» English Essays and Papers
Alice In Wonderland
<view this essay>.... seem unbelievable and the unbelievable seem real.
In H.G. Wells’s The Island of Dr. Moreau, we see right from the beginning that imagination and reality are blended together to create an air of confusion. In the introduction we are told that Prendick disappeared for eleven months. When he was found, he told a story that no one would believe. “He gave such a strange account of himself that he was supposed demented (pg. 1).” So right from the beginning we do not know what to believe. Later in the story, Prendick is picked up by the Ipecacuanha. On this ship there are deformed and strange men riding with Montgomery. “He was, I could see, a misshappen man, .....
Number of words: 863 | Number of pages: 4 |
Catcher In The Rye
<view this essay>.... of a cliff, which depicts a dividing point between the evident beginning and end. The connection, which binds this gap in reality, was made clear through a new found compassion, consummating Holden’s place in society through the realization of his surroundings from which he successfully crosses over. Focusing on the rebellious and confused actuality of adolescents stuck between the innocence of childhood and the corruptness of the adult world, this novel strikes a cord, which most adolescents can relate. The essence of the story The follows the forty-eight hour escapade of sixteen-year-old Holden Caulfield, told through first person narration. After .....
Number of words: 1529 | Number of pages: 6 |
Sonnet 43
<view this essay>.... with what it says, but there are some examples of some literary techniques incorporated within the poem.
First off, this sonnet follows the typical form of most Shakespearean sonnets. It has 14 lines, which the typical rhyme scheme of abab cdcd efef gg. The sonnet is also written in Iambic Pentameter. This sonnet deals with the traditional sonnet topic of love. Many sonnets throughout time have dealt with the topic of love. In this sonnet there are several examples of repetition of words within the same line.
The first two lines of start with the speaker declaring that he sees best when he closes his eyes, for all day he views things that go by .....
Number of words: 805 | Number of pages: 3 |
Roman Life In Julius Caesar
<view this essay>.... able to bear more. It is also a supposed time of sexual glorification and happiness. Other scenes depict how throughout Rome, roaming the streets are mysterious sooth-sayers, who are supposedly given the power to predict the future. Dictating what is to come through terse tidbits, these people may also be looked upon as superstitious. In the opening scene, one sooth-sayer, old in his years, warns Caesar to "Beware the Ides of March," an admonition of Caesar's impending death. Although sooth-sayers are looked upon by many as insane out of touch lower classmen, a good deal of them, obviously including the sayer Caesar encountered, are indeed right on the mark. S .....
Number of words: 744 | Number of pages: 3 |
Joy Luck Club
<view this essay>.... were cause by the dissimilarities of the two cultures, especially the contrasting dinner etiquette's to explain these differences.
The cultural difference that is the easiest to see is dinner etiquette. I was upset when I first came to Canada about how the people kept taking my food because they were too lazy to go and get some more. After three years, I am taking food from the people in the dining hall, which means I have changed my way of thinking in this respect. The reason that I was upset is that Asian people have a stereotype about food. It is just like this. If I have taken this, this is mine, and nobody can touch this. This may sound barbaric or like a .....
Number of words: 1152 | Number of pages: 5 |
An Analysis Of If Men Could Me
<view this essay>.... cannot justify or gratify himself unless some other party recognizes a superior, therefor; it obviously becomes imperative for men to be seen by other as superiors. Based on this reasoning it is safe to imply that distinctions are a man made concepts that are used to promote his superiority be it in class, color and gender. Gloria Steinem uniquely presented a true and accurate stance on gender distinction based on the fact that any and almost every thing has been used to promote male superiority and female inferiority.
The society today is not one that lends itself to the topic of a woman’s menstruation; quite frankly it is revered as taboo. A wom .....
Number of words: 907 | Number of pages: 4 |
Literary Themes In All Quiet O
<view this essay>.... with Germany’s soldiers fighting an
institutionalized war. Soldiers were trained to destroy and kill the enemy. By institutionalizing the war, it was made easier to kill someone just like you for no reason. But by depersonalizing the soldiers with their enemy, it left devastating effects on the mind and heart. Soldiers emotions were deadened and they became irrational. Throughout the story, Paul Baumer, the narrator does not talk about killing someone but as the story progresses, this changes. An example of Paul acting irrational because of the effect war had on him was when he was in the trenches and all of a sudden, a French soldier comes into the tr .....
Number of words: 939 | Number of pages: 4 |
Salt Garden
<view this essay>.... she is content with things the way that they are, being with both men, which she later realizes can not continue for long and there is nothing she can say or do to prevent it from happening that way. At the conclusion of the story, when Alma comes to the realization that her and Theo will not be together forever, it is this point in the story when she really begins to see how her power in the relationship is not balanced and how really she has no control on the outcome.
Munro's short story, Miles City Montana, displays a distinct loss of power when the narrator is confronted with the unendurable thought of not being capable of protecting her child from death. .....
Number of words: 985 | Number of pages: 4 |