to marry Paris. I think her mother should of been on Juliet’s side, because she's her mother and she has experience in marriage and should know marrying someone you do not like is not a good idea. Also, another betrayal .....
Number of words: 1071 | Number of pages: 4 |
Analysis Of Similes In The Ill
<view this essay>.... creatures, and higher brain activity seems
to be in short, and in Odysseus' case, valuable, order.
It is also wise to remember that history is written by the
winners. In the Iliad, there seems to be relatively little
storyline from the Trojan's side. We are regaled with story upon
story of the Greeks, their heroes, and their exploits, while the
Trojan's are conspicuously quiet, sans Hector of course. It could
almost be assumed that throughout time most of the knowledge of
the battle from the Trojan side had been lost.
Considering the ability to affect feelings with similes, and
the one-sided view of history, Homer could be usin .....
Number of words: 1871 | Number of pages: 7 |
The House On Bluestone Road
<view this essay>.... Paul D to be there. It had always just been Denver, her mother, and the ghost of her sister who she done everything with. Paul D ends up staying with Denver and her mother quite a bit of time. Because of Paul D, the ghost is driven out of the house. One day Paul D invites Denver and her mother to go to the fair in town with him. On their way back from the fair they see a mysterious figure sleeping on a tree stump close to their home. The girl sleeping on the stump looked very tired and in need of help. When Sethe asks the girl what her name is, she replies by saying it is Beloved. This comes as great shock, because that is what Sethe had wrote on her d .....
Number of words: 552 | Number of pages: 3 |
Flowers For Algernon(Book)
<view this essay>.... the operation, on of Charlie’s friends Joe Carp teases him about the operation saying “hey look where Charlie had his operation what did they do Charlie, put some brains in.” Another time Charlie realizes humans can be cruel is when Charlie is in a restaurant and the bus boy who is mentally challenged drops the dishes on the floor, the people start laughing at him and make fun of him. This makes Charlie upset and he begins to yell at the customers in the restaurant saying “Shut up. Leave him alone. It’s not his fault he can’t understand. He can’t help what he is. But he’s still a human being.” Charlie also does not realizethat his friends are laughing at hi .....
Number of words: 588 | Number of pages: 3 |
Research Paper On The Lord Of The Flies
<view this essay>.... but not entirely effective leader of a democratic state, a ruler who wants to rule by law derived from the common consent” (188). Ralph feels he needs to establish rules in order to ensure order and stability. The only way for this to be sustained is if these rules are not broken. This idea of rules being made supports a democratic society. Being the oldest boy, Ralph was chosen to be chief and he continues to tell the others what they need to do in order to survive. However most boys disagree and think of Ralph as demanding, bossy, and an ineffective leader.
Piggy is another boy stranded on the island who helps and gives advice to support Ralph. Henningfeld ad .....
Number of words: 1576 | Number of pages: 6 |
Lord Of The Flies - Primitive
<view this essay>.... through ritualistic actions. Finally, primitive society’s emphasis on fear-provoking, irrational behavior in comparison to modern society’s insistence on rationality will be addressed.
In a primitive society, chanting is designed to provide a group with benefits such as the acquiring of material possessions, health, and monopoly over one’s personal circumstances or those of another person. This ritual is performed until one feels satisfied, and/or has been led into spiritual contact with another realm. Another purpose of the chant is for one to feel a powerful being emerge within one’s soul, resulting in a god-like sensation for a short amount of time. I .....
Number of words: 1147 | Number of pages: 5 |