» English Essays and Papers
Revenge Vs Justice(macbath)
<view this essay>.... by his son Laertes. Both Prince Hamlet and Laertes go to seek revenge for the death of their fathers. The revenges lead to the death of the entire Royal family. Also Fortinbras, King of Norway, was killed by King Hamlet; slain by sword during the duel. So Prince of Norway, son of King Fortinbras seeks for revenge on Denmark of his father’s death. Also revenge is improper and wrong way to punish someone for his fault. Their acts of emotion lead to the downfall of two, and the rise to power of one.
After the death of King Hamlet, King Claudius married late Hamlet’s wife, Queen Gertrude. Prince Hamlet, son of King Hamlet has a meeting with the g .....
Number of words: 1905 | Number of pages: 7 |
Antogonistic Enlightenment
<view this essay>.... revealed to be durable, deep, and determined. These qualities enable him to successfully petition for humane treatment, in a racially oppressive climate, without begging the question of propriety.
Brille is a political prisoner in racially segregated South Africa, anyone would assume he joined politics to end apartheid. Yet, in describing the unbelievable "human brutality" he has witnessed, he describes the fighting of his 12 children (21). Hannetjie assumed Brille was accustomed to Hannetjie's oppressive behaviors, but ironically Brille was only now a victim of violence (21). He did not use politics to better his life, until he was imprisoned for only pret .....
Number of words: 602 | Number of pages: 3 |
A Rose For Emily
<view this essay>.... to dream of the love missing from her life. The rose from the title symbolizes this absent love. It symbolizes the roses and flowers that Emily never received, the lovers that overlooked her.
The domineering attitude of Emily's father keeps her to himself, inside the house, and alone until his death. In his own way, Emily's father shows her how to love. Through a forced obligation to love only him, as he drives off young male callers, he teaches his daughter lessons of love. It is this dysfunctional love that resurfaces later, because it is the only way Emily knows how to love.
When Homer Baron, a construction worker, comes into Emily's life he sheds hope int .....
Number of words: 644 | Number of pages: 3 |
Loving April
<view this essay>.... after being abandoned by his father to a life of poverty and sadness. Tony is angry with everyone and is desperately lonely. April Dean, the deaf girl also needs friends. April who doesn't have many friends begins a friendship with Tony and this continues throughout the novel.
" 'Why don't I have any friends?' April sighed." Page 83
It is evident that the main character has a primary element, one which clearly indicates that she has no friends.
As the story goes on, April falls in love with Tony. April liked Tony from the beginning and her love for Tony grows throughout the story. This creates jealousy in two boys who love teasing April.
"April, beau .....
Number of words: 947 | Number of pages: 4 |
Everyman - Play Analysis
<view this essay>.... of teeth." According to the play's allegory, what forces in everyday human life cause us to Every persons to waste our talents?
Everyman, English morality play written anonymously in the late 15th century. The play is an allegory of death and the fate of the soul. Summoned by Death, Everyman calls on Fellowship, Goods, and Strength for help, but they desert him. Only Good Deeds and Knowledge remain faithful and lead him toward salvation. It is generally considered the finest of the morality plays.
Scene 1:
God tells Death to go down to earth and retrieve Everyman. God orders Death to do this because God feels that it is time or Everyman to go to th .....
Number of words: 1665 | Number of pages: 7 |
The Hobbit
<view this essay>.... the treasure he stole from the dwarves of Dale.
GOLLUM: He is perfect example of the evil powers of the One Ring. He was born a Hobbit but had the ring too long. It made him into a slimey little creature who only lives to possess the ring.
BARD: The archer who killed Smaug. He shot the dragon in the one spot it had no protection. The towns people later considered him a hero. What the people didn't know it was Bilbo who discovered the weak spot in the dragon's iron scales.
BEORN: An enemy of orcs, he becomes friends with Bilbo and Gandalf. He has th e ability to change forms from human to bear. It is he who determines the outco me of the battle of five A .....
Number of words: 1530 | Number of pages: 6 |
Grapes Of Wrath
<view this essay>.... was much more complex than the average individual. His unpredjudiced, unified, Christ-like existence twists and turns with every mental and extraneous disaccord.
Jim Casy is an interesting, complicated man. He can be seen as a modern day Christ figure, except without the tending manifest belief in the Christian faith. The initials of his name, J.C., are the same as Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus was exalted by many for what he stood for was supposed to be , Casy was hailed and respected by many for simply being a preacher. Casy and Jesus both saw a common goodness in the average man and saw every person as holy. Both Christ and Casy faced struggles b .....
Number of words: 2484 | Number of pages: 10 |
Scarlet Letter, Sin In
<view this essay>.... of her life she will have to wear not only the scarlet letter on the outside, but also on the inside feeling forever guilty about the sin she had committed. But Hester Prynne, unlike her partner in sin the Reverend Master Dimmesdale, was able to partially over come her guilt and live a somewhat secluded life in peace.
The Reverend Master Dimmesdale was unable to overcome his guilt because, unlike Hester Prynne, he had to hide it. Until the very last hour of his life the Reverend Master Dimmesdale could not confess to the sin and was forced to hold all his guilt in his heart, where with the help of the flaming touch of Mr. Roger Chillingworth, it burned in h .....
Number of words: 633 | Number of pages: 3 |