» English Essays and Papers
Racial Discrimination And Prej
<view this essay>.... for war, a symbol of terrorism, and even an excuse for neglecting others. I think it is necessary for us to find the solution by studying the precedent, to catch and correct ourselves so we can live in harmony and peace with others.
In the 18th century, the issue of slavery was becoming a hot political issue as well in the United State. Although some people favored the abolition slavery, however the Ku Klux Klan, a group made up of former Confederates, sprang up almost as soon as the slaves were free. The Members of Ku Klux Klan secretly met at night, dress in pointed white hoods and capes, and sought to punish blacks, whether they were innocent or guil .....
Number of words: 807 | Number of pages: 3 |
Hamlet 11
<view this essay>.... than married his sister. Hamlet gets a chance to kill Claudius, but Claudius is praying in church and hamlet does not want to kill Claudius and not damn his soul. It if he had done it he could have possible damned his own soul.
Another reason why Hamlet delays taking action against Claudius is because Hamlet wants to get him to admit that he is guilty of killing his father. Hamlet could possible be seen as being greedy here. Hamlets not only want to kill his Uncle Claudius but he wants to damn his soul and wants him to admit his guilt so that Hamlet can become King. To achieve his goal Hamlet writes a play that is called "Mouse Trap". In the play, a man kills h .....
Number of words: 832 | Number of pages: 4 |
The Bluest Eye
<view this essay>.... Breedlove was a young
black girl, growing up in Lorain, Ohio in the early 1940's. Her life was one of the
most difficult in the novel, for she was almost totally alone. She suffered the
most because she had to withstand having others' anger dumped on her,
internalized this hate, and was unable to get angry herself. Over the course of
the novel, this anger destroys her from the inside. When Geraldine yells at her
to get out of her house, Pecola's eyes were fixed on the "pretty" lady and her
"pretty" house. Pecola does not stand up to Maureen Peal when she made fun of
her for seeing her dad naked but instead lets Freida and Claudia fight for her.
Inste .....
Number of words: 1403 | Number of pages: 6 |
Handmaids Tale
<view this essay>.... control and being brainwashed could be found in many parts of books in many forms. For example, before the women became handmaids, they were at a institution where they get educated and influenced by the aunts on how they should live their lives. In the institution, the aunts treat the women like children. ¡°But whose fault was it? Aunt Helena says, holding up on plump finger.¡±(93), aunts ask such questions, which leads the women to think the way the society wants them to think. ¡°Her fault, her fault, her fault, we chant in unison.¡±(94), and the women repeats the answer out loud as a whole as if they were young kindergartners, and by doing so, they are bei .....
Number of words: 585 | Number of pages: 3 |
Persecuting The Innocent - To
<view this essay>.... foot beast with a long jagged scar on his face, yellow teeth, and bulging eyes. They suspect that he peers into people’s windows at night to stalk them and he may try to kill them. The real Boo, however, possesses a kind soul and a gentle heart. He manages to find ways to communicate in a positive and playful way with Jem, Scout, and Dill, but everyone suspects Boo of enigmatic crimes when “once the town was terrorized and…people still looked to the Radley Place, unwilling to discard their initial suspicions” (9). The townspeople do not give Boo a chance; they rather make rash conclusions. His seclusion from the town instantly opens him up to ridicul .....
Number of words: 628 | Number of pages: 3 |
Of Mice And Men
<view this essay>.... why it is an excellent novel, but at
the same time it left me with a kind of unpleasant feeling in the back of my mind. I can’t
see how an author could write a book with such a short and sudden ending. The last
images he leaves the reader with is George and Slim walking off as Curly says “ Now
what in the hell is eating them?” thus the book ends on a harsh, cruel note, topped off by
the lack of understanding and compassion of an extraordinarily immoral and cruel man.
Whatever Steinbeck’s intent for writing such a jarring ending, he leaves the reader with a
powerful sense of the world’s immorality.
In this book there we .....
Number of words: 1593 | Number of pages: 6 |
Animal Farm
<view this essay>.... in maintains that in every society there are leaders who, if given the opportunity, will likely abuse their power.
The book begins in the barnyard of Mr. Jones' "Manor Farm". The animals congregate at a meeting led by the prize white boar, Major. Major points out to the assembled animals that no animal in England is free. He further explains that the products of their labor is stolen by man, who alone benefits. Man, in turn, gives back to the animals the bare minimum which will keep them from starvation while he profits from the rest. The old boar tells them that the source of all their problems is man, and that they must remove man from their midst to a .....
Number of words: 730 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Birthmark 2
<view this essay>.... basis. These surgeries allow for almost any cosmetic transformation. For example a person can have anything from removing a birthmark to inserting breast implants to having a tummy tuck done on their body. Society manifests their obsession with physical perfection by having these procedures done to them. These procedures enable society to achieve “perfection”, much like Georgiana in the “Birthmark”.
In the “Birthmark”, a story that is more than a century old Georgiana and her husband Alymar are searching for physical perfection, much like we do today. In addition they manifested their obsession with physical perfecti .....
Number of words: 388 | Number of pages: 2 |