» English Essays and Papers
Realism And Naturalism In 20th
<view this essay>.... only depicted American society after World War I accurately and unbiasedly, but also tried to find the solutions brought upon by the suffering created by the war (Elliott 705).
The realistic movement of the late 19th century saw authors accurately depict life and its problems. Realists attempted to �give a comprehensive picture of modern life� (Elliott 502) by presenting many walks of life. They did not try to give one view of life but instead attempted to show the different classes, manners, and stratification of life in America. Realists created this picture of America by combining a wide variety of �details derived from observation and documentation� to .....
Number of words: 2147 | Number of pages: 8 |
Out Of This Furnace
<view this essay>.... and hopes of a better life, Bell tells the story of reality and challenges that await the immigrating Slovaks. He shows through the lives of Kracha, Mike, and Mary, that immigrants can be successful despite the anti-immigrant sentiment and power of large corporations.
Djuro Kracha, a recent immigrant, leaves Hungary in hopes that he is "leaving behind the endless poverty and oppression that were the birthrights of a Slovak peasant in Franz Josef's empire" (Bell, p.3). Kracha's desire to leave his plight behind in his native country and restart his life in America is the reason that also drove the Chinese to the United States, earlier the Irish and l .....
Number of words: 1356 | Number of pages: 5 |
The Journey Of Odysseus And Telemachos
<view this essay>.... he is developed from a childish, passive, and untested boy, to a
young man preparing to stand by his fathers side. This is directly
connected to the voyage of Odysseus, in that they both lead to the same
finale, and are both stepping stones towards wisdom, manhood, and
scholarship. Through these voyages certain parallels are drawn concerning
Odysseus and Telemachos: the physical journeys, the mental preparations
they have produced, and what their emotional status has resulted in. These
all partake a immense role in the way the story is set up, stemming from
the purpose of each characters journey, their personal challenges, and
the difficulties that surrou .....
Number of words: 2541 | Number of pages: 10 |
<view this essay>.... the goddess Hera who
had pity on the dying Achaians. Achilleus a leader even before his time of
greatness spoke up for his people against the son of Atreus saying "I believe
now that straggling backwards we must make our way home if we can even
escape death, if fighting now must crush the Achaians and the plague
likewise". Agamemnon who claims himself as the far greatest of all the
Achaians shows fear to Achilleus by calling him a "good fighter though you
be, godlike ".
By defeating Agamemnon Achilleus proves to be the greatest Achaian
soldier and the most respected because he stood up to Agamemnon the
"wine sack, w .....
Number of words: 322 | Number of pages: 2 |
Grapes Of Wrath - Allusions
<view this essay>.... that followed Jesus. Connie represents the traitor, the Judas figure who had betrayed Jesus the night of his arrest when he walks out on his family for selfish reasons. Jim Casy is an allusion to Jesus Christ. They have the same initials and live their lives as examples of their beliefs; Jesus to the world and Casy to Tom. Casy even compares himself to Christ when he says, "I got tired like Him, an� I got mixed up like Him, an� I went into the wilderness like Him, without no campin� stuff" (105). In the first half of the book Casy is thinking and forming his ideas. He changes from a thinker to a man of action when he sacrifices himself for Tom. When .....
Number of words: 851 | Number of pages: 4 |
A Farewell To Arms 4
<view this essay>.... Frederick's actions are
determined by his position until he deserts the army.
Floating down the river with barely a hold on a piece of
wood his life, he abandons everything except Catherine and
lets the river take him to a new life that becomes
increasing difficult to understand.
The escape to Switzerland seemed too perfect for a book that
set a tone of ugliness in the world that was only dotted
with pure love like Henry's and Cat's and I knew the story
couldn't end with bliss in the slopes of Montreux. In a
world where the abstracts of glory, honor, and sacrifice
meant little to Frederick, his physical association with
Ca .....
Number of words: 298 | Number of pages: 2 |
King Arthur
<view this essay>.... by
Geoffrey of Monmouth called Historia Regum Britanniae (meaning History of
the Kings of Britain). he book supposedly covered history from 1200 B.C. to
689 A.D. Geoffrey includes many sources of information with his work but
most scholars believe it to be a fictional bibliography added only to give
his book some credibility. Therefore his work is considered to be
literature not factual history. Geoffrey is the one responsible for the
portrayal of Arthur as a splendid King who conquered the British Isles and
much of Europe Introduced by Geoffrey are Guenevere, Merlin, information
about Arthur's strange birth and death and the concept of chivalry. Due to
th .....
Number of words: 397 | Number of pages: 2 |
Literature Of Native Canadians
<view this essay>.... continent. But what if you aren't one of those fortunate enough to
be of European Christian descent?
Abstract: Christianity is one of the most profound influences this
world has ever known. Almost every facet of Canadian life, past or present,
is manifest with it. White Anglo Saxon Protestants came to this country
with adventure in their hearts and spreading the word of God on their minds.
The new settlers soon found that they were not alone in the country they
proclaimed as their own. They found a people, different from themselves and
with no loyalty to the Almighty God. This untamed, human was called �
savage' and, ignorantly, despise .....
Number of words: 4570 | Number of pages: 17 |