» English Essays and Papers
White Fang
<view this essay>.... of this is Jack London’s .
A very wonderful tool to an author is the use of symbols within a story. One of the more common symbols throughout short stories and novels ultimately refers to the bible and religious history. In most, if not all stories have the relationship between good and evil – heaven and hell. Whether implied or not by Jack London, is full of many interesting biblical symbols. The character Beauty Smith, for instance very simply put symbolizes Satan. This man, this creature so vile as to subdue yet another victim () into his ever-growing underground slavery prison camps. The greed for money and profit is the only need for this " .....
Number of words: 878 | Number of pages: 4 |
"Red Convertible" And "Red Dress": Changes In Personalities
<view this essay>.... a person has and the process of growing. In "Red Dress", the main character, Alice, her personality has changed by the desires she has which are she wants to get the independence and be matured. In "Red convertible", the main character, Henry, his personality has changed by the things he has to go through and also the surrounding.
The surrounding can change people and the things they have to go through can change people also. At the beginning of the story "Red Convertible", Henry is kind and very close to his broth, Lyman. One day, the army turns Henry into a Marine. Henry joins the Vietnam War and his enemies catch him. Later on, the war is solved by the .....
Number of words: 922 | Number of pages: 4 |
Solomon Gursky Was Here
<view this essay>.... in England in the mid 1800's by forging documents, also allowing him to join a crew searching for the Northwest passage, called the Franklin Epedition. The expedition turned into a total disaster, Ephraim, the sole survivor. The youngest Gursky appearing in this story is Isaac, Solomon's grandson. This complex tale unravels, as Moses recalls, all of the events in his life which pertain to it. Ever present in this Canadian cultural satire is the theme of filial relationships and the exploration of Solomon and his re-incarnation as Sir Hyman Kaplansky, in conjunction with his family and their exploits. Every character in this novel is in some way corrupt .....
Number of words: 1403 | Number of pages: 6 |
Grapes Of Wrath
<view this essay>.... three different periods of U.S. history display how Americans can treat fellow Americans so cruelly.
African Americans were terribly treated after slavery. Although they were Americans just like the whites, many of the whites hated them because they were different. One example of mistreatment of the African Americans was segregation, which was the division of local places by race. The blacks were thought to be so "dirty", and the whites were scared of them. The whites did not want the blacks to mix with the whites. Public areas such as schools were segregated so the blacks and whites went to different schools. It was like the whites wanted to rid the U.S. .....
Number of words: 616 | Number of pages: 3 |
A Crime In The Neighborhood
<view this essay>.... had run off with his
sister-in-law, leaving his wife and three children to manage on their own. Marsha, stunned by her
father’s abandonment and having broken her ankle, spends the summer witnessing her mother’s
desperate attempts to cope, the neighborhood’s paranoid response to the murder and even the
country’s disorientation over the unfolding Watergate scandal. The tension proves too great when
the Eberhardts’ shy bachelor neighbor, Mr. Green, takes interest in Marsha’s mother. Though
murder is the most visible crime in Marsha’s neighborhood, it is by no means the only one,
Marsha’s father and aunt run off together and Marsha wrongly accusses Mr. .....
Number of words: 1339 | Number of pages: 5 |
The Call Of The Wild
<view this essay>.... and a Scotch Shepherd dog. He weighed one hundred and forty pounds, and he carried every one with utmost pride. Buck had everything he could want. Little did he know, he would soon have it all taken away from him. One night, while the judge was away at a raisin grower's committee meeting, the gardener, Manuel, took Buck away from his home. Buck was then sold, and thrown in a baggage car. This would be the beginning of a new, cruel life for Buck. On his ride to wherever he was going, Buck's pride was severely damaged, if not completely wiped out by men who used tools to restrain him. No matter how many times Buck tried to lunge, he would just be choked int .....
Number of words: 913 | Number of pages: 4 |
Young Goodman Brown 6
<view this essay>.... with an ordinary last name. All he wanted was to advance in his social and religion status. His wife, Faith, is a sweet girl who wants her husband to stay home all the time. She wore pink ribbons in her hair, which in the Puritan Era pink resembled pollution. Pink is a mixture of white and red which was not a true color. Today in society pink means innocence, which is ironic from the Puritan way. The fellow traveler could have been either Young Goodman Brown’s own personal devil or his father. The townspeople were church going people yet in the end they contradicted their own values and beliefs.
The plot of “Young Goodman Brown” h .....
Number of words: 450 | Number of pages: 2 |
Life Of Ma Parker
<view this essay>.... and mother, she’s the generic British working-class female at the turn of the century – cowed by drudgery and burdened by loss. Her husband, a baker, died of ‘white lung’ disease, and those children who survived the high rate of infant mortality fell victim to other ills of the late-Victorian underclass: emigration, prostitution, poor health, worse luck" (Lohafer 475). At the present point in the story, Ma Parker arrives to work in the house of the literary gentleman after she buried the previous day her loving grandson, Lennie, who was the only ray of light in her dreary life. According to Irigaray, "all the systems of exchange that organize patr .....
Number of words: 1525 | Number of pages: 6 |