» English Essays and Papers
Philosophy - Socrates
<view this essay>.... of knowledge. Unfortunately, Socrates was put to death late in his
life. One of his best students, Plato, however, recorded what had occurred on that last day of Socrates'
life. On that last day of his life, Socrates made a quite powerful claim. He claimed that philosophy was
merely practice for getting used to death and dying.
At first, the connection between philosophy and death is not clear. However, as we unravel
Socrates' argument backing up his claim, the statement makes a lot of sense. In order for Philosophers to
examine their world accurately and learn the truth accurately, they must remove them selves of all
distractions. These not only inc .....
Number of words: 592 | Number of pages: 3 |
A Raisin In The Sun
<view this essay>.... now. Walter Lee Younger becomes obsessed with his dream of a business venture that will give him financial and social independence, after getting and losing the money that will help this dream become reality he realizes that pride and dignity are more important for him and his family.
Walter is obsessed with the insurance check that the family is waiting for, ten thousand dollars, will solve all his financial and social problems. The fact that the money is really his Mama�s because of the death of his father complicates the issue. But he points out "He was my father, too!" (38). Walter wants Mama to give him the money so he can open a liquor stor .....
Number of words: 765 | Number of pages: 3 |
My Last Duchess 4
<view this essay>.... of this marriage.
The reader is directed to imagine the Duke walking with the envoy through his art gallery and the Duke stops to show him a painting of his last Duchess that is presently covered by a curtain. “Since none puts by / the curtain I have drawn for you, but I” (9-10). This curtain is the first reference to the Dukes selfish, jealous, and protective traits. The Duke uses the curtain as a method of controlling his wife, even after her death. Other men admiring her beauty was unacceptable, so by hiding the painting behind a curtain, he controls who is allowed to gaze upon her. “Sir, ‘twas not / her husband’s presence only .....
Number of words: 1215 | Number of pages: 5 |
Methods Of Control
<view this essay>.... speaking, all men and women are created equally.
Equality comes in many forms as do methods of control. Equality ranges with
age, race, sex, color, and creed. All of these are very obvious to most.
These little, sometimes big, differences separate us all into our own
unique character. Each one of us wants to do our own thing, especially when
we reach the early stages of adulthood. This means staying out later. When
one has his or her, license, the rest of the world opens up. At this stage
one must be thinking what does this have to do with equality. It's simple.
Age separates the adults from the youth.
When one gets his or her license, they will want mo .....
Number of words: 660 | Number of pages: 3 |
A Review Of Lessing's "Flight"
<view this essay>.... and is not willing to let go of her. He 's attitude seems grumpy but
deep down inside it hurt him very much to see his grandaughter growing up and
with her boyfriend Steve. From the describtion we had for this old man, we can
understand much better what he feels. Then, this story have focused a bit closer
to the grandaughter's mother and her point of view on her daughter's marrige,
which she is happy with. The omniscient positions readers to a god-like position
which will let us have a better understanding of what the character feels, and
also all the `conflict' the character is experiencing and feeling.
The characters's point of view are important in revealin .....
Number of words: 598 | Number of pages: 3 |
The Dying Dreams
<view this essay>.... The reality versus illusion theme exhibits the parallelisms and the distinctions between the plays. The subject of human values may be compared through the points of view, the imagery, and the life lessons of the two works.
All My Sons denounces immorality more directly then Death of a Salesman. Joe Keller’s refusal to stop the shipment of cracked cylinder heads causes the deaths of innocent American soldiers. The grim reality is that he allowed the people who were defending him and fighting next to his sons to die, thus committing the ultimate sin of murder. In All My Sons Joe Keller immensely influences the lives of many outside his family whi .....
Number of words: 1295 | Number of pages: 5 |
A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
<view this essay>.... there was only the lonely old man in it. It was two a.m. and the bar is supposed to close at three. This young man throws the old man out of the bar just so he can go into bed with his wife. The young man has absolutely no respect for the older man who is deaf. He yelled at the old man saying, "You should have killed yourself last week." The waiter treats him like an obstacle as if he is slowing down his life.
The second waiter introduced is a middle-aged man. He does not say much, but it seems as though that this is because he does not want to get in a fight with the younger waiter. All he does is ask the young waiter questions, as .....
Number of words: 522 | Number of pages: 2 |
Shakespeare - Definition Of Love
<view this essay>.... With this having been so, Shakespeare�s weapon of choice to be inwrought to a woman�s heart was the powerful love poem. He understood love and how to attain love and demonstrated this in his often praised sonnets. Writing about the joys and tragedies while also writing about the trials and tribulations of love was Shakespeare�s objective in select sonnets � Sonnet 116 and Sonnet 129. His views on what is love put into prose enables all that read his sonnets to interpret Shakespeare�s definitions of love and lust.
Throughout his sonnets, Shakespeare discusses the conflicts that men have with time, such as time vs. the body and time vs. the mind. Alth .....
Number of words: 972 | Number of pages: 4 |